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Children's Mylanta-Do Not Use!

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I posted yesterday that I gave my son Children's

Mylanta over the weekend because he got ahold of his

brother's chocolate milk, but that I didn't know the

status of it. I called & /Merck today,

and they don't know it's status so they said no to use

it. They have no idea what the source is for the

cellulose, among the other ingredients, and refused to

find out. They kept trying to push their Tylenol GFCF

list on me, but what good does that do me when my

child is screaming in pain with a stomach ache? It

was almost as if they were saying, look, we made a

list of our Tylenol products for you people, isn't

that good enough?? I asked my son's pediatrician

today what to use instead, and they said Pepcid




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