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Re: Off subject-please do not be offended

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I got pg with my second child when Jane was 10 mos old and undx. If

we had known what we know today we MIGHT not have had a second. ONLY

bc in Jane's case, she has EXTREME fight or flight and it has caused

much stress in the home as she can't handle being near anyone but me

and sometimes my dh. I really think a Higher Being knows the entire

plan, though, and I try not to dwell on what might have been....We

also have some issues that are common in families with ASD children

(depression-in our case). Think of alllll the things that can " go

wrong " (for lack of better term) in any person. We could find out

tomorrow that something is " wrong " with our NT son or any of the rest

of us. I did read that many parents choose not to have more after

they have an ASD child, for various reasons. Some things to consider

are the stress in your marriage, how much " time " your ASD " needs " . I

also saw a poll that showed the statistics were very low for having

more than one child with ASD, but that related " issues " were not

uncommon(ADHD, OCD). I guess I am glad we didn't have to " worry "

about if we should have more, and I understand your concerns.


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Anyway, I desperately want

> another child but reading all the research of all the things that


> happen and go wrong and having a child with serious issues as it is


> wonder if I am crazy. I noticed alot of you have more than one.


> did you make that decision. Weren't you afraid?

My second child was always different, he was injured by HepB vax at

two days old. So to me, he has always been different, I have never

known him any other way. I think it must be harder for parents

whose child developed until about 18 months and then regressed. But I

did not know he was autistic until I was pregnant with my fourth, so I

really did not have a chance to think about it much.

My oldest is ADD, my second is autistic [very low functioning before

diet, now basically NT altho delayed for his age], my third has

language delays [and same diet issues], my fourth is NT [but still has

same diet issues]. My other three kids have different issues and are

not as severe, because of the timing of their vaccinations and the

fact that I stopped vaccinating when I learned of the connection.

I would recommend, that if you believe you have time/energy/desire to

have another child, then you should do so, but it does need to be YOUR

decision, with your husband. And if you believe your first child is

vaccine-injured, then do not vaccinate your second child.


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I firmly believe, after much research and collected

results from other ASD kids, that my son's ASD was

caused by arsenic and antimony poisoning. For those

who don't know, these elements cause intense stomach

and intestinal distress, and I believe that that is

the cause of my son's leaky gut. Now that I know

better, I will not use baby products that contain

antimony and arsenic with our next child, which we are

trying for now. I have a protective cover for the

baby mattress, I have homemade sheets, I buy our baby

pajamas from the Gap (because they are not flame

retardant), and I will make all of my own receiving

blankets, or have them made for me. I am not afraid,

but that is only because I know why my child is like

this and I will hope to never again be as ignorant

about the poisons that are put into baby products.



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I often wondered the same thing you are wondering. Life has been so crazy

the past few years and the reason I wasn't sure on having another one is

because I wanted to make sure got everything he needed from me and

also his older brother has gone through alot as well. is now 6 and

just started kindergarten and with the help of this diet (and this group) is

doing wonderfully. I wasn't ever sure if we would have another one but I

just found out I am pregnant and I am sooooo happy because the thought of not

being able to have just one more always upset me. My boys are the best of

friends now and I think that at this level that they would love a little one

around the house. We didn't plan it and I think that is the way God

intended. If it is meant to be it will happen and you will be ready in your

heart when it is time.


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