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VOL. 9, ISSUE 39

September 23, 2008

Dear Subscriber,

Alternative medicine is hotter than ever. Visit the Complementary & Alternative Medicine Center to explore the major types and understand them better.

Also this week, see what stress does to you and what you can do about it, find out what a Mayo Clinic expert says about whether Vitamin D can reduce the risk of multiple sclerosis, get the basics on gene therapy, (an experimental procedure), and try a healthy recipe.

Thanks for subscribing.Sincerely,The team at MayoClinic.com


Complementary & Alternative Medicine

Alternative medicine: Evaluate claims of treatment successAlternative medicine is more popular than ever. But always evaluate claims to make sure the treatment you choose is safe and effective.

Hypnosis: Another way to manage pain, kick bad habitsHypnosis produces an induced state of deep relaxation in which your mind stays narrowly focused and open to suggestion.

Herbal supplements: How they can interfere with surgeryHaving surgery soon? Check this list to see if the herbal supplements you take could interfere with the success of your surgery.

For more information about these topics, visit the Complementary & Alternative Medicine Center.

Books & Newsletters

Great news! Start a healthier you with a FREE trial issue of Mayo Clinic Health Letter. As an added bonus, we'll send you two complimentary special reports on arthritis and weight control. Make this your healthiest year ever. Get started now!


Stress: Win control over the stress in your lifeSee how constant stress wreaks havoc on your body and mind and what you can do about it.

Alzheimer's: Is it in your genes?What role does genetics play in developing Alzheimer's? Are you at risk?

Artificial sweeteners: A safe alternative to sugar?Coffee, cereal, diet drinks and desserts. Artificial sweeteners add sweet taste without calories to many familiar favorites. Gluttony without guilt. Or is it?

Breast-feeding: What every mom needs to knowBreast-feeding is a learned art — but it's worth the effort. Here's help getting off to a good start.

Diabetes diet: Create your healthy-eating planDiabetes doesn't have to mean the end of eating foods you enjoy. Incorporate your favorite foods into a healthy-eating plan.

Featured Tools

Symptom CheckerFoot pain? Headache? Sore throat? Skin rash? Use the Symptom Checker to find out what's causing your symptom.

Healthy Recipes

Shrimp-apple salad

Pasta with grilled chicken, white beans and mushrooms

Personal pan pizza

Pumpkin soup

For more recipes, visit our Healthy Recipes Center.

Now Blogging

Pregnancy and you: Losing your personal bubble

Nutrition-wise: Study looks at health impact of bisphenol A

STDs: What is considered intercourse?

Stress: Magical moments provide a boost

Alzheimer's: Lifestyle strategies may slow or prevent decline

Dealing with depression: It's not a normal part of aging

Quit smoking: Mood changes reflect 'growing pains' of changing your life

Ask A Specialist

Mayo Clinic specialists answer questions from readers

Vitamin D and MS: Is there any connection?

Loss of sex drive in men: Natural with aging?

Cell phones and cancer: What's the risk?

Vaccines during pregnancy: Are they safe?

Calcium supplements: Should they be taken with meals?

Submit your own question to our specialists.

Health Tip Of The Week

Sleep position: What's best for your back?

To prevent back pain, sleep curled on your side, with your knees bent up toward your chest. To help keep your spine aligned properly, you may want to place a small pillow between your knees. Lying flat on your back or stomach may contribute to back pain by arching your spine beyond its normal curve.

Need practical advice on diet and exercise? Want creative solutions for stress and other lifestyle issues? Try a daily dose of healthy-lifestyle tips from MayoClinic.com. Receive the tips through your favorite RSS reader.

Health Digest

A wrap-up of this week's other new and updated information

Gene therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy

Runny nose

Erectile dysfunction herbs: A natural treatment for ED?

Chelation therapy for heart disease

For more of our reliable health information and tools, visit us at MayoClinic.com.

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