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Yeah, Glenda....first your painting bug rubs off on

me, now my BP pulls a Glenda. Glad yours is under

control now, hopefully I will follow suite! Are you

still on the two medications?

Take care and I just may holler at you someday.

Love, squeek

--- Glenda McClennen wrote:

> Squeek

> Sorry to hear you are having such a time of it. I

> have mine under control so now yours is up! Gish

> you get one thing straightened out and something

> else pops up! Holler if you need me! Sending good

> thoughts and prayers your way!

> Lots of love

> Glenda





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Oh Glenda, you are certainly right behind on

the worrying end of things. No way can I ever fill

your shoes....just trying to help out for the short

term!! Love, squeek

--- Glenda McClennen wrote:

> Okay you two! Where did I end up in this equation?

> I am the worry wart #2 and while is gone I

> am to keep everyone up to date on the progress.LOL

> Just because I am busy with the family now doesn't

> mean I am not still worrying about you all! :o(

> Take care both of you! You are in my thoughts as

> always!

> Lots of love

> Glenda


> Boy Dawn, you are doing great! Heidi is going to

> be

> so proud of you. Keep up the great nagging and I

> am

> doing some world class worrying. Love, squeek





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--- Glenda McClennen wrote:


>I can sure use all the help I can get in more ways

> then one!

> Lots of love

> Glenda

> term!! Love, squeek


Can't we all??? Love, squeek



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Oh Glenda, thank you so much! This is such great

news....I feel like singing! Keep those updates

coming our way, and have a great weekend. Love you,


--- Glenda McClennen wrote:

> Morning All

> I just heard from one of 's

> daughters. She gave me wonderful news to pass on to

> you and promises to keep me updated! Of course I

> told her if I didn't hear from them I would be

> calling to find out!LOL must have warned

> her about me!LOL


> Okay on to the news.... was sitting up after

> just 6 hours. She was a little nauseated from the

> meds but was doing well. They were able to take her

> off the respirator after just 5 hours. They had

> planned to leave her on it for 12 hours. Guess she

> showed them!LOL


> The Dr. says the new valve is working great. Dr.

> just can't believe how fast she is bouncing back.

> He says if she keeps this up she will be home by

> Tuesday or Wednesday. I asked if she told

> the Dr. why she was getting well so fast.

> said yes! All you people out there sending good

> thoughts and prayers....oh yah and how stubborn

> is to get out of that place.LOL


> Thanks you all so much on behalf of ! She is

> on the mend and will be home soon! I will keep you

> all posted on the progress as I receive it!

> Thanks again!

> Lots of love

> Glenda





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Hi Glenda,

I don't know how you keep going with all the stress

life keeps throwing your way. I know how it is when a

sister is ill.....they are so special to us! I will

certainly continue to pray for her and for you.

What are the doc's going to try this time besides

removing the grafts? Your sister must be sick and

tired of doctors, hospitals, and surgery. Tell her

that I am going to be praying for her.

Are you getting some rest this weekend? Hope so! You

have to remember to take care of Glenda too. I know

what a worry wort you are and don't want you getting a

flare right now.

I am helping lay our new flooring this weekend and it

is a JOB!

Take care! Love, squeek

--- Glenda McClennen wrote:

> Squeek,

> Thanks so much for passing this news on for me. I

> haven't heard from Rich or the girls again today as

> of yet but will call them after it isn't so early.

> I will keep you all updated as to her progress.


> Yes my sister is going to have another surgery I

> think this makes 6 or 7 just since May. This time

> they are going in to remove all the grafts and stuff

> they put in the last few times that didn't work.

> Her body is rejecting them and she has some major

> infection going on inside.


> The incisions have healed well on the outside it all

> the stuff on the inside that is giving her fits.

> She still hasn't gotten the full use of her right

> hand back due to the nerve damage that was caused

> from the last go round.


> Her surgery is schedule for 1st of August. She goes

> in on the 31st for pre-op. Yes will be

> coming home about the time my sister goes in. Gish

> I think those two girls are trying to give me gray

> hair!LOL


> Keep them both in your thoughts and prayers! They

> are two special ladies to me!


> Thanks and Lots of love

> Glenda





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Glenda, my thoughts and Prayers are with your dear sister. She has been through so much and I Pray that she receives a miracle from the Lord. You take care of yourself too, my friend. My Prayers are with you too.

