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Re: Digest Number 3513

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This was posted on another e.group. Has anyone had any experience with this

place or does anyone have any information about them or their protocol?

PFEIFFER TREATMENT CENTER http://www.hriptc.org/autism_protocol.htm

Non-Profit Clinic of the Health Research Institute

Protocol for Autism Spectrum Disorders

Dear parent or guardian:

Due to the unique needs of patients with diagnoses in the Autism Spectrum,

the Pfeiffer Treatment Center has developed an advanced protocol that

addresses each patient's needs with individualized testing and treatment.

This protocol goes above and beyond the standard process described in our

general introductory materials.

A recent study conducted at our Center showed approximately 99% of our

autism spectrum patients (n=503) exhibited a metal metabolism disorder. Our

research has led us to the conclusion that most of these patients have

defective functioning of metallothionein protein (MT). A disabled MT protein

results in extreme sensitivity to toxic metals, copper elevation and zinc

depletion, incomplete maturation of the GI tract, imbalance of immune

function, and aberrations in brain neuronal growth and myelin sheath


Understanding Autism: A PBS News Hour with Jim Lehrer - Transcript



> [ Walsh, a chemist and senior scientist at the Pfeiffer

>Institute in the Chicago area, says that his research shows that an

>imbalance of metals metabolism is at the source of autism and that

>compensating adjustments in nutrition is an effective treatment.]



>For the video clip

>http://pbs-newshour.virage.com/cgi-bin/visearch?user=pbs-newshour & squery=%2


>ClipID%3A5+%2BVideoAsset%3Apbsnh082401 & template=player.html & inputField=%20 &


>cstart=2203734 & ccend=2812212 & videoId=pbsnh082401 & query=%2A & filter=null','Pr




>o <-- address ends here.


>For the Audio clip



>play=autism.rm <-- address ends here.


> RAY SUAREZ: Now, understanding autism, a developmental disorder that

>afflicts about half a million people in this country. The cause is still a

>medical mystery, but some progress is being made. Brackett of

>WTTW-Chicago reports.


> JEFF BOSCO: Zach, it's okay.

> ELIZABETH BRACKETT: The screams of their unhappy little boy let Tami

>and Jeff Bosco know that something was wrong with their child.

> TAMI BOSCO: Zachary was a difficult baby from the beginning, but we

>just wrote it off that he was a stubborn, difficult child. The


>the doctor said, " you know, every once in a while, you just get a child


>that. " We couldn't take him anywhere. I mean, we basically just stayed


>He was fine in his home environment, but we couldn't take him to

>restaurants. I would have to leave the Target or the grocery store, with

>things still in my cart because he would just go into a complete rage. And


>could not... I couldn't control him.

> JEFF BOSCO: It was a full blown rage that could last for 20 to 30

>minutes. And we did this for about six months to a year. We did this where

>he would have four or five rages a day. And that's when we knew that

>something just was not right.


> Looking for an explanation

> ELIZABETH BRACKETT: The Bosco family sought out Dr. Leventhal

>at the University of Chicago to help their son, Zachary. After three days


>examinations, Dr. Leventhal gave them the diagnosis they had suspected and

>feared: Zachary had a form of autism.

> JEFF BOSCO: It did feel like the bomb dropped on our house, because

>what was relayed to us was we've tested, after two and a half days of

>testing, his IQ is below 70. At that time, he wasn't saying any words. We

>don't know if he'll ever speak. And then they give you an article that


>well, you know, 80 percent of these kids have to be put into an


> TEACHER: Water. Look, it's getting wet.

> ELIZABETH BRACKETT: Children in this after-school program outside of

>Chicago have all been diagnosed with a form of autism. Autism is a complex

>developmental disability that typically appears during the first three


>of life. It affects normal brain development, making it harder for the

>autistic child to communicate with others and relate to the outside world.

>There are several types of autism. In the standard psychiatric handbook,

>they're all grouped under the heading " pervasive developmental disorder. "

>There have been many theories as to what causes autism. One of the early

>theories, says Dr. Leventhal, was to blame the child's mother.

> DR. BENNETT LEVENTHAL: It was thought that children were, initially

>when they were first born and the first few weeks or months of life, tended

>to turn inward, and it was the mother's job to coax the child to join the

>rest of the world. We now know that is completely untrue.

> ELIZABETH BRACKETT: Are there any known causes of autism?

> DR. BENNETT LEVENTHAL: Well, I think there is no doubt today that it

>is an abnormality in the way the brain develops, and there is strong

>evidence to suggest that at least the predominant cause is genetic,


>there is clearly some evidence that other kinds of events can cause the


>kind of brain damage.


> How to treat autism

> ELIZABETH BRACKETT: When the answer is autism, what do parents do?

>Traditional psychiatry has offered very few answers. But scientists here at

>the Pfeiffer Institute in Naperville, Illinois, believe they have


>the cause of autism, or at least its major contributing factor.

> WILLIAM WALSH: We may have found a cause of autism.

> ELIZABETH BRACKETT: Walsh, a chemist and senior scientist at

>the Pfeiffer Institute, bases his new and controversial finding on the


>of 503 children who have been diagnosed as autistic by their own


> WILLIAM WALSH: We found they all had the same severe problem. We


>that every single autistic that we saw has a rather remarkable really nasty

>error of metal metabolism. It seems to be inborn and genetic, and... it's


>inability of a particular protein to function. A protein that's supposed to

>be managing our metals-- it's called metallothionein-- that protein is not

>doing its job. And so you get all these crazy levels of metals in their

>brain and in their blood, but it also is the very same system that has the

>job of keeping toxic metal from harming us.

