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Kids Who Don't Eat

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Ross sounds a lot like my 3-year-old son, . has always been a

terrible eater. He won't try anything new. Three weeks ago we visited a DAN

doctor for test. He gave us a bunch of supplements to start on and

said to take away all casein and in 3 weeks to remove all gluten from his

diet. I started putting the various supplements into his orange juice and

his peanut butter and jelly sandwiches which was working well. Right from

the first day he seemed to improve. He would stare at our faces as though he

had never seen us clearly before. He would respond immediately when we

talked to him, and after 4 days on the supplements he said he first sentence.

Unfortunately, after a week, stopped eating and drinking anything I

could put supplements in. His diet has dwindled to Gorilla Munch, bananas,

and water (if he drinks anything). This has been going on for about 5 days.

Needless to say, he is no longer taking any supplements. I'm at a loss as to

what to do with him. Do I present him with a meal I know he won't eat and

then throw it away (including the special-order GFCF items I just got in the

mail)? I've locked the pantry to keep him from getting the Gorilla Munch

between meals, but I do give it to him after his meal has sat untouched for a

couple of hours. Is this behavior common? Does it ever get better or should

I start buying Gorilla Munch by the case?

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We have been gfcf for 4 years now and I remember clearly the first few months

were very difficult. Like you, we noticed immediate improvement, but

stopped eating almost everything for a while. He lost weight and I was very

concerned. After a few months, he started liking the new foods more and

accepting them more readily. He is still somewhat finicky, but very healthy and

loves his gfcf foods. My advice is just keep offering foods, try to make them

appealing with different presentations, etc. As long as you are giving

supplements, I think he will be fine and get used to the new way of eating

before long.

Good Luck,

Kids Who Don't Eat

Ross sounds a lot like my 3-year-old son, . has always been a

terrible eater. He won't try anything new. Three weeks ago we visited a DAN

doctor for test. He gave us a bunch of supplements to start on and

said to take away all casein and in 3 weeks to remove all gluten from his

diet. I started putting the various supplements into his orange juice and

his peanut butter and jelly sandwiches which was working well. Right from

the first day he seemed to improve. He would stare at our faces as though he

had never seen us clearly before. He would respond immediately when we

talked to him, and after 4 days on the supplements he said he first sentence.

Unfortunately, after a week, stopped eating and drinking anything I

could put supplements in. His diet has dwindled to Gorilla Munch, bananas,

and water (if he drinks anything). This has been going on for about 5 days.

Needless to say, he is no longer taking any supplements. I'm at a loss as to

what to do with him. Do I present him with a meal I know he won't eat and

then throw it away (including the special-order GFCF items I just got in the

mail)? I've locked the pantry to keep him from getting the Gorilla Munch

between meals, but I do give it to him after his meal has sat untouched for a

couple of hours. Is this behavior common? Does it ever get better or should

I start buying Gorilla Munch by the case?

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Hi I have a 3 year old also with PDD-Nos and we have been on the diet

for 4 months now. still does not eat much and we haven't

lost weight but her diet is very limited to:

CFGF potato chips

CFgF pretezels

CFGF pizza and pasta

CFGF ice cream

CFGF french fries

white grape juice

That's it and sometimes she just begs for goldfish. Once Sam started

school I could no longer give her supplements in juice. I started to

syringe feed them to her. The first 2 weeks were the worst. She now

whines and pretends to fight but its all over in less than a minute.

She gets a tsp of SNT and TMG each day ( I do the whole days dose at

once because I don't want any one else to have to fight with her-

plus I know what she took)

You may want to watch the banana intake. My daughter after being

GFCF got very excited about orange juice and started to request alot

of it. We noted her behavior became more irritable, demanding and

s/w aggressive. I learned more about phenols in foods like bananas,

OJ, apples etc. Once we removed or limited those life was pleasanter

around my house. I'm sure you can learn more in the archives about

the phenols and it is best to only make one change at a time anyway.

I am still waiting for Sam to start taking an interest in other

foods. I get glimmers at times but nothing yet! Everything takes


Good luck

Jeneane, Houston

Nick -5-NT

-3_pDD nos


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