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Re: Hayden's Tenotomy

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Yep and the 300,000 th time he climbs on the table and does a rain dance.

Glad all went well and the end of the casting is in sight.

Hayden's Tenotomy

Hello there - well, it's done! And it ended up being both feet, which

was not what I had hoped for, but better to be cautious and Dr. Pirani

felt that the right tendon was still too tight. I have to say this -

it was awful to go through, worse for Hayden I am sure, but it was

FAST! Even faster than the Botox injections he had, which is

incredible. Most of Hayden's issue was about being held perfectly

still - he about cried himself silly over it and was hysterical by the

time it was all said and done. Once it was over, he nursed and fell

asleep - but awoke shortly after and cried some more. Before I left

the hospital, I gave him some Tylenol and he slept the whole way home

(yep - had to schlep on transit and foot - I need a car). His mood

improved considerably once we were home and his big sister sang him

The Crocodile Song. He ate a big bowl of food along with some fruit

and I just gave him more Tylenol and some Advil as well to combat any

discomfort he may experience. Unfortunately the poor guy has been

having a lot of troubles with gas and we have had many rough nights

lately. So we'll see how it goes.

When the left cast was removed today, I was very happy to see his left

foot move easily over to the side without helping it too much. This

is the first time I have seen this foot responsive at all and to see

both feet fully dorsiflexed after the tenotomy, well...I am just so

dang happy that we are nearly there!

Stupidly, all of us there forgot to take the impressions of his feet

with which to order the shoes, so he will probably have to have a

holding cast on for a bit. Sigh. I am SOOOOOO done with the casting

part of this - it has been five out of his six months of life so far

and I just want the guy's skin to breathe some air for a change!

Rem and talked a bit about maybe trying him in some worn-in

Markells she has until he can get his s, so we will explore that.

But I am feeling that finally after six long months, we are getting

somewhere and you know the reward will be when I see him take his

first steps. Right?

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