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Re: 's granddog/squeek's dog

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Oh , I totally agree about it being how the dog

is raised. I have a Rotweiller who is almost nine

months old and she is the sweetest, most loving,

smartest dog I have ever seen. We joke about her

licking someone to death one of these days.

I have always hated dogs but when our son moved home

after his divorce, he brought his baby son and his 120

lb Rott. I didn't have the heart to tell him that he

had to get rid of his dog. In the 5 1/2 years that

she lived here with us I grew to love her, and the

Rott breed. They are such awesome animals. Powerful

enough to maul, but no desire! My son's dog got bone

cancer and had to be put down 1 1/2 years ago. Last

Nov. I couldn't stand it any longer and went and

bought myself a baby Rotty. She is my baby, my

constant companion. She will let me take food out of

her mouth at any time. In fact she will hardly eat

unless I play games with her and her food first.

Sweetest dog ever!

Loved the story of your dog!

Love, squeek

--- nant8 wrote:

> Okay here is the story of my granddog. I have always

> heard horror

> stories of pit bulls mauling people so I have been

> deathly afraid of

> them. Even though I had never seen one in

> person.Well my son came

> home with this precious solid white puppy with the

> pinkish mouth and

> skin. I told him that I didnt want any dogs at my

> house and he would

> have to keep it at his friends. Well gradually

> mawmaw was

> having to babysit it. I didnt know what kind it was

> just that it was

> cute and I felt sorry for it. Well the apartment he

> moved to said no

> pets so he was permanent (suppose to be for a little

> while)at my

> house. Well this cute puppy has turned into this

> 85lb teddy bear. He

> thinks he is my shadow. I found out not to long ago

> what kind of dog

> he was and was totally shocked.Everyone was scared

> to tell me. At

> night he sleeps on a pillow in our room so he doesnt

> wake our

> neighbors and I put him out in the morning in his

> kennel. Which my

> husband had to build because I didnt want no dog in

> my flowers or

> yard.He automatically knows to roll on his back so I

> can powder him

> with shower to shower powder every night because I

> dont want him

> smelling like a dog.My husband caught me spraying

> him with his

> ALLURE cologne and told me to use some cheap old

> spice if I was going

> to do that haha They say its all how you raise them

> because I have

> never heard him even growl and he just wants to lick

> everybody to

> death. The other day I just let him out while I

> answered the phone

> and he jumped over our 6 ft. wooden fence and was

> waiting at the

> front door for me to let him in.He puts his head on

> my knee and looks

> up at me with his big eyes saying please please keep

> me I am good.


> The other day it was hot so I let him stay in and I

> was in the

> kitchen deboning some chicken , when I dropped a

> piece on the floor.

> Well chicken bones are suppose to be deadly to dogs

> so I grabbed it

> out of his mouth and he just sat and waited for me

> to take the meat

> off and give some to him. I figured if he was

> vicious my hand would

> have been gone.We dont have any grandchildren yet so

> I dont know how

> that will be. I am still uncertain even though he

> thinks I am his

> mama and loves me to death. As if I dont have enough

> problems. My

> husband said when he gets to much for me to handle

> let him know but I

> am a sucker for punishment and I have a soft heart.

> Just thought I

> would share one of the many dilemas in my life.haha

> see ya,





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