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Rheumy visit

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Well, I went to the rheumy today & it was an okay visit. He reduced the MTX by another 2.5 mg which brings me down to 7.5 because me liver enzymes are still rising. He had talked about the injectable MTX on Monday, but because of the liver has decided against it because it makes your enzymes rise even higher. He is not sure if the 7.5 will work, but we will see. If it doesn't he will give me Imuran again. He really didn't think that it caused my feet swelling. I am staying on 7.5 of the pred. I am forbidden to any lifting of any kind for the move. I also cannot do anything strenuous. This should be a real blast. Oh well, the kids are coming over this weekend, (god help me) to get the majority of our things packed up.

I have an appt. the 4th with the foot Dr. to check out the pain in the top of my feet. It hurts right about the area where the elastic from the canvas slip ons hit the foot. I also have bad caluses on my heels which the PCP wants looked at.

The rheumy thinks the marks & sores on my legs are from the skin being stretched and going back down, but neither he nor my PCP did anything last time for my arms & they turned into ulcers, so it's off to the Dermatologist at my request.

The rheumy liked the pamphlets & the PCP was real excited about them. The rheumy wasn't too sure about the group. I told him about it so I guess he will come around. He thinks the support group is a great thing because we can answer questions for each other that they can't since we are going through them.

That's all for now.

Luv ya,


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