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Hey, yesterday was absolutely beautiful. Of course, I

didn't get anything done outside. Wanted to get

potting soil and plant a few things in the barrel, but

had too much other stuff to do. We do need the rain,

but I am also ready for spring! Drove to

church early this morning (he is playing keyboard in

all three services this morning), and it was very

cold. Looks like it is going to be beautiful again

today though. Continued good luck on your doctor

hunt, and on getting that BP down. Love, squeek

--- Glenda McClennen wrote:

> Squeek

> I already have one of those kind of dr.!LOL Don't

> think I need another I wouldn't recommend!LOL You

> aren't a mouse but the name is cute. Gosh do you

> think we are ever going to start having spring

> weather. I am not complaining because after last

> year we need the rain. I just am getting spring

> fever and want to get busy on home projects. You

> take care and it is great you are out there when I

> need you!

> Lots of love

> Glenda

> (I can give you the name of my ex doc...a good one


> to go to)






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--- Glenda McClennen wrote:

> Well Squeek you got us all on the favorite phrase.

> I use that one every day over and over again. I

> love you! Thanks for doing this was fun. Like the

> answer for the color of carpet. We just call it

> yuck now!LOL We are going to redo our house this

> year in beige we will see how long it stays that

> color! Might be yuck too!LOL

> Lots of love

> Glenda



Hey, the carpet in our bedroom is the original and our

house is about 30 years old. Now you know why we call

it yuck. New carpet is on my to do list asap. Just

so many things the house needs right now. It's

showing its age. Just had to have the roof cleaned

and treated for moss. Next is new gutters and

downspouts upstairs. It's never ending! Good luck on

your projects around your house. I enjoy fixing up

our home! Or more aptly, paying someone else to do it

these days. I just painted our bedroom

recently...won't say how long it took me. Told my

husband that I am now a retired painter. Never want

to do that again. Thats why the carpet looks so

terrible now. The walls look great tho'. Take care

and keep using that wonderful phrase....I love you!

Love, squeek



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  • 2 weeks later...
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--- Glenda McClennen wrote:

> Morning All


> Thank you all for the good thoughts and prayers! We

> should could use them! >

> Now for my Sister. She didn't get good news

> yesterday either.

> Again Thanks for being there!

> Lots of Love

> Glenda



Hi Glenda,

So sorry about all that you and your sister are going

through right now. It must be so hard watching your

sister be in pain, and not knowing what her prognosis

is. Sister's are so special!

I will be praying for both of you in the coming days.

Hope you can find a really great PCP. Sounds to me

like the current one makes your bp worse!!

Take care of yourself and holler if you need to talk.

I'm only a phone call away.

Love, squeek



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--- Glenda McClennen wrote:

> Sharon,

> Thanks so for just being there! Now that you have

> made me boo hoo! LOL I have thought a lot about you

> and your sisters this week. I sure know mine is

> special and she has been there when I have needed

> her in the last few years! Sometimes we look like

> gimp and gimpy but we get it done together! I think

> that is what God made sisters for! They are there

> to pick us up when we really need them! Now I just

> have lots more sisters with this group and you are

> one of my special ones. You are right here close so

> that makes you special for sure!

> Again Thanks!

> Lots of love

> Glenda



Oh Glenda, are you trying to return the favor and make

me boo-hoo too? Sisters are just the best aren't

they? Both of mine are having health problems right

now too, and I worry so much about them. Can't

imagine my life without them.

I'm glad we are close, and I know for sure that if I

ever need anything all I have to do is call. Hope you

know the same thing.

Now, you take care of yourself too. Gotta' get that

bp under control!

Love, squeek



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Great news about your sister, but don't you just hate

that hurry up and wait junk that you are going

through. I'll be praying, and holler if you need me!

Love, squeek (or Sharon to you!)

--- Glenda McClennen wrote:

> Morning All


> Where to start or not to start??? I guess I will

> start with the good news first.


> Phyllis my sister is home from the hospital already.

