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Suzy wrote:

Hi Suzy. Welcome to our group.


> Is yougart allowed on this diet? I am used to having plain low fat

> yougart on the other program i was on.

==>Most candida programs recommend yogurt, but it is not on my

program for many good reasons. This is from my article " How to

Successfully Overcome Candida " that was sent to you when you joined

(if you did not keep it go to our Group's left menu and click on

files; it's in the 1st Folder):

" Yogurt & Kefir would ordinarily be a good sources of probiotics,

however many candida sufferers cannot tolerant them, for a number of

reasons. It has been found that candida sufferers are also

intolerant of homemade yogurt and kefir, where most of the lactose

(sugar) content is removed by longer fermentation times. Please note

that the higher the butterfat content in dairy the lower the lactose

content (butter contains the least amount of lactose).

The problem for candida sufferers is caused by more than just lactose

content. It is because candida sufferers have inadequate digestion,

making it is difficult for them to break down nutrients in all foods,

but dairy products, other than butter, are particularly difficult to

digest. This is mainly caused by pasteurization and homogenization

which damages dairy products. It is more evident in dairy products,

other than butter, even in homemade kefir and yogurt.

Milk proteins like casein also make dairy very difficult to digest.

While most candida sufferers can have butter without any problems,

others can only tolerate ghee (clarified butter) which does not

contain these proteins. For more information on butter see the

Section on Fats and Oils above.

Commercially made yogurt and kefir is high in lactose content because

they are made from low fat milk products, in addition to being made

from pasteurized and/or homogenized milk. Even though some of the

problems associated with processed dairy may be eliminated by using

raw dairy it still doesn't seem to help candida sufferers. Even when

yogurt and kefir are homemade from raw dairy and fermented long

enough to lower the lactose, it still causes problems for candida

because lactose is changed into another sugar called galactose during

the fermentation process, and it also contains casein.

It has been found that candida sufferers who hang on to their dairy

products, other than butter, continue to have problems until they

entirely eliminate them. Later on some candida sufferers may be able

to tolerate small amounts of homemade yogurt and kefir, but they

should still proceed with caution until they have cured their

candida. "

The best in health, Bee

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  • 2 years later...

We had a STARband and never had progress photos taken, just the scan.


Novato, California

Nicolas, 3, tort & plagio, STARband (CIRS Oakland) 4/24/06-9/12/06,


, 5.5

, 9

just a question

does every place that offers bands take progression photos? my son

has had scans but never any pics taken


For more plagio info

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  • 2 months later...



> Bee ...... I'm just curious since our fat intake on this program is

high, shouldn't my skin be oily instead of being so dry? Before

starting this program, my face and hair used to be really oily now it's

the opposite .... they're both very dry. What do you think would cause


+++Hi Maddy. Your skin wouldn't be really oily on high fats, but it

wouldn't be dry either. Mainly thyroid malfunction causes dry skin.

Also it takes time for the body to balance itself as to nutrient levels

in order for the cells to be able to intake and utilize water, which

are mainly " good " fats along with oil soluble vitamins A, D & E, and

also minerals - see this article about Dry Skin by Dr. Tom Cowan:


However, he recommends taking sulphur but you won't need it on this

diet since there are so many foods that contain sulphur, i.e. lemons,

eggs, meats, etc.

Also candida toxins make all of the body's cell membranes go

rigid/stiff which takes time to improve - see this article:


In addition your body heals from the inside out, so healing resources

are being directed towards vital inner organs rather the skin at this


> thanks Bee ....... hoping to get together over the holidays when I

have some time off

+++That would be great Maddy. Give me a call.

Luv, Bee

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