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Re: Re: So upset with daughter's pediatrician

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I just felt like I needed his support not him questioning me when they referred me there in the first place. I love my baby and would do anything for her. Im hoping that it is worth it. She is getting her band on Monday. she sleeps well now so hopefully she will continue. im so glad i have this group.

From: christineashok <christineashok@...>Subject: Re: So upset with daughter's pediatricianPlagiocephaly Date: Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 12:06 AM

Yes, peds take it very lightly it really bugs me too! I think most ofus have a story about how our ped failed us, either a little or a lot.CT may be a little more aggressive about banding than someprofessionals, but they certainly don't tell babies with round headsthat they need a band. Just as a point of reference our specialist(cranio facial plastic surgeon) recommends banding at 10 mm ofasymmetry, or at 90% cephalic index. I know people who have banded atlower numbers, and been quite happy that they did, so this is notsomething that is completely fixed.I hope your baby will do well in her docband. My daughter was referredto a specialist at 4 mo, and got her band at 5 mo. She did great. Shedidn't sleep great in it, but she has never been a good sleeper (evennow). I'm so glad we were able to get a lot of correction for her. Ihope you'll be please with your decision too.-christinesydney

2.5 yrs starband grad>> So I took my daughter to her 5 month well baby visit...yes our office > is weird usually most dr's omit this month....anyways we are going > through everything and he feels her head and says oh her head is so > much better. At this point im a little confused because we just went > for the dsi scan for the DOCband Friday. They didnt seem to think her > flat spot had changed since last month. I said to him well you > referred me to cranial technologies and they suggested that we get the > band, so we went a head with it. He said to me really? They tell > everyone we send over there that they need one. now im really pissed > i didnt even know what to say. y put me through

all of this if you > dont even think we need it. who do i trust? y do pediatricians take > this so lightly? i am so annoyed!>

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thanks nicole...the hardest part is i really didnt want to have to do it but felt that i couldnt live with myself if i didnt and it got worse and it was too late later. everyone i have talked to told me i made the right choice so that makes me alittle more confident.

From: <nwilkens2275@...>Subject: Re: So upset with daughter's pediatricianPlagiocephaly Date: Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 8:06 AM

I would trust your gut. A LOT of pediatricians say babies don't need helmets, 2 out of 3 told me I shouldn't worry about it. But I couldn't stand the idea of not doing anything to correct my son's head shape, so we did end up banding and it was really worth it. Banding can help with facial asym if you start early enough and are patient, sometimes it's the last thing to correct. I would also trust CT's opinion, plagio that is too mild is hard to correct (if at all) because the band won't have the appropriate holding points it needs to work, so they wouldn't have said it would benefit her if it wouldn't (they can't build a good reputation on banding babies that don't need it). So what matters is if you feel good about the decision. I hope you do! Good luck!Jake-2 (DOCBand Grad 9/19/08)Jordan-4.5>> So I took my daughter to her 5 month well baby visit...yes our office > is weird usually most dr's omit this month....anyways we are going > through everything and he feels her head and says oh her head is so > much better. At this point im a little confused because we just went > for the dsi scan for the DOCband Friday. They didnt seem to think her > flat spot had changed since last month. I said to him well you > referred me to cranial technologies and they suggested that we get the > band, so we went a head with it. He said to me really? They tell > everyone we send over there that they need one. now im really pissed > i didnt even know what to say. y put me through all of this if you > dont even think we need it. who do i trust?

y do pediatricians take > this so lightly? i am so annoyed!>

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I'm not surprised about your doctor. They see so many kids a day, who knows if he can even keep all the kids with head issues straight. For instance I asked my ped at out last visit what he thought of Eli's head. I did not preface it with our history and he said he had a really slight flat spot. He had completely forgotten that he had written me a prescription and we had gone through the treatment. I am very thankfull of the fact he never haad me jump through hoops to get the band. He just gave me the script. But still I asked him questions about banding Eli as if I was niave about the treatment just to see what he would say, basicly he said Eli's head was pretty normal and alot more children theese days have imperfections due to backsleeping. Little did he know all the pain, guilt, and money I had gone through just to get to that almost normal range. I