> So far so good. She can feel her toes again. This

> last episode of surgeries will take awhile to recoup

> from I am sure. They still don't want her doing

> much. She is not to bend her legs or wear anything

> tight fitting. They want everything to heal before

> she has much activity. Please keep her in your

> thoughts and prayers.

> Oh and she told me to tell you all thank you!


> Now for me. I went to the urologist yesterday and

> they didn't do much the tests are all to come in the

> next month. The urine sample I gave him showed I

> still had blood in my urine. I guess it is normal

> to have small amounts of blood in your urine but

> usually there are 3 to 5 red cells. Mine had over

> 20.


> I go in on the 13th for x-rays of the pelvic and

> abdomen area. On the 7th of June I go back into the

> dr. and if they find something on the x-ray I will

> have to have another test then. Hurry up and

> wait!LOL


> Urologist knew nothing about RP and I told him some

> about it. The next time I go in I will be armed.

> He said he would have to read up on it to find out

> more about the RP. I told him it effects the

> cartilage and collagen like tissues. I am not going

> to worry about this until it is all said and done.


> Funny how I worry about you all and everything else

> but I have not let this worry me. When it is me I

> can deal with it. Other I can't because I can't

> help or put my hands on it!


> Well anyway things are starting to calm down so

> maybe things will get on track her. Thanks so much

> for your thoughts and prayers they have really

> helped!


> Sending lots of love

> Glenda




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Oh yes Glenda i told my husband i didn't mind us flying out to San Diego to see my doctor there every 6 mos. I've lived in New Jersey, South Carolina and Texas i lived here the longest of the 3. When i flew to San Diego last year, i had never seen anything like it. The houses are literally built on the sides of hills or mountains. The whole scenery looked so unreal. The weather is so nice, i just love it there. Have a good day

Lots of love



Sounds like you are enjoying the idea of going to the Dr. in San Diego! Now I know you are sick!LOL No not really! I am like you love to just drive around and look at the beautiful landscapes. There is some really beautiful country here on the west coast that is for sure. I think that is why I like living here in Oregon so much. I can still see the mountains in a distance every day. Hope you have a great Dr. visit and a wonderful trip!

Lots of love


I will be flying to San Diego where i see Pulmonary doctor there who specializes in RP and stenting and other Auto immune diseases and it's effects on the Airway. I am leaving on June 2, and returning on the 5th. We are going to fly into LAX, and drive down the coast to Sandiego on the 4th. i can't wait to see San Diego, i think it is so pretty there. You take care and i will stop rambling here.....Bye,


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Yeah, I like the idea of a slumper party! Might just

be a whole lot better than a kick in the butt. Forced

myself to go work in the yard somemore and even though

I have to pay dearly for that, I do think it helps my

mental outlook. I ache all over!

Take care and thanks for the thoughts and prayers. I

am still praying for you and for your sister.

Love, squeek

--- Glenda McClennen wrote:

> Squeek,

> I don't think I want to give a swift kick. Then you

> would have a whole new hurt!LOL I think 's

> idea of a slumper party was better. We could go

> snitch Heidi's cakes and really pig out!LOL

> Take care and know you are in my thoughts and

> prayers. The Remicade will hopefully be at the

> hospital today and life will start settling down for

> you!

> Lots of love

> Glenda



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hi Glenda

I am so glad your sister is doing better. I am sure that is a big worry off your mind. Do they think the kidney problem is from the RP. I know it can affect that but not sure how.

I am getting ready to head for Big Bear for the weekend so will be off line till sunday night.

I am beginning to wonder if I don't have fibro or something else that affects the joints. Today I am in pain and having a really hard time getting around. I don't know why, I know its the hip joints and the knees. Probably arthitis.But when this hits and believe it this happens pretty often, My hips feel like they are on fire and the knees hurt and sort of feel like the knee cap is pinching something off in there. Nothing so far has helped. My stupid rheumy says its old age and won't do anything about it.He should see me on one the days that i can't hardly walk. When I do walk i look like a penguin wadaling (sp) across the room. THe hip joints won't move freely.