Love, Sharon

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Yeah, right! No stress at all in your life! I wonder

how you do all that you do lady.

You're poor sister has certainly been through the

wringer hasn't she? It sounds as if she truly does

need a miracle. Maybe when she gets on disability she

will be able to get one of those electric carts to get

around in.

Thanks for the update on her also.

I'm pulling a sick thing. Headachy and so nauseaus

that I haven't been able to eat anything but one piece

of toast all day long. Good for weight control, but

no way to get my pills down and that is not good. Add

a prayer for me tonight when you pray for everyone


Talk to you later. Love, squeek

--- Glenda McClennen wrote:

> Squeek

> About the stress in my life....I have none!LOL

> NOT!!! I think I work better under pressure. It is

> just my body that tries to rebel every once in

> awhile.LOL


> As for my sister they have tried all they can try.

> Nothing has worked. Dr. asked or I should say told

> her that it was touch and go there for awhile. He

> was actually watching her die right before him. He

> said it was her life or the legs so guess what they

> chose.


> They are using some nerve medicine now on her so she

> can get the use of her arm back. Arm has nerve

> damage due to the last go round. The had to cut out

> part of her clavicle to save her life and evidently

> there are a lot of nerves in that area.


> Legs will be okay for now but she will never be able

> to get around for very long periods on them.

> Walking from one room to another is a major chore

> for her but at least she is still walking! I think

> they are going to get her on permanent disability.


> At least she is staying with her son and his family

> now and not alone. I don't have to worry about

> something happening to her and no one finding out

> for a few days!


> Thanks for your concern. I will keep you posted and

> yes I know you are always there for me! Hope I

> never have to use yah but it is great to know you

> are right here close!

> Lots of love

> Glenda


> Hi Glenda,


> I don't know how you keep going with all the

> stress

> life keeps throwing your way. I know how it is

> when a

> sister is ill.....they are so special to us! I

> will

> certainly continue to pray for her and for you.


> What are the doc's going to try this time besides

> removing the grafts? Your sister must be sick and

> tired of doctors, hospitals, and surgery. Tell

> her

> that I am going to be praying for her.


> Are you getting some rest this weekend? Hope so!

> You

> have to remember to take care of Glenda too. I

> know

> what a worry wort you are and don't want you

> getting a

> flare right now.


> I am helping lay our new flooring this weekend and

> it

> is a JOB!


> Take care! Love, squeek





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Thanks! I think I feel better this morning. I have

to! My grandson came home yesterday from visiting his

mom, and my step-grandson came back with him. I want

to do something fun with them this week, as next week

is ' vacation and they will both be gone with him

for three weeks.

Oh, I am so sick of this weather. That's probably why

I felt so sick yesterday. It feels hot again already

this morning. I am SO done with summer and ready for


Again, thanks for the prayers. Hope to see you

someday before the next reunion! Ha!

Love, squeek

--- Glenda McClennen wrote:

> Squeek

> You got the prayers coming already! Gish this

> weather here is the pits. I know it has been hot

> here today at our house. We have just been laying

> low. Too hot to do anything and didn't feel like

> going to the lake. Oh well I needed the rest

> anyway!

> Take care and good thoughts and prayer definitely

> going your way!

> Lots of Love

> Glenda





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The grandsons are cheap dates let me tell you. They

both collect stuffed animals, so yesterday I took them

to St. Vinnies where you can stuff a sack as full as

possible for $.59. Gavin stuffed 21 stuffed animals

into his bag and Jordan stuffed 20 in his. For $1.18

they had a blast going through all the bins of toys

and picking out what they wanted. I had fun watching

them, and naming some of the animals as we found them!

I'm with you on the heat! I am so sick and tired of

it. It just drains what little energy I do have.

Rain, where are you?

Thanks for your faithful updates on . I hope

that Rich prevails and they keep her until her

coumadin gets regulated. That was not a good thing to

do to our !! I can't even imagine having to do

without the RP medications....geesh.

Take care, Glenda, and try not to let the heat cook

you. Love, squeek

queek--- Glenda McClennen wrote:

> Squeek

> Hope you get to enjoy the time with your grandsons.

> Glad you are feeling better and I bet it was the

> heat or had something to do with it. The weather is

> just awful as far as I am concerned! Hope it starts

> cooling down soon. You would think we lived in

> Okieland!LOL

> Take care!

