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G-ma in Michigan Re: Newbie intro and STAR Band vs. DOC Band question

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Where in MI are you and where will you be getting your grandson's

STARband? I'm near Grand Rapids & rec'd my daughter's STARband from

Free Bed in G.R....that was - gosh - 7 yrs ago already (where

does the time go?!) Abby's STARband was - to put it bluntly - aweful,

but again, that was so long ago, we eventually gave up on it &

traveled to Chicago for a DOCband for 5 mos w/great success.

I've heard pretty much only good things about MFB's STARband since.

In fact, my new neighbor's 1 yo son recently had a STAR from there &

had good results and I see so many STARbanded babies in the area all

from MFB.

The important thing is finding an experienced orthotist to treat the

patient in the band, that's the key!

Best of luck to your grandson, he'll be fine!

Debbie, Mom to Abby DOCGrad 2001

Grand Rapids, MI


> -Hello

> I am a grandmother of a 5 month old beautiful baby boy. His name is

> Rainen and he will be getting his helmet on sometime next week.


> is the difference between the DOC Band and the Star Band. I live in

> Michigan and was wondering if anyone has had their kids fitted for


> helmet here.



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OH my gosh!!! Rainen will be getting his helmet from Free Bed. I am super nervous about the helmet issue. I've heard alot of awful stories and I am having second thoughts.

From: dj2kirby <dj2kirby@...>Subject: G-ma in Michigan Re: Newbie intro and STAR Band vs. DOC Band questionPlagiocephaly Date: Thursday, October 30, 2008, 9:56 AM

Where in MI are you and where will you be getting your grandson's STARband? I'm near Grand Rapids & rec'd my daughter's STARband from Free Bed in G.R....that was - gosh - 7 yrs ago already (where does the time go?!) Abby's STARband was - to put it bluntly - aweful, but again, that was so long ago, we eventually gave up on it & traveled to Chicago for a DOCband for 5 mos w/great success.I've heard pretty much only good things about MFB's STARband since. In fact, my new neighbor's 1 yo son recently had a STAR from there & had good results and I see so many STARbanded babies in the area all from MFB.The important thing is finding an experienced orthotist to treat the patient in the band, that's the key! Best of luck to your grandson, he'll be fine!Debbie, Mom to Abby DOCGrad 2001Grand Rapids, MI>> -Hello> I am a grandmother of a 5 month old beautiful baby boy. His name is > Rainen and he will be getting his helmet on sometime next week. what > is the difference between the DOC Band and the Star Band. I live in > Michigan and was wondering if anyone has had their kids fitted for a > helmet here.> >

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We're in MI and got ours after seeing Dr Rozelle at Children's in Detroit. It's a helmet made by Danmar out of Ann Arbor. (Their website: http://www.danmarproducts.com/index.cfm?pageSRC=cranialShapingHelmets ) We have a good ortho that works out of & Filippis (http://www.firsttoserve.com/). Elaine hasn't been in her helmet a full three weeks yet and we're already seeing excellent results. I'm anxious to get actual measurements back, but to the eye there's already significant improvement. She was born with severe tortocollis and mild plagio. Because of her tort the plagio only got worse despite our repositioning efforts. So far our experience has been really good.


Elaine (Twin A) 5+ months old, 3 weeks in a helmet

On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 9:56 AM, dj2kirby <dj2kirby@...> wrote:

Where in MI are you and where will you be getting your grandson's STARband? I'm near Grand Rapids & rec'd my daughter's STARband from Free Bed in G.R....that was - gosh - 7 yrs ago already (where

does the time go?!) Abby's STARband was - to put it bluntly - aweful, but again, that was so long ago, we eventually gave up on it & traveled to Chicago for a DOCband for 5 mos w/great success.I've heard pretty much only good things about MFB's STARband since.

In fact, my new neighbor's 1 yo son recently had a STAR from there & had good results and I see so many STARbanded babies in the area all from MFB.The important thing is finding an experienced orthotist to treat the

patient in the band, that's the key! Best of luck to your grandson, he'll be fine!Debbie, Mom to Abby DOCGrad 2001Grand Rapids, MI>> -Hello> I am a grandmother of a 5 month old beautiful baby boy. His name is > Rainen and he will be getting his helmet on sometime next week. what > is the difference between the DOC Band and the Star Band. I live in

> Michigan and was wondering if anyone has had their kids fitted for a > helmet here.> >

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