Sorry I guess this turn into a whining session. Maybe it will be better when I get to my new camper and relx.

love ya


Glenda McClennen wrote:


Nope haven't found a new dr. yet. My PCP is a butt and that is all there is to it. I do have one good thing going for me and that is my rheumy. He is doing a much better job at looking out for me now that he knows the PCP isn't. Wants copies of everything the other dr.'s do.

My flare was over as fast as it came. That is how they are while on the Imuran. I am lucky in that matter. I still get a twinge here or there but nothing that last more than a day.

Right now I am seeing a urologist and am waiting to get all the results back from that. I promise as soon as I hear from the urologist I will let you know what is going on.

Family is doing fine. I haven't heard from my son for awhile but am sure he is fine. Would have heard from him if he wasn't.LOL Sister went to the dr. the other day and she is allowed to drive again. She is still on the mend but so far so good! We just keep good thoughts and prayers going that the surgery will work this time.

Thanks for being there you are such a sweetie!

Lots of love



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  • 2 weeks later...
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Kept the faith. Your sister has to be a very strong woman having goin though

what she already has. My prayers are with you all


Your sister is also in my thoughts and prayers. Everything is going to be okay, just relax and let God do his work through the doctor's.

Take care



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Hi Glenda! Thanks for the new update. I will be

praying for not only your sister and you, but also

that God will give special wisdom to her doctors at

this time. Call me if you need to talk to someone

close by, or need someone to just sit with you in the

hospital. I care. Love, squeek

--- Glenda McClennen wrote:

> Morning all!

> Thank you so much for your wonderful prayers and

> good thoughts. They are working as my sister is

> still with us. It sure was touch and go there for

> awhile.


> Yesterday was a really rough day for us all. I know

> it was really rough for my sister. The reality of

> what they had to do just sunk in. Please keep her

> in your thoughts and prayers. I am sure she still

> has a pretty rough road ahead of her. We are

> praying that the dr. will have something else that

> they can do to help her. The thought of her losing

> her legs is a lot for anyone to handle.


> Again thanks and take care.

> Lots of love

> Glenda





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Gee, Glenda, I've been missing you and worrying about

you. Glad to hear that your sister is out of the

hospital and recuperating. How are you doing? Any

news on your health yet? I care! Love, squeek

--- Glenda McClennen wrote:


> Morning all!


> I am checking this out to see if my email will post

> messages again to the group. This has been not fun

> at all. It said I wasn't a member and I had to

> un-subscribe and re-subscribe to the group. You

> figure that one out. I think it had to do with

> attbi. My mail boxes were not full and I don't know

> what caused any of it. I just hope I am back to

> stay this time. Thanks to , Roy and I

> think I am back.


> Hope you all are doing well. My sister is out of

> the hospital and is due for a long recuperation.

> The doctor told her she couldn't go home by herself

> and that it was a nursing home or one of her kids.

> She was lucky and is staying with one of her

> daughters. I am dealing with some of my own health

> issues and didn't think it would be wise if I had

> her come to stay with me. This way one of her own

> kids will see how much she needs their help. Keep

> her in your thoughts and prayers and thank you all

> for the ones already sent. I am so thankful she is

> still here to give me a bad time.


> Take care all and hope to be posting regularly soon!




> ---------------------------------


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--- Glenda McClennen wrote:

> Squeek,

> thanks that was a good one! How are you doing?

> Hope you are okay! I sure wish we could get

> together sometime again! Gish you would think that

> us living so close together that we would be able to

> get together more than once a year!LOL

> Know I think of you often!

> Lots of love

> Glenda



Hi Glenda,

I'm doing so-so, better some days, and not so good

other. I'm certainly not sure that Remicade is so

great. I am lowering my prednisone, but at what


Wish we could get together too, Glenda. Now with

summer and our grandchildren both out of school it

gets even more complicated. Then factor in your

job....I'd still love to see you.

You take care of yourself, too. Have you been back to

your doctor and got all your results yet? Wasn't

there an appt coming up this month? Be sure and let

me know how you're doing.