> Lots of love

> Glenda

> Thanks! I think I feel better this morning. I

> have

> to! My grandson came home yesterday from visiting

> his

> mom, and my step-grandson came back with him. I

> want

> to do something fun with them this week, as next

> week

> is ' vacation and they will both be gone with

> him

> for three weeks.


> Oh, I am so sick of this weather. That's probably

> why

> I felt so sick yesterday. It feels hot again

> already

> this morning. I am SO done with summer and ready

> for

> fall!


> Again, thanks for the prayers. Hope to see you

> someday before the next reunion! Ha!


> Love, squeek




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Oh yes, this weather is bearable. This morning I

heard that we may get some rain on Sun. and Mon. I

sure hope so!

How is your sister doing today? Hope all goes well

with the surgery. Please let us know....as if you

don't have enough to do already!

Love, squeek

--- Glenda McClennen wrote:

> Sharon

> I love this weather. I could live with this

> everyday! It was 72 degrees at 8pm tonight. This

> morning when I went out on the patio before work it

> was so cool I had to put on a sweatshirt. Love it!


> I told someone today give me cool weather or rain

> anyday! I think they thought I was crazy...I told

> them I was a true Oregonian born and raised!LOL


> Take care

> Lots of Love

> Glenda

> BTW - Remember my sister Phyllis and Me tomorrow,

> her surgery will be in the morning. She is really

> not looking forward to this one at all!




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O.K. The rain dance is canceled for now!

Yes, I do know how sisters are. I honestly can't

imagine life without either one of mine. They are so

special to me. When you feel like no one else in the

world understands or cares...you know your sisters do!

Talk to you later. I have to go get ready to get to

short stay for my infusion this morning.

Love, squeek

--- Glenda McClennen wrote:

> Squeek

> You got that right! They would most likely call the

> cops...couldn't you just see it!LOL


> You also got it right about my sister. She really

> worries me at times. It is funny we are like best

> of friends or even closer. We always know when the

> other one really needs us. I may not have heard

> from her in awhile and I will call her and she says

> how did you know I needed to hear from you? Funny

> how sisters are! You know how it is!

> Thanks for being there!

> Lots of love

> Glenda


> Re: update on Glenda's

> Sister



> Maybe we could do the rain dance together and it

> would

> rain for sure. Either that or someone would call

> the

> cops and have us locked up!


> Thanks for the report on your sister. So happy to

> hear a good report on her! Hopefully things will

> settle down for her now. I know it will make it

> easier on you, knowing that she is doing better.


> Thanks also for your kind words!


> Love, squeek

> --- Glenda McClennen wrote:

> > Squeek

> > Today was just beautiful! I will be elated if

> it

> > rains! Maybe I should get out and do my rain

> dance

> > to get it to hurry....think that would work?LOL

> >

> > Sister had her surgery and I was told late last

> > night that they decided to make it just a day

> > surgery. Believe it or not she is now at home

> and

> > doing very well!

> > She says she feels terrific. Nothing like she

> did

> > after all the others. She has two more new

> > incisions which just pleases her I am sure. NOT!


> > The site was infected so it is good that they

> got it

> > out when they did.

> >

> > Thank you all for all the good thoughts and

> prayers.

> > Don't know what I would do without you!

> > Lots of love

> > Glenda

> >

> >

> >



> =====



> __________________________________________________


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> All I know is you are all now an extended part of my

> family and I don't know how I got by without you all

> for so long. I think it will be 2 years this month

> that I joined the group. Seems like I have know you

> all a lot longer than that.


> Hope you all have a great day and know you are all

> precious in my mind!

> Lots of love

> Glenda



Ah, Glenda! This is really sweet! Thanks for the

kind thoughts. Hope your day is going great, and that

it does not get too hot. How's your sister?

Love, squeek



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Thanks for the update, Glenda. I'd be happy to send

her a list of books, but she told me that she went to

the book store before surgery and go all stocked up.

We seem to read a lot of the same books, so she

probably has everything I would suggest....but it is

worth a try. Poor ! Time passes so slowly

when you are bored. Take care, Glenda, and I'll send

some titles on to . Love, squeek

--- Glenda McClennen wrote:

> Good Afternoon All

> Hope you are all doing well! I just thought I would

> post you the latest from . She is reading

> the posts but just can't answer us all yet. Gish I

> miss her! :o) Please remember in your

> thoughts and prayers. She is still having a time of

> it with the coumadin levels. She says she can't do

> anything and she is bored to death.LOL Squeek maybe

> you can send her a few good book ideas.LOL


> Below is something she wrote especially for Dawn.

