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Re: For all of you who have had success on this diet........

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My son has been on the diet for 2 years and it has helped him

tremendously. He had constipation problems some times but his stools were

OK. He had major behavior problems and sensory problems (didn't like to be

hugged, smells, sounds, ect) His doctor said he had the leaky gut and we

followed the diet with vitamim supplements, Vitamin A, and Enzymes. He is

now a different, happy child with some sensory problems but not much, and if

he cheats, he reverts. I hope this helps.

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My son is 2 years 8 months with a DX of Autism Disorder (mild;high functioning)

and with the exception of

a few instances of diarrhea at preschool that occurred when he didn't seem to

be sick;

unexplained morning nausea and vomiting about once a month (lots of phleghm,

mostly); and

very picky eating preferences

he had no other digestive " disturbances " .

We have been very happy with the results of the diet. He seems more connected.

More open to different foods. Definitely less bloated. While his arms and legs

look the same, his belly is much smaller and he doesn't walk on his toes so

much. I suspect there is more we can do for him--I would like to get him off

soy, too, but I'm not there yet.

Oh, did I mention that we are potty trained?!! (practically!). Before the diet

he had no interest whatsoever, but maybe the diet had nothing to do with it.

Who knows. All I know is that he's less broke, so I'm not going to stop

" fixing " !



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I just had to say " YES " this diet has helped. Neither of my children have

had diarhea except when sick. Both are doing very well on the diet. Most

noticable with Josh. (PDD-9) The speech, social skills, awareness,

behavior........I'm amazed how well he is doing. We will be gfcf 1 year next

month. At first I was very overwhelmed, but today, I'm cooking for myself

and occassionally for my overwhelmed friends trying to do the diet. Recently

my husband gave in and went 100% gfcf, this morning he noted feeling better.

He (hope he doesn't mind me posting to the world) was suffering witht he

urgent runs to the bathroom. He told me this morning that the urgent has

gone away at least so he feels better. He just went 100% about 2 weeks ago.

Every kid is different, I just know my sons pediatrician was amazed that in

the past couple of years she has only seen us for well care visits. The

teachers are noticing the difference. Family is noticing, and Mom is

noticing. For the first time in forever, Josh was afraid to leave my side

when we went into Walmart. (usually I'm chasing after him in the stores) If

I even step a few feet away or my other son started to wonder, Josh would

say " Stay with Mom. We can't get lost, or have a stranger take us. " I was so

proud of him. We've had a summer of Josh being calm and no crying or

tantrums at camp!!!!!!!!!!! This is a miracle.

Of course we have had some sibling stuff, which is wonderful too. ;-)

It was so cute to watch Josh watch Joey show him how to do some line dancing

that he learned in summer camp. I have so many blessing to think about

today. If I knew 6 years ago what I know today, I would do this all over


In my opinion, yes all kids are different, but it sure is worth every

measuring cup, every dirty pan, every flopped bread and every hard cookie,

to give it a try.

BTW, I use Sorghum Flour from www.twinvalleymills.com . I have found the

most success since working with this flour. I've had not luck taste/texture

with other flours at this point. They have some recipes on that site, and if

you are looking for a specific recipe, there isn't much that I haven't

converted. ;-) I've posted most of them at some time or another. I hope

someday to have a website of all my recipes so my family will stop asking me

to email them or print my recipes for them. ;-)

Hope that helps anyone trying to decide.


>Subject: For all of you who have had success on this diet........

>did your child have symptoms of a leaky gut? My daughter has never

>had diarhea (except when sick) or constipation. Is there anyone out

>there who's kid had normal stools and was still helped by this diet?

>Thanks Joanna (mom to 5)

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At first I was very overwhelmed, but today, I'm cooking for

> myself

> and occassionally for my overwhelmed friends...

Hey, what state do you live in? :o)

I am very definitely on the overwhelmed list, but it's getting a BIT

easier, slowly.

We've had a summer of Josh being calm and no crying or

> tantrums at camp!!!!!!!!!!!

I could use some of that peace...I hope we have results as good! So far

speech has improved, and awareness, but definitely not overall behavior.

It's only been a little over a month, though.


> hope

> someday to have a website of all my recipe

I'll be watching for it! Let us know when you do! I like sorghum,

too...only made one or two baked good with it so far. I won't ask you

for any recipes....yet! I can look some up myself at twin valley site,

plus I've seen some others out there.

Thanks for sharing.


mom to

, 8, autistic

Ben, NT, 7

Isaac, NT, 4

, NT, 2

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