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Moderators & Gold Standard

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This moderater must also own another list regarding WLS because I recognized the

equinesque comments she made about herself.

*If* it is indeed her, that really makes me mad. This person also moderates

another list that is for WLS support (no particular procedure focus.) If it is

the same person I am thinking of, she attaches her own comments at the top of

EVERY email that is posted to the list prior to it being sent out to the group

(a pretty active list too.) That really is such a controlling way of handling a

list. I have not seen such biased comments on this other list, but then, I am

not as actively reading those posts.

I just don't understand why people keep using the phrase " gold standard " for

RNY. To me, it's like comparing a Ford to a Volvo. It's easy to find a Ford

dealer and some may refer to it as the " gold standard " American car, but that

doesn't mean it's better - just more widely available, kwim??


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