> Take care all!

> Lots of love

> Glenda
















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--- Glenda McClennen wrote:

> Squeek,

> Last I heard Roy was working on it. Don't know what

> happened. Will post Roy to find out what is going

> on.

> Lots of love

> Glenda


Thanks, Glenda! Did you hear how hot it is supposed

to be here today? Wanna' run away?

Love, squeek



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--- Glenda McClennen wrote:

> Squeek


> say great minds think alike but don't know as I fit

> in that category!LOL

> Lots of love

> Glenda

Sure you do, Glenda! If you do, that means I do too,

so lets just go for it. Great minds, not so great

bodies. Love, squeek



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Hi Glenda, good to hear from you. No, i don't remember seeing a post for me, from you. I probably went through my mail so quickly that i over looked it, sorry about that. All is well with me, other than my right eye, it keeps getting sore everytime i drop down to 91/2 mgs of pred from 10mgs. I am doing my steroid drops and they're working. So I will see what happens next month. Well you take care

Lots of love



Good to see a post from you! Did you get the post that I sent you the other day? Hope all is well with you and you have been busy enjoying your summer.

Lots of Love



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--- Glenda McClennen wrote:

> Squeek

> Are you still out there? Gish it was so hot it

> wasn't even funny. Did you see where it was even

> hot on the coast yesterday? That is hot for here.

> Heck yesterday there was no place to even get cool

> around here!LOL I HATE THE HEAT! Hope you survive.

> It was 1 am before I could go to sleep last night

> and I get up at 530 am. Makes for really short

> night.


> Now for the website at the foundation. Roy is

> attempting to do some changing around. Something to

> do with the server not accepting the program he is

> using. He said he will either have to change

> programs or find another server. Gish if it isn't

> one thing it is ten others. Any way he is working

> on it and I will let you and the group know when it

> is up and going again or maybe Roy will!

> Lots of love

> Glenda


Oh Glenda, this heat is sickening....literally! My

younger sister has migraines really badly and she woke

up with one yesterday. I've been getting really bad

headaches for about six weeks now, and I had a doozy

yesterday. Knocked myself out at 6:30...went to bed

with three fans blowing on me and a cold wet wash

cloth on the back of my neck. Maybe it will be a bit

cooler today and you can get some sleep tonight. You

must be a zombie today.

Thanks for the report on the website....I'll just keep

checking in and seeing how its going.

Well, I have to run to the store today and want to do

it early, so I'd best get in gear over here. Take

care and try to stay cool.

Love, squeek



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I guess I must use the wrong batteries. Gotta' stay

out of the Dollar Tree. Love, squeek

--- Glenda McClennen wrote:

> 100 mg is what I take of the Imuran and I am like

> the energizer bunny.... I keep going and going.

> That is until my battery wears out.

> Lots of love

> Glenda


> > > I am on the Imuran also and it wipes me out. I

> > usually take a nap. But like

> > > Glenda says it does get better with time.

> >

> > Lu,

> > How long did it take before you started noticing

> the

> > fatigue getting better?

> > Love,

> >

> >

> You mean it gets better?? I've been on it for over

> a

> year, and I'm still not used to it I guess. I take

> 150 mg a day. How much do you guys take?


> Love, squeek







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Both! Love, squeek

--- Glenda McClennen wrote:

> Oh my gosh!LOL I could just see us! We would be so

> tired by the time we got there! Or wet!

> Lots of love

> Glenda



> Hey just think, Glenda, we could laugh all the way

> to

> OK. Love, squeek

> --- Glenda McClennen wrote:

> > Good one Squeek! I'd go for that one!LOL

> > Thanks for the laugh!

> > Lots of love

> > Glenda

> >

> > > Dagny,

> > > Well, in that case.............you could meet

> in

> > > Tulsa, OK. THEN, Heidi and

> > > I could guide you to Broken Arrow. ;-)

> > > Think that would work? We'd love to see you

> guys,

> > > and the weather here has

> > > been a bit cooler......although the weatherman

> > says

> > > it is going to start

> > > warming up again.

> > > Love,

> > >

> > >

> > Hey , can you come pick us up in your new

> van

> > and

> > give us all a ride? That would work for me!

