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Happy Thanksgiving

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I just wanted to slow down for a minute and share a Happy Thanksgiving blessing to all.

This time of year is tough. It's easy to become frustrated and overwhelmed with the family gatherings, the expense of the season and all the crazy making dynamics that can go on.

Whether we get caught up in the "stuff" or decide to enjoy, and listen and honor our body and soul and spirit, is our choice. We all have the tape of "I should do...."

How wonderful it would be if we could and would turn this tape off, and decide to host a potluck instead of cooking dinner for the gang. How wonderful it would be if we would decide to sit and share the day being with family-- for those that have lost loved ones, they would love to have the day back, just even "one more time."

So, tomorrow and over the next month, count your blessings, even when those are the idiosyncrysies (sp) of family dynamics.

My love and compassion to all,


NS Co-owner/moderator

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