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Re: need advice

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> All I can say is hang in there and it does sound like it is his PDD

and not

> your parenting{take a deep breath mom you are doing a good Job} My


> boy not autistic but has oppisitional defiant disorder{and other


> oftens trys my patience to the core but at the end of the day I

realize he

> cant help what he does. I sympathize, I have been there, and you

will get

> through this-wish I had some better answers for you-all I really

have to

> offer is support. F

Thanks ,

It was suggested to me by one of my son's teacher's that he may have

ODD as well. This was prediet and they didn't think he had PDD but

they weren't experts either. They also thought the diet was bull

until they saw some changes in him. How does ODD differ than PDD

behavior and does anything help that?

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I know they are times in the diet where there is a bit of aggression and if I

can remember correctly we also had it around 7 months. You mentioned that

your son does get special ed. Do they have a program for him in the summer?

Every child is so different on this diet but it's been 1 1/2 years for us on

the diet and it wasn't until a few months ago that my son really started to

fit in socially. It seems like that was the hardest thing for him to

understand but he has finally gotten it. Do whatever you can at home with

him to get him to understand the " social rules " and maybe it'll start kicking

in. My son did dramatically well on this diet but every few months I notice

him becoming more and more his appropriate age. It's like they go through

all the stages of life that they missed before and their brain is starting

where it left off so be patient and pray (if you do) and hopefully things

will come together. I am very pleased with my son's improvement because I

was hopeless that he would ever get better and he is now what I never thought

he would be so keep the faith and good luck.


P.S. Wouldn't it be so easy to live on a deserted island so that you

wouldn't have to worry about the socially appropriate behaviors all the time.

I wish people were more understanding.

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