Love, squeek



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Well, good gravy Glenda, no wonder we never get

together! With all you have going on I don't know how

you find the time to do anything else.

Thanks for the update on yourself and your sister. I

have been thinking about you and wondering what was

going on. Hopefully things will continue to go well

for your sister, and for you too!!

Take care and have fun fixing up your house. It is

sure a lot of work, but worth it when you see how nice

everything looks.

Love, squeek

--- Glenda McClennen wrote:

> Morning all!

> Hope you are all doing better! There are so many of

> you that are having a time of it right now! Hope

> you know you are in my thoughts and prayers! You

> are my family now and I do care.


> I haven't posted much lately and it is not from

> being ill! Sore but not ill!LOL We are redoing the

> inside of the house right now. We painted the front

> room, fireplace, tore out the carpeting and are

> having new installed. I will be laying floor tiles

> today and we still are going to paint Shae's room

> and the front bathroom. This is all stuff that

> needed to be done a few years back!LOL We have

> lived here since 1991 and this is the first time we

> painted some of it since we moved in. About time

> right!


> My kids are both coming to visit in July and we

> wanted to get it done before then. will be

> here from Mich. and Dyanna from Hawaii. Should be a

> nice visit when we get all this work done!LOL I am

> going to take a week off the week after the forth of

> July just to visit with them. I will need the week

> off just to rest!LOL


> Yes I am a do it myselfer!LOL It takes me longer to

> get stuff done with the RP but at least I still can

> do it! The only thing I decided I better not try to

> do was install the carpet. When they started

> talking about a knee kicker I decide my knees

> wouldn't hold up to that and neither would

> Mikie's!LOL I can hardly wait until it is all done

> and then I can start to redo the colors in my front

> room. It is going to be yellows, blues, and pinks.

> I want to brighten things up.


> Okay enough about that...now for how my Sister and I

> are doing.

> Last weekend we moved my sister in with her son.

> She is doing better knowing that she isn't alone

> anymore. That was the scary part for me. She is

> getting use back in her arm slowly but surely. Last

> surgery they did really did a number on it. They

> cut into the collar bone and disturbed all the

> muscles in that side. Poor woman has enough

> incisions that is for sure. Her legs are doing okay

> so far. She has some circulation in them now and

> they don't know how that could be considering that

> they had to unhook all the artery work that they had

> done before. We aren't complaining that is for

> sure! Just thankful she is still here with us.


> Now for me! I have had some problems lately too!

> Haven't told all the group but the ones that would

> bean me if I didn't tell them knew. Yes I

> know....didn't want to worry all of you for

> nothing....also hate to complain.


> In March I had my annual physical and found out I

> was having difficulties with my hormones.(NONE)LOL

> Also there was some blood in my urine and I was

> having problems with my blood pressure. With all

> that going on at the same time I felt like I was

> falling apart!LOL


> Well the hormones I fixed with a soy regimen and

> healthy woman soy vitamins. It sure worked....NO

> more hot flashes! I didn't want to take hormones

> because they caused me problems in the early stages

> of the RP. All I know is that what I am doing is

> working so will go with it!


> Now for the BP. Doctor got that under control with

> a higher dose of my water pill. I feel better is

> all I know and that is the main thing right? Doctor

> doesn't want to see me for an entire year!LOL He is

> the same one that pissed me off before so don't

> think he will be my dr. by then anyway!LOL


> Now for the blood in the urine. I went in for a CT

> Scan. Boy that was lots of fun...NOT. I have

> rolling and collapsing veins...had to poke me five

> times to find one that would work to put the die in.

> Gish wouldn't be so bad if they didn't have to dig

> around while they were in there.....I was bruised

> for a couple weeks from that. I had the techs so

> upset that they forgot to do the x-rays and had to

> go back in for that. CT showed I had a couple cyst.

> One on/in bladder and one on an ovary.


> Went into the urologist on last Friday and he found

> nothing wrong with the bladder and no blood in the

> urine. Wants me to have more samples done in 6

> months.. Did have me go back and have an ultra

> sound on the ovarian cyst.


