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My name is Kara and my daughter is 7 months old. We are going tomorrow to

have her fitted for a Starband.

We started noticing a flattening in the back of her head around 3 months. We

saw a Neurosurgeon at 4.5 months who said it was cosmetic. We kept her off her

back as much as possible although she only sleeps on her back. She was able to

sit on her own by 5 months but has not learned to roll as of yet. We propped her

on her side until she pulled the prop out and started to play peek-a-boo with

it. At her 6 month well visit the pediatrician was not happy with the way her

head looked so we went back to the Neuro who pretty much laughed that we were

back. He again said it was cosmetic and mild and her hair will cover it. I

wanted a second opinion so I saw another Neuro on Friday and she said she was a

severe case a 9 out of 10. So here we are...

I'm pretty frustrated since I tried to be pro-active and start the process at

4.5 months and now she is over 7 months old.

Will we have as much success at this age?

Has anyone used Cranial Remolding in town, NJ?

What can I expect at the appointment tomorrow? I know that they will be doing a


How quickly does the helmet come in?

Thanks for all your help!


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