have learned an invaluable lesson the first year of my childs life regarding the medical community and the issue of trust in them, versus my own intuition and my ability to research and advocate my childs wefare against what everyone else thinks and says. I am carrying through thoose insights in my approach to vaccinations, which I will not go into here because I don't think it is appropriate to do on this board, but I advise everyone to proceed with caution when going down that road as well. I like my ped I really do he is good as his job and sees alot of kids every day and I don't have the money to see someone like Dr. Sears. But I don't take his word as if it were gold.Mom to Elijah DOC Band Grad 8/11/08

From: christineashok <christineashok>Subject: Re: So upset with daughter's pediatricianPlagiocephalyDate: Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 12:06 AM

Yes, peds take it very lightly it really bugs me too! I think most ofus have a story about how our ped failed us, either a little or a lot.CT may be a little more aggressive about banding than someprofessionals, but they certainly don't tell babies with round headsthat they need a band. Just as a point of reference our specialist(cranio facial plastic surgeon) recommends banding at 10 mm ofasymmetry, or at 90% cephalic index. I know people who have banded atlower numbers, and been quite happy that they did, so this is notsomething that is completely fixed.I hope your baby will do well in her docband. My daughter was referredto a specialist at 4 mo, and got her band at 5 mo. She did great. Shedidn't sleep great in it, but she has never been a good sleeper (evennow). I'm so glad we were able to get a lot of correction for her. Ihope you'll be please with your decision too.-christinesydney

2.5 yrs starband grad>> So I took my daughter to her 5 month well baby visit...yes our office > is weird usually most dr's omit this month....anyways we are going > through everything and he feels her head and says oh her head is so > much better. At this point im a little confused because we just went > for the dsi scan for the DOCband Friday. They didnt seem to think her > flat spot had changed since last month. I said to him well you > referred me to cranial technologies and they suggested that we get the > band, so we went a head with it. He said to me really? They tell > everyone we send over there that they need one. now im really pissed > i didnt even know what to say. y put me


all of this if you > dont even think we need it. who do i trust? y do pediatricians take > this so lightly? i am so annoyed!>

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wow elizabeth I cant believe your story....im questioning my dr's practice because they too gave a script for the band on CT's request so y are you asking me if Im going ahead with it...shouldnt this stuff be in her chart? im just real disgusted that I cant put total trust in her ped. thanks for sharing....it really does make me feel better about my situation and my decision to go ahead with the band.

From: christineashok <christineashok>Subject: Re: So upset with daughter's pediatricianPlagiocephalyDate: Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 12:06 AM

Yes, peds take it very lightly it really bugs me too! I think most ofus have a story about how our ped failed us, either a little or a lot.CT may be a little more aggressive about banding than someprofessionals, but they certainly don't tell babies with round headsthat they need a band. Just as a point of reference our specialist(cranio facial plastic surgeon) recommends banding at 10 mm ofasymmetry, or at 90% cephalic index. I know people who have banded atlower numbers, and been quite happy that they did, so this is notsomething that is completely fixed.I hope your baby will do well in her docband. My daughter was referredto a specialist at 4 mo, and got her band at 5 mo. She did great. Shedidn't sleep great in it, but she has never been a good sleeper (evennow). I'm so glad we were able to get a lot of correction for her. Ihope you'll be please with your decision too.-christinesydney

2.5 yrs starband grad>> So I took my daughter to her 5 month well baby visit...yes our office > is weird usually most dr's omit this month....anyways we are going > through everything and he feels her head and says oh her head is so > much better. At this point im a little confused because we just went > for the dsi scan for the DOCband Friday. They didnt seem to think her > flat spot had changed since last month. I said to him well you > referred me to cranial technologies and they suggested that we get the > band, so we went a head with it. He said to me really? They tell > everyone we send over there that they need one. now im really pissed > i didnt even know what to say. y put me through

all of this if you > dont even think we need it. who do i trust? y do pediatricians take > this so lightly? i am so annoyed!>

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