> Ultra sound found that I did have a very small cyst

> on my ovary but tech didn't think it was enough to

> worry about. Doctor will call me back in a few days

> or so I hope!LOL


> So as you can see there has been a lot of crazy

> stuff going on here. I am still doing well and that

> is the main thing. RP is in the quiet mode and hope

> it stays that way for awhile.


> Thank you all for always being there for me and

> thanks for the good thoughts and prayers. I don't

> know how I ever got by all those years without you!

> Sorry I wrote a book but just wanted you to know

> what was going on around the mad and crazy house of

> McClennen's.LOL

> Lots of love

> Glenda




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--- Glenda McClennen wrote:

> Squeek,

> Darn and I was so hoping that your ears would start

> minding their own business! I will send good

> thoughts that they will just be good ears and not

> hurt!

> Lots of love

> Glenda



Thanks, Glenda! I'm always hoping the same darn

thing, but my ears just seem to have a mind of their

own. At least the flares aren't as bad or as long, so

that is a step in the right direction.

How are you doing? Finished with the home

redecorating yet? We are going to be doing some

repairs on our home this summer also, starting with an

exterior paint job.

Hope you and your sister are both well.

Take care! Love, squeek



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thanks for your very kinds words, they do mean a lot to me. I'm

just trying to sort all of this out. I haven't had time to see my

PCP yet to discuss this and he is the one that i really trust. so i

am hoping he can give me some answers.

hope all is well with you and no more flares in site.

love ya


-- In Rpolychondritis@y..., " Glenda McClennen " <eyeoreluv@a...> wrote:

> Dawn

> Sorry to hear that you have fibro. Damn it isn't like you already

have enough bothering you now. Know I have you in my thoughts and

prayers. Hope the others in the group have been able to help you as

I am sure they will!

> Lots of love

> Glenda

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Glenda, It sure sounds like your house is looking wonderful. Would you mind

coming down here and doing mine? lOL You had better take a rest. We don't

want you to flare because of too much work. geez, you and Heidi should hire

out to redo houses, clean and iron. You could make a forture. LOL I want to

be first on the list to hire you.

I'm glad your sister is a bit better. Tell her Hi for me and give her a hug.

I'll keep her in my prayers and hope that infection goes away soon.


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After the kids come and go in July I would be glad to come and do your house....good excuse to come see you!LOL I will tell our sister tomorrow when I take her to the dr. what you said.

As for the house....guess what the carpet layers will be her to do the carpet at 9am and I had to rush and do the floor in the entry way so they could finish the carpet there. Oh it is going to be so pretty when it is done. I will send pictures when it is done so you can see.

Lots of love


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Oh, it is definitely a plus that the flares are not as

bad! I just want them to disappear!

It sounds as if your home is going to be beautiful. I

don't know how you work full time and do all that work

on your place too. Wonder woman! So, is Shae going

to get the purple room that she wanted a while back?

Glad to hear that your sister is doing well, except

for the arm. I'm sure you're right about it needing

more time. I'm still praying for her.

Do post pictures when you are finished redecorating.

Maybe I'll get some ideas for our house.

Love, squeek

--- Glenda McClennen wrote:

> Squeek

> Like you said at least the flares are not as bad as

> they used to be and that is a plus...I think!

> Sorry I am so long at getting back to you. I have

> been so busy with the house it isn't funny. Trying

> to work and redecorate a home is not fun!LOL


> We have finished the painting all except for Shae's

> room. We completed the front bathroom and it is just

> beautiful now. The only thing left for me to do now

> is get the kitchen floor laid and Shae's room done.

> The kids will be here on the 3rd. I just hope I get

> done by then!LOL


> I am hoping to start on the floor tonight. I took a

> couple days off on Monday and Tuesday from work

> around here due to being so tired and Yesterday we

> went to visit my Sister. It was her birthday. She

> is doing pretty good. Still having a time one of

> her incisions has an infection and she still is

> unable to more her right arm around very well. It

> has been only three weeks and I keep telling her to

> give it some time.


