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Re: New to Diet Ideas, Need Buddy to Help/Explain

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I read your post and I would most Definetly help. My son has been GFCF

for 16 1/2 months. I feel the best way to get help with this diet is to

post any and all your questionsa to the list here and read and go through

the different replys you get, rather then just working with one

individual, as what may be right for their child is not for yours , so

you should have those different opimions, and sometimes you'll get all

the same.

A good book to read is " Special Diets for Special Kids " by .

It has alot of great recipes in it, explains how to start the diet and

explains all about the diet, cooking, etc. It does mention supplements

and tests, but again this is a personal decision, I don't do supps. or

all these fancy tests, but the allergy test./

We are all here to help!

on Long Island New York (LJs mom)




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