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new round of testing

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Hello All:

Just a quick update on what is going on in Terri World. I am going for

another LP on Tuesday - I think this is the 3rd or 4th one in the last 8

years. I am going to do another round of neuropsych testing soon too.

I am currently not on any treatment at all so things are sucking pretty

bad right now. My new Neuro is fantastic and used to be at Emory and

Washington University Hospitals. She is so wonderful. She is

going through all possible diagnoses and treatments - we know how this

all goes but I have to give her the opportunity to do her thing.

Of course, it will be either MS or NS as a diagnosis but all I know is

that I want my cytoxan back! When I was on the treatment, I was 75-80%

better. Now I am just barely making it through the day. I am trying to

help my son and daughter-in-law as much as possible. Their baby is due

in February but Angie is having preterm contractions and they are just

trying to keep the baby from delivering for as long as possible. I try

to sleep as much as possible but I set an alarm and get up and make a

meal and take it to them to try to keep my son from having to do to


Well, just say a prayer for us that baby Brady decides to stay where he

is supposed to be until February 10th and that I will start some sort of

treatment soon. You all are always in my heart and prayers.

Love to you all....

Terri G.

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