> Well I had best get off her and get ready for work.

> Doesn't look like I am going to get caught up on all

> my email yet!


> Take care

> Lots of love

> Glenda



> At least the flares aren't as bad or as long, so

> that is a step in the right direction.


> How are you doing? Finished with the home

> redecorating yet? We are going to be doing some

> repairs on our home this summer also, starting with

> an

> exterior paint job.


> Hope you and your sister are both well.


> Take care! Love, squeek






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Hi Glenda,

I'll bet your house is looking great! Wish I were

that far along with ours.

Enjoy your kids visit!!!

Love, squeek

--- Glenda McClennen wrote:

> Morning All

> Well I bet you are all about ready to bean me!

> Sorry I haven't been posting much to the group but I

> have been keeping up with the mail. Just trying to

> read and keep up with you all has been tough. I am

> sorry but hopefully soon I will do better!


> We have all of our painting done on the inside of

> the house except for Shae's room. She had decided

> on bright pink. Gish I am going to paint it before

> she changes her mind again!LOL I have today off

> then it is back to work again tomorrow so I have to

> get it done today.


> We have finished the front bath, kitchen, front room

> and hall. Well at least they are cleaned and

> painted as needed. I have my new carpet in and all

> the flooring has been laid that I am going to

> lay!LOL I did 265 square feet of tile I think it

> was. There was 6 boxes that I used anyway! I don't

> care if I do that one for awhile either!LOL


> My kids will be here on the 4th. Our daughter and

> her family are coming from Hawaii and our son is

> coming from Michigan. This will be so nice to have

> them both here again. Just to visit not to stay!LOL


> Again I am sorry I haven't been posting but wanted

> you all to know I am still out here even if it is

> only lurking. Know you all are always in my

> thoughts and I truly miss you all!


> Lots of Love

> Glenda





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Thanks for the whispering! Keep me in your prayers

that I will be able to keep going down on the

prednisone. If the fatigue is all I have to worry

about, I can deal with that. I'm good (sometimes)

about listening to my body and getting the rest I

need. Neighbors who light off fireworks all night do

not help though!!! Take care and don't kill yourself

on that house.

Love, squeek

--- Glenda McClennen wrote:

> Squeek,

> So good to hear that you are doing well. I wont say

> that the fatigue will go away but you do get used to

> it. I still get tired but I think it is from all

> the extra work that I try to do!LOL Not

> really....even when I am being lazy I get tired at

> times. They are fewer and farther between than they

> used to be.

> Take care and glad you are doing well. (I am

> whispering because I don't want to jinx you!)

> Lots of love

> Glenda





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Sorry for the delay! I had my mother in law here for

a few days. She is a sweetheart and I love her to

pieces, but she will be 94 years old next month and it

is hard for her to leave her own home. When she is

here, I am her security blanket and she won't let me

out of her sight. Good thing I love her so much!

Yes, Glenda! I will blame the painting on you...darn

you anyway! I really do hate to paint and swore I

would never do it again after doing our bedroom a few

months back. But, houses get old and they need care,

so I am back to painting. I have the front bathroom

done except for some very minor touch-ups. I'm a

lousy painter! Today I started on the entry way. Our

house has been white, white, white forever, but I am

changing all that. My living room, hall, and entry

are going to be blue. In fact I started on the entry

today and I love my color.

I guess I work like Mike cause I take lots of

breaks....expecially in this dreadful HEAT! I have my

AC on, but it is just a small unit and doesn't cool

the entire house.

Wow, you are having a long visit with your kids! Hope

you are not going to get too tired out!

Take care, and thanks for the painting inspiration!

