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normal pressure hydrocephalus

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I had never heard of normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) until someone on my Alzheimer's support group mentioned it. The next day, at my neurologist's office, I read an article in Neurology Now about it. When I asked my doctor about it, he said that he had treated several patients with NPH. Many patients with NPH are diagnosed & treated incorrectly (sometimes for years) with Alzheimer's or other dementia or Parkinson's. NPH is treatable, with good to excellent results in many cases. It doesn't sound like NS would likely be confused with NPH, but the information is good for all of us to have. I've mentioned Neurology Now before, but for the newbies this is a consumer-oriented journal published by the American Academy of Neurology. It comes out every 2 months & is free to any patient with a neurological disorder, their family or caretakers. No proof is required. You can just call 1- or go to the website www.neurologynow.com to subscribe. The journal is also online, current & past issues, but I like to get my own copy, to read & re-read. This is an outstanding publication, encourages empowerment & participation in health care decisions, supports alternative medicine. My only complaint is that, so far, they haven't included any articles on NS. I've written them once, but I guess I need to do it again. Perhaps some of you can also contact them about a NS article! Here is the address for suggesting topics: neurologynow@...

I also wrote them once about including this group in their resource list, but got no response. Maybe Darlene and/or Tracie could contact them, as the co-owners & having more clout! Anyway, I highly recommend this journal. I read it cover to cover & save them to re-read.

Ramblin' RoseModerator A merry heart is good medicine. Proverbs 17:22 Color coding for safety: Windows Live Hotmail alerts you to suspicious email. Sign up today.

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