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Re: Loose fiting starband. How loose is too loose?

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The band might be loose when new or after adjustment but should

tighten up as the head grows. Are there areas with red spots before it

gets adjusted? Otherwise it might not even need to be adjusted. It

should have room in the flat areas, but otherwise hold the prominent

areas. If it is loose all over, that doesn't sound right.

My daughter had brachy (flat in back) and had extra width. Her band

held her head on the sides the whole time. The growth was being

directed to the back, and some to the forehead area. When she needed

an adjustment it was always tight on the forehead - making the skin

look a little sunburned there.

Ears do take a longer time to correct than the headshape in general.

But if you aren't seeing improvement in the headshape, then the band

probably doesn't fit properly. If the head is growing, it should be


Does your office have a starscanner? If so they should be able to scan

your baby and show you were the new growth is (since starting). You

can see what i mean if you look at my daughter's scan print out in Our

Plagio Babies S/Sydney M.


sydney 2.5 yrs starband grad



> Hello members


> My name is . My son is almost 8 mo. old and has been wearing his

> Starband Helmet for almost 2 mo. Since he has worn his helmet, my wife

> and I have seen little improvement in his head shape, and his right ear

> is still almost 1/4 inch forward than his left ear. The helmet fits

> loosely and always has. For 2 weeks after the last time the tech.

> adjusted it, we could take the helmet off by simply lifting it off his

> head, without unstrapping it. I don't know, but that seems a little too

> loose to me. When he is wearing his helmet it is always crooked and

> turned toward the right side. Does anyone here have experience with this

> issue? The tech seems too think the loose fit is the correct fit but how

> do I know? How loose is too loose?


> Thank you in advance for your responces,




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Hi ,

That sounds really loose to me - you cannot lift our son's helmet off.

You have to pull it apart and lift and I think our son's helmet is

kinda loose. As for the ears, our tech said that is one of the last

things to change and sometimes, it does not correct.

--Carey, Starband since 10/14/08



> Hello members


> My name is . My son is almost 8 mo. old and has been wearing his

> Starband Helmet for almost 2 mo. Since he has worn his helmet, my

wife > and I have seen little improvement in his head shape, and his

right ear > is still almost 1/4 inch forward than his left ear. The

helmet fits > loosely and always has. For 2 weeks after the last time

the tech. > adjusted it, we could take the helmet off by simply

lifting it off his > head, without unstrapping it. I don't know, but

that seems a little too > loose to me. When he is wearing his helmet

it is always crooked and > turned toward the right side. Does anyone

here have experience with this > issue? The tech seems too think the

loose fit is the correct fit but how > do I know? How loose is too

loose? > > Thank you in advance for your responces, >


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Hi -

That sounds WAY too loose. You should not be able to remove the

helmet without undoing the velcro. I don't know why the ortho would

tell you that is normal. The ears are usually the last thing to

correct, and don't always get back to even (the skull base is the

hardest to shift). But that can't happen at all without a helmet

that fits correctly. I would push your ortho for better answers and

possibly a second band. As long as your son has been growing, you

should see some results after two months.

Jake-2 (DOCBand 9/19/08)




> Hello members


> My name is . My son is almost 8 mo. old and has been wearing


> Starband Helmet for almost 2 mo. Since he has worn his helmet, my


> and I have seen little improvement in his head shape, and his

right ear

> is still almost 1/4 inch forward than his left ear. The helmet fits

> loosely and always has. For 2 weeks after the last time the tech.

> adjusted it, we could take the helmet off by simply lifting it off


> head, without unstrapping it. I don't know, but that seems a

little too

> loose to me. When he is wearing his helmet it is always crooked and

> turned toward the right side. Does anyone here have experience

with this

> issue? The tech seems too think the loose fit is the correct fit

but how

> do I know? How loose is too loose?


> Thank you in advance for your responces,




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