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The List"

>   The most destructive habit...............................Worry

>   The greatest joy.............................................Giving

>   The greatest loss........................Loss of self-respect

>   The most satisfying work....................Helping others

>   The ugliest personality trait......................Selfishness

>   The most endangered species........Dedicated leaders

>   Our greatest natural resource.....................Our youth

>   The greatest shot in the arm............Encouragement

>   The greatest problem to overcome......................Fear

>   The most effective sleeping pill............Peace of mind

>   The most crippling failure disease................Excuses

>   The most powerful force in life...........................Love

>   The most dangerous pariah......................A gossiper

>   The world's most incredible computer.........The brain

>   The worst thing to be without.......................... Hope

>   The deadliest weapon.............................The tongue

>   The two most power-filled words......................"I Can"

>   The greatest asset...........................................Faith

>   The most worthless emotion........................Self-pity

>   The most beautiful attire................................SMILE!

>   The most prized possession........................ Integrity

>   The most powerful channel of communication...Prayer

>   The most contagious spirit......................Enthusiasm

>   To the WORLD, YOU may be ONE person;

>   but to ONE person, YOU may be the WORLD...

>   Remember To:  Take care of the Body, Nourish the Mind

>   and Embrace the Soul!

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  • 7 years later...
Guest guest

I know that you are all kind of here-- doing it just like i am-- if I can, I do-- if not, I don't. Thanks for letting me know what's up--



To: neurosarcoidosis Sent: Thu, May 13, 2010 9:57:51 AMSubject: RE: sorry

Darlene, the list seems pretty quiet right now. Don't know if folks are sick, busy with other things or what. I think a lot of us read the messages & don't always respond, but your input is valuable. (spoken by the Prodigal Sarkie, home again after a long stay in the far country!)

Ramblin' RoseModerator A merry heart is good medicine. Proverbs 17:22

To: Neurosarcoidosis@ yahoogroups. comFrom: arney@...Date: Thu, 13 May 2010 05:26:29 -0400Subject: Re: sorry 

Hey guys,

Rose is not alone......I am here, even though I cannot sit here at

the monitor all day, I am still around early in the morning and in the

late evenings.... ..am trying to answer all I can and do the daily things

but no one seems to respond anymore, so I don't know if I am helping

anyone or not! Frustrating. ......... My family is in a mess right now but

I am helping all I can and God is keeping me on my feet!


NS Co-Owner/Moderator

sorry I'm sorry to everyone especially the moderators that I have not been around much, seems one thing after another happens in life, as you all know, we've made 2 trips to NE from CO in the past 3 weeks and in another week and 1/2 we will

be heading to Iowa for a wedding, between trips I came down with a good case of Bronchitis, antibiotics and 3 days of IV steroids, had to do the last one on the road, now that took some talking, but I got the dose and off we went. still have the ugly cough, how does a body make so much "stuff" in the lungs, it just hangs on. As Tracie knows too well. All while my sister is fighting with the family regarding my Mother whom lives with her right now in Pensacola Fl. but wants to put her in a nursing home, of which she is not even close to needing. The family there are 7 of us, had already decided that Mom would come and live with me now, I have the room, and resources to take care of her (for those that don't know me I'm an RN, worked up until the sarcoid became NS). As you all know the emotional feelings are just as hard on us as the physical ones. I know many of you have been through this too. I will work from the new and go backwards, so I don't repeat

things. I see Tracie on again, I hope you are feeling better,you have been in my prayers. Tracie is such a wonderful wealth of knowledge, and everything she has shared with us, I believe is in the archives, I myself find that very helpful. Thank You Tracie. Rose it's good to see you back too, missed you. Well it's May 12 in No. Colorado and we got a couple of inches of snow last night, yea! (ok not really, I am sick, sick,sick of winter, and ready for spring, even summer, so far it's just been wet and cold here, it was nice in Neb, the day of the funeral was the perfect day, temp just right sun shinning, the next day back home cold rain, which I hate more then snow:) Ok sorry, done ranting, how did I do Rose? I wish everyone I missed a very happy Birthday, and will try to catch up, I don't know with all that is going on with my Mom, how much I will be around, but know you are all in my prayers. and would ask that you would keep a very special niece of

mine in your prayers, she was just dx with Breast Ca, has surgery on the 17th, she has 2 little ones, and keep my Mom in your prayers too. Thank you so very much. God Bless, Marla ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ________ The New Busy is not the old busy. Search, chat and e-mail from your inbox. http://www.windowsl ive.com/campaign /thenewbusy? ocid=PID28326: :T:WLMTAGL: ON:WL:en- US:WM_HMP: 042010_3

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