Love, squeek

--- Glenda McClennen wrote:

> Squeek,

> Glad all went well with the infusion. I hope it

> isn't my fault you have taken up painting. Ugh I

> don't even like to think of that word!LOL We still

> have to paint Shae's room and the spare room. They

> will be a lot easier than what the rest of the house

> was. We just ran out of time before the kids got

> here. I think Mikie was pretty glad about that

> one.LOL He was getting tired of me being such a

> slave driver. I am a worker when it comes to

> working. I go and go. He is the type that needs a

> lot of breaks!LOL Oh well he will get a good rest

> while the kids are here.LOL They are here until the

> 17th.


> So glad that you enjoyed your 4th. Sending good

> thoughts and prayers that the ear thing is just a

> fluke!

> Lots of Love

> Glenda





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Wow what a beautiful bride! And dress! Your daughter

wanting to wear your dress was so special. Are you

taking care of yourself? Love, squeek

--- Glenda McClennen wrote:

> Hi All

> Thought I would check into let you know I am still

> around and around!LOL Yes it has been a crazy few

> weeks here that is for sure with the kids here. I

> am going to send you a few photos of just how crazy

> it has been. Our daughter advised us she was

> getting married on Wed. and was married on Sat. I

> had to rush around and put it all together for her.

> Nothing like short notice. I think she wanted Mom

> and Dad to be there on the special day!


> The dress she is wearing was my dress 28 years ago

> and my mother made it for my special day. I am just

> amazed she wanted to wear it! Sure made my day!


> Both kids will be going home on Wed. One to Hawaii

> and the oldest to Mich. This has been a great

> visit but will be so glad to have my home back!LOL


> Know I think of you often and miss you all! Hope

> you enjoy the photos! Well send a couple more in a

> few.

> Lots of Love

> Glenda


> ATTACHMENT part 2 image/jpeg name=Dyanna.jpg



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Hey, Glenda, what day in August is your anniversary?

Our is the 25th of August and it will be our 39th!

That's scary cause I don't think I am old enough to

have been married for that long. Good to see lots of

posts from you this morning!!!! Love, squeek

--- Glenda McClennen wrote:

> Congratulations on the 28th ann. My husband and I

> have been married for 28 years in August.

> Lots of Love

> Glenda





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Oh no, my house is not gorgeous yet. I am calling the

window people this morning to get a few windows

replaced. Can't afford to do them all at

once....darn! Then on Fri. we will make the decision

as to who we will hire to paint the exterior. So much

to do! We are going to start laying the wood for the

kitchen, dining room, and entry flooring this weekend.

I'm tired already just thinking of it. So, when are

you posting the pictures of the " new look " at your


I don't know about Mom's hating to see their kids

go....all of ours still live right here in good old

Eugene. I know I would hate it if any of them moved


You take care, Glenda, and if you ever get a day off,

you know who to call. We'll meet at our separate

Shari's again. LOL

Love, squeek

--- Glenda McClennen wrote:

> Sorry I haven't gotten back to you. Sounds like you

> know what it is like to have family visiting! :o)

> True you love them to pieces but it sure is nice

> when they go home.LOL


> Sorry I rubbed off on you with all the painting! Is

> your house gorgeous yet? I sure like the look mine

> has now! Wow what a difference!


> goes home tomorrow. Gish I am going to miss

> him. I have been trying to get the boo hooing done

> before they all see me when they go. Do Mom's ever

> stop hating to see their kids go? :o) This has been

> a great visit that is for sure. Just wish they all

> lived closer so we could see each other more often.


> Well I best get busy and reply to some of the other

> posts.

> Lots of love

> Glenda





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Our eldest, a daughter, is going to be 37 next month.

That just seems so unreal to me! Time flies when

you're having fun I guess. It was a good month for

marriages, wasn't it? Love, squeek

--- Glenda McClennen wrote:

> Our Anniversary is August 31st. I feel the same as

> you shouldn't have a daughter that old or a son that

> is older. She is 24 and he is 27. ugh!

> Must have been a good month for marriages!

> Lots of love

> Glenda


> Hey, Glenda, what day in August is your

> anniversary?

> Our is the 25th of August and it will be our 39th!


> That's scary cause I don't think I am old enough

> to

> have been married for that long. Good to see lots

> of

> posts from you this morning!!!! Love, squeek




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