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Re: checking on Everyone in the south

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I have not been on in a couple of days because I have been communicating

with my sister and some friends down in the Houston area. Everyone I

know is ok. One family probably lost their home; they live near

Galveston but were in land during the storm. Another family has

some minor damage but have power and water. My sister and her husband

have no power and no water. They had a lot of water come in the home

around windows but it is a rental and they don't have to deal with the

repairs. I just worry because they haven't had much sleep and my sister

is diabetic. She has to be so careful to watch her blood sugar and

there is no way to get to a hospital because of the damage and inability

to get out of their neighborhood.

Well, Thanks for listening. We had hurrican Isabel about 4 or 5 years

ago and I knew what we got in a Cat 1 and they had a Cat 2 almost a 3

and I was really nervous for them.

Take care.

Terri G.


> I was just hoping all that live in the south , in the path of this Ike

are ok and moved to safety.


> You are all in my thoughts and prayers

> Many hugs and blessings

> in Pa


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