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Some times I think children have more wisdom than adults. We, as

parents, try to smooth the path for them. But I believe we just make it

rougher. Some examples that are right for a Sunday follow.


Notes To God

A nun asked her class to write notes to God. Here are some of

the notes the children handed in.

Dear God:

I didn't think orange went with purple until I saw the sunset

You made on Tuesday. That was cool.

Dear God:

Instead of letting people die and having to make new ones, why

don't You just keep the ones You have?

Dear God:

Maybe Cain and Abel would not have killed each other so much

if they had their own rooms. That's what my Mom did for me and

my brother.

Dear God:

If You watch me in church on Sunday, I'll show You my new shoes.

Dear God:

I bet it is very hard for You to love all of everybody in the whole

world. There are only 4 people in our family and I'm having a hard

time loving all of them.

Dear God:

In school they told us what You do. Who does it when You're on


Dear God:

Are You really invisible or is it just a trick?

Dear God:

Is it true my father won't get in Heaven if he uses his bowling

words in the house?

Dear God:

Did You mean for the Giraffe to look like that or was it an


Dear God:

Who draws the lines around the countries?

Dear God:

I went to this wedding and they kissed right in the church. Is

that okay?

Dear God:

Did You really mean " do unto others as they do unto you " ? Because if

You did, then I'm going to get my brother good.

Dear God:

Thank You for the baby brother, but what I prayed for was a puppy.

Dear God:

Please send me a pony. I never asked for anything before. You can

look it up.

Dear God:

I want to be just like my Daddy when I get big, but not with so much

hair all over.

Dear God:

You don't have to worry about me; I always look both ways.

Dear God:

I think about You sometimes, even when I'm not praying.

Dear God:

Of all the people who work for You I like Noah and the best.

Dear God:

My brother told me about being born, but it doesn't sound right.

They're just kidding, aren't they?

Dear God:

I would like to live 900 years just like the guy in the Bible.

Dear God:

We read Edison made light. But in Sunday school they said

You did it. So, I bet he stole Your idea.

*** May your day be filled with much Sun Shine **


God Bwess 'merica

I was so proud to see my 2-yr. old grandson walking around

waving one of my extra car flags in the living room the

other day. He had taken it off the table when I went into

the kitchen and was waving it high above his head,

singing... " God Bwess 'Merica. " It brought chills

bumps over my arms and tears to my eyes as I

returned to the living room to see what he was up to.

I immediately starting waving my hands up in the air too,

joining in on his song, and praising him on how good he was doing.

A few minutes of singing and he headed off to his

next adventure. However before he took flight,

I spun him in my direction to head him off and asked,

" Where did you learn to sing that song? "

He quickly replied, " daycare. " I am very proud

that both of my grandsons learned to sing God Bless

America at their daycare. They also recite the Pledge

of Allegiance every morning.

Does this make me proud too? Absolutely.

We can all learn so much from the innocence of our

young children. While our children stand together,

with hands over their hearts and recite the words

of our Pledge of Allegiance, they do not care who is

standing beside them. They don't care what race that

person is what class, or what religion. They are all

on a mission…together. They are learning what respect,

pride, and honor is for the flag that stands

for everything this country represents.

Children are not born with prejudice toward race or

religion. Sit at a park or daycare some day and observe

them playing together. They are taught this from us…the adults.

We are their idols. We know all. The only time when

bitterness among them is present is when someone

took the best toy or cut in line at the water fountain.

I hope that I will never have to tell my

grandchildren that they cannot recite that Pledge

of Allegiance anymore. Because they will ask,

" But, why not Nannee? " Am I supposed to tell them

that we were wrong? That those idols and all-knowing adults,

which they look up to for everything, changed their minds?

I hope they will never have to be reluctant or ashamed

to stand with their little hands over their hearts and

recite those words. I hope they will never learn that

there was once controversy over

the words " One nation under God. "

I feel blessed to have had a lifetime full of

acquaintances from all sorts of backgrounds. It has

taught me diversity and respect for others. I was also

raised reciting the words to our Pledge of Allegiance

in my classroom everyday. I don't recall ever

once having heard that it offended anyone.

The people of the United States suffered a

tremendous blow on September 11, 2001, a day

that changed our way of life in this country forever.

We lost thousands of lives in an instant that can

never be replaced. Right now this country,

or this entire world for that matter, is hanging on

a delicate thread. Why create controversy and anger

to an already anxious situation among our people in this country?

Why now?

So what is my youngest grandson up to lately?

He is fascinated over the American flag. Every time

we take a drive in the car that little head pops up

in his car seat and he screams, " Look Nannee a fwag! "

I have to say, " What kind of flag is that? "

He excitedly replies, " merica " . The pride glows on his face.

We still sing " God Bwess 'merica "

and we still recite the " Pwedge of 'wegence " too.


After these what can I say. My God bless all of you, and our country


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