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Re: Update- 10 Weeks tomorrow(LONG, really long!)

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Thanks so much for your post. As my 9/24 surgery date rushes toward me, I find

I can't get enough of surgery and post op information. Especially those first

few weeks after surgery.

Sharon in KY

312 lbs

BMI 57

Pre-op Dr. Hares 9/24/01


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After your surgery, you will look forward to new milestones. Right after

surgery, your first milestone is 24 hours. Then the next milestone is being

able to pass gas or have a BM. After one week, you start to feel much better.

Two weeks is even better. At four weeks, you start to feel like a person again

and by six weeks you are returning to pretty much normal. I am now 8 weeks

post-op and feeling great. I can eat anything I want, but the quantities are so

small. When I was feeling bad during those first few weeks, I kept telling

myself if I could just make it to the next milestone I would be fine.

By the way, do you have family coming to town with you for your surgery? I can

help with places for them to eat or spend time if you feel like being alone. I

would also love to stop by and see you after your surgery and give a report to

the list. Just let me know.

Kathy M.

DS 7/19/01 Dr. Hares

213 pre-op

170 today

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Dear Amy: Just wanted to let you know how very jealous

I am! Can't wait to be able to post a success story of

my own. (Smile....am really very happy for you!)


+Doris in PA+

Hoping for DS

BMI 54


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