> ELIZABETH BRACKETT: Walsh presented the results of the analysis done

>in his labs at the American Psychiatric Association meeting in May. But it

>has not yet been published in a peer review journal. Walsh found the metal

>metabolism imbalance by analyzing samples of the children's blood, urine


>hair. He says to his surprise, he found problems with the protein

>metallothionein in all but four of the 503 autistic children, no matter


>kind of autism they had been diagnosed with.

> WILLIAM WALSH: You find that there is a chemical imbalance in the

>brain, then it can be changed. One can tinker with the chemistry and

>hopefully help the patient.

> ELIZABETH BRACKETT: Walsh has been studying disorders of metal

>metabolism for the past 25 years. (Beethoven's Fifth Symphony playing) He

>garnered national attention last year after determining that Ludwig Van

>Beethoven had died from lead poisoning.

> WILLIAM WALSH: This is Beethoven's hair.

> ELIZABETH BRACKETT: He did it by analyzing 170-year-old strands of


>famous composer's hair. Walsh began trying to understand what elements in

>the autistic child's body or brain chemistry had gone awry. This research

>led to what he saw as a remarkably high correlation between autism and


>metabolism imbalance as a result of the disordered metallothionein


>But Dr. Leventhal remained skeptical.

> DR. BENNETT LEVENTHAL: There is a tricky problem here. One is in


>to do the kind of studies that are likely to tell us the causes of


>like autism, ADHD and others, you have to very, very precisely define the

>characteristics that make up your diagnosis. So I don't know in this

>particular study what his diagnostic criteria are. Just to say they have

>autism isn't sufficient. There's second this always of concern to us, and

>that is measuring things in the blood is not necessarily measuring anything

>related to what's going on in the brain. So we always have to be very

>careful about generalizing from blood measurements to brain functioning.


> An unclear search

> ELIZABETH BRACKETT: Dr. DeVito is the senior consulting

>scientist at the Pfeiffer Center. He is the former director of the Illinois

>Department of Mental Health. He is urging the medical community to test

>Walsh's theory. Dr. Walsh says he has found the cause of autism. Is that


>bold a statement?

> DR. ROBERT DeVITO: Well, that's a bold statement and I think he's

>entitled to say that. I wouldn't go that far, but I would say that he has

>come up with something that is tremendously important, and I think it


>be given a very adequate trial within the scientific community, because I

>think a lot of good can come from this. But you want to make sure that

>you're right because it affects a lot of people, and it affects people in

>such profound ways that it needs... It needs a real good review.

> ELIZABETH BRACKETT: After believing that he had identified metal

>metabolism problems as a cause of autism, Walsh devised treatment that


>to balance the autistic child's body chemistry.

> WILLIAM WALSH: We give them nutrients that stimulate the production


>that protein. We're trying to get the metallothionein protein that's

>disordered working again. And if that happens, then the toxics that they've

>accumulated will naturally leave. They will be protected in the future from

>the environment with the toxics because it will be working, and their brain

>levels of copper and zinc and these other important meta will normalize.

> DR. BENNETT LEVENTHAL: There is no evidence to suggest that there is

>any dietary intervention that makes a significant difference in any


>disorder -- not just autism. And so one has to be very, very careful until

>one can look at the study and say, was it appropriately done

>methodologically and published?

> ELIZABETH BRACKETT: Devastated after the autism diagnosis for


>the Bosco family came to the Pfeiffer Clinic for help. The Boscos began

>working with Walsh to balance their son's body chemistry. The nutrient

>supplements cost them between $40 and $140 each month. A portion of the

>clinic visits are covered by the Boscos' medical insurance, but the

>supplements are not. They say they saw the difference almost immediately,

>and that when Zachary is not taking the supplements, he regresses.

> TAMI BOSCO: And once we started on the vitamin and supplements, he


>a changed child. A good way to put it is he was in our world now instead of

>Zach's world. His eye contact was better, his behavior was a lot better. He

>said " mommy " and " daddy " for the first time.

> ELIZABETH BRACKETT: But Dr. Leventhal remains unconvinced that

>supplements can be credited with improving the behavior of autistic


> DR. BENNETT LEVENTHAL: All children with autism, as best we can tell,

>get better over time, almost in spite of what we do to them. The question

>really is: Can we do things that enhance the amount of getting better? And


>think there is plenty of evidence that suggest that speech and language

>therapy and good educational programming really makes a big difference in

>the ultimate outcome.

> JEFF BOSCO: Most psychiatrists would probably say due to the

>schooling, due to the speech therapy and the OT therapy you're giving him,

>that's why he's better. And I don't deny that that's helping. That is only

>one piece of this puzzle. There is another piece to the puzzle, that

>biochemically these kids need to be treated and treated with something that

>balances their body.

> ELIZABETH BRACKETT: Walsh and his patients continue to like the

>results they see from the effort to balance the autistic child's metal

>metabolism. Walsh hopes to publish his results in a peer reviewed medical

>journal in the next six months.


> [brief Commentary: Ignoring the mounting chorus of anecdotal reports

>of resulting symptom improvements from parents who make a variety of


>changes for their autistic children, traditional medical clinicians insist

>there is no evidence that nutritional factors have anything directly to do

>with the symptoms of autism and so refuse to get acquainted with, much less

>suggest these treatments (like the practitioner in the above report).

> [However, for decades, lack of scientific evidence did not stop the

>medical profession from the barbaric and incorrect insistance that autism

>was the result of emotionally distant mothering practices. Then as now, the

>medical experts are choosing to ignore the reality of parents of children

>with autism (and now choosing instead to safely wait for the results of

>scientific studies yet to be designed, proposed, funded, reviewed and

>published, before considering any treatment alternatives). Is it any

>surprise to find parents turning away from standard medical opinions about

>autism in droves over the last decade? -LS]

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