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Re: Aubreys sick&need to vent a little

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Oh my God Tonya!!! I would call the ped's office and

tell them about it. It would be just as interesting

to see if the doctor actually calls you back!!!

I'm thinking of you and Aubrey!


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--- Tonya Bartlett


> Hi everyone!

> Haven't had the chance to catch up on all the posts

> lately. It seems like we have lived in Dr.'s offices

> and ERs lately. I took Aubrey to her ped Tuesday and

> told him that she had been running fever and

> coughing for past couple days. So anyways he does

> his usual examination and tells me he thinks its a

> cold or flu or something like that. Then ask him

> about the periactin so he writes a script for it and

> nothing for the fever/cough/runny nose, ect. I asked

> him if he was going to give her anything for the

> other and said no and to come back if it didn't

> start clearing up. Well maybe not even an hour after

> we got done at the appt. her fever started shooting

> up to 104+. So we went to the ER and sat for what

> seemed like an eternity. When the ER doc checked

> her, her ears were infected, red throat, and noticed

> that she had decreased breath sounds on her left

> side. So he did a chest x-ray and said she had a

> little spot that he thought might be the start of

> pneumonia. So he sent her home with

> augmentin, no shot of Rocephin to boost it or

> anything. Then the next day we go back to the clinic

> again because the tylenol and motrin are not cutting

> her fever. Her x-rays then show she has pneumonia

> that covers just about half of her left lung. By

> this time I am so mad because if the regular

> pediatrician would have just checked her more

> thoroughly knowing her history maybe it wouldn't

> have progressed this far. Now after finally getting

> a shot of Rocephin her fever has stayed down today,

> although she's been extremely cranky. I just wish

> some doctors would be a little more thorough when

> checking their patients. It drives me mad when they

> act like I'm coming there just to be there, not for

> medical attention for my daughter. AHHHhhh! Just

> being able to type this and vent about it really

> seems to help a lot.

> Thanks

> Tonya mom to Aubrey



> ---------------------------------

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> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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Glad to hear she is now being taken care of. That must of been scary especially

when they just pass things off as viral infection to run it's course. What did

the doctor say after you told him what happen with her lungs? You can vent any



Tonya Bartlett wrote:

Hi everyone!

Haven't had the chance to catch up on all the posts lately. It seems like we

have lived in Dr.'s offices and ERs lately. I took Aubrey to her ped Tuesday and

told him that she had been running fever and coughing for past couple days. So

anyways he does his usual examination and tells me he thinks its a cold or flu

or something like that. Then ask him about the periactin so he writes a script

for it and nothing for the fever/cough/runny nose, ect. I asked him if he was

going to give her anything for the other and said no and to come back if it

didn't start clearing up. Well maybe not even an hour after we got done at the

appt. her fever started shooting up to 104+. So we went to the ER and sat for

what seemed like an eternity. When the ER doc checked her, her ears were

infected, red throat, and noticed that she had decreased breath sounds on her

left side. So he did a chest x-ray and said she had a little spot that he

thought might be the start of pneumonia. So he sent her home with

augmentin, no shot of Rocephin to boost it or anything. Then the next day we go

back to the clinic again because the tylenol and motrin are not cutting her

fever. Her x-rays then show she has pneumonia that covers just about half of her

left lung. By this time I am so mad because if the regular pediatrician would

have just checked her more thoroughly knowing her history maybe it wouldn't have

progressed this far. Now after finally getting a shot of Rocephin her fever has

stayed down today, although she's been extremely cranky. I just wish some

doctors would be a little more thorough when checking their patients. It drives

me mad when they act like I'm coming there just to be there, not for medical

attention for my daughter. AHHHhhh! Just being able to type this and vent about

it really seems to help a lot.


Tonya mom to Aubrey


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Yahoo! Mail - 250MB free storage. Do more. Manage less.

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Oh, Tonya, I can understand your anger and frustration. I just went

through this myself just before Christmas. That time, however, it

was ME who was pushed around. My own doctor was great - it was the

ER docs who messed me up and mistreated me.

I'm so glad that Aubrey is feeling a bit better now. She should not

have to go through all of that. And thank goodness she did not wind

up in the hospital. I'm glad you were able to keep her home.

Jodi Z

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He never returned my call. Go figure.


Marcy Conley wrote:


Glad to hear she is now being taken care of. That must of been scary especially

when they just pass things off as viral infection to run it's course. What did

the doctor say after you told him what happen with her lungs? You can vent any



Tonya Bartlett wrote:

Hi everyone!

Haven't had the chance to catch up on all the posts lately. It seems like we

have lived in Dr.'s offices and ERs lately. I took Aubrey to her ped Tuesday and

told him that she had been running fever and coughing for past couple days. So

anyways he does his usual examination and tells me he thinks its a cold or flu

or something like that. Then ask him about the periactin so he writes a script

for it and nothing for the fever/cough/runny nose, ect. I asked him if he was

going to give her anything for the other and said no and to come back if it

didn't start clearing up. Well maybe not even an hour after we got done at the

appt. her fever started shooting up to 104+. So we went to the ER and sat for

what seemed like an eternity. When the ER doc checked her, her ears were

infected, red throat, and noticed that she had decreased breath sounds on her

left side. So he did a chest x-ray and said she had a little spot that he

thought might be the start of pneumonia. So he sent her home with

augmentin, no shot of Rocephin to boost it or anything. Then the next day we go

back to the clinic again because the tylenol and motrin are not cutting her

fever. Her x-rays then show she has pneumonia that covers just about half of her

left lung. By this time I am so mad because if the regular pediatrician would

have just checked her more thoroughly knowing her history maybe it wouldn't have

progressed this far. Now after finally getting a shot of Rocephin her fever has

stayed down today, although she's been extremely cranky. I just wish some

doctors would be a little more thorough when checking their patients. It drives

me mad when they act like I'm coming there just to be there, not for medical

attention for my daughter. AHHHhhh! Just being able to type this and vent about

it really seems to help a lot.


Tonya mom to Aubrey


Do you Yahoo!?

Yahoo! Mail - 250MB free storage. Do more. Manage less.

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