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Hey Guys,

First off, Tracie, you stated so much what a lot of us feel. The loss

of what we used to be will always be painful. Of course for me, and I

won't go into a lot of detail, my faith has been getting me through.

Being able to be spontaneous is what I miss the most. I have to plan

everything out. My identity is not tied up in a job anymore but that

doesn't mean I can't miss it. I just try to be there for my family and

friends emotionally since my body won't let me do it physically.

I love doing stained glass but the fatigue keeps me from getting it done

right now. My husband tells me I should get rid of my stuff but I will

be damned. there will come a time when I can do it. The cytoxan was

helping a great bit and I have found a new doc locally who is trying to

help me. So there is hope and always will be hope for me - and for all

of you.

Take care everyone and I will wait to hear from all of you.

Terri G.

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