> >

> > Love, squeek

> >

> >



> =====



> __________________________________________________


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Hi Glenda,

Glad you got your PC problem worked out, I need to dust mine too. I'll have to make sure I eat sooner Friday, Wed. I took a nap and woke up at 1:30 and missed it if any were in there.

I got to get out of my chair now so take care and hope all is well with you and family.

Love ya


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What great news! Not that a major angina attack is

good, but it is certainly better than what this could

have been. Now, you take care of yourself and get

some rest this weekend. Love, squeek

--- Glenda McClennen wrote:

> Evening all


> Well I had better post before I get yelled at. :o)

> We just got home from the hospital a little bit ago.

> Notice I say we! Mike is now home with us and they

> found no problems that they could see or hear. They

> think he had a major angina attack.


> It sure scared us and them. They didn't want to

> take any chances due to his history. Gish I wish

> they would have figured it out or at least let us in

> on some of it before now. Two days in the hospital

> is more than enough for me. They put in on pepcid

> AC and told him to go in to PCP and the heart

> specialist in a week or two.


> I am just so very thankful it wasn't his heart. We

> know he could and probably most likely will have

> some problems but gish it has only been a little

> over a year from the last one.


> Thank you all for your good thoughts and prayers. I

> know they have helped me a lot and know you have

> been right there with me.


> Thanks again!

> Lots of Love

> Glenda





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Thanks for the updates on Mike and your sister.

Please let us know what you find out about Mike on

Thursday. Love, squeek

--- Glenda McClennen wrote:

> Sandy

> Mike is doing fine. He goes to the cardiologist

> again on Thursday. They don't know what caused the

> chest pains so they are sending him to his

> cardiologist and a PCP to have him rechecked. They

> have ruled out the heart or at least I think they

> have.


> For those of you that don't know me or Mike very

> well.... Mike just had his 50th birthday in July.

> When he was 48 he had a heart attach that laid him

> up for a few months and then it was back to business

> as normal. He was very lucky then. The heart

> attach only damage about 2% of the very lower part

> of his heart. Right artery to the hear was 98%

> blocked when they placed a stent in it.


> The tests he had done the other day show that there

> is normal flow through the heart and all the places

> that there could be problems or were problems in the

> past seem to be working normally.


> I know shame on me for getting all upset last week.

> It is just so hard lately with all the stress and I

> wont go into that but this was like the straw that

> broke the camels back. Well it didn't but it set me

> back a day or two.


> For those of you who have asked about my sister she

> is doing well. She is still alive! She is learning

> to cope with not having the mobility she use to.

> She has even mentioned getting a wheel chair to get

> herself around in. She is getting tired of being

> homeward bound that is for sure.


> Thanks for all you kind words, thoughts and prayers!

> Don't know what I would do with out all you!

> Lots of love

> Glenda





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> Squeek so glad to hear that your sister is doing

> great and the tests came out great. Gish I know how

> it is with sisters. I hope the remicade works this

> time. Gish you have had enough! Sending good

> thoughts your way!


> Take care and have a great day!

> Lots of love

> Glenda

Morning Glenda,

Did you swelter yesterday? This weather can pack up

and leave any day now!

Oh boy, I am so relieved about my sister. I know you

know exactly how I feel. Both of my sisters are

having health problems right now and that is scary.

My younger sister goes to my rheumy, and we are

working on getting my older sister in to see him also.

I am hoping that the Remicade does something this time

also, or I am seriously considering saying no more. I

don't mind meds that work...but why take something if

it is not helping. This has been my pattern for two

and a half years though. I start a new med and it

seems to help so much, then its like my body learns to

ignore it, and I am back to square one. Remicade has

worked longer than any other, but I am getting worried

that the same thing is going to happen again. Anyway,

tomorrow is the next infusion and I will know then if

it worked or not.

Lets hope for a cooler day today! Don't work too

hard, and be sure and let us know what the

cardiologist has to say about Mike.

Love, squeek



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Marilyn, your lemon bars sound so good. I have not eaten since yesterday due to the test I had done--no appetite. But, I do want one of your lemon bars! I'm glad that Rambo is feeling better. Take care.

Love, Sharon

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Yes, I made the lemon bars!!! Had to have some comfort food

after cleaning up that mess I made in the bathroom. I do put

powdered sugar on the top of mine. So far, I've behaved myself and

have only eaten three of them. But..... I did have to eat a maple

bar this AM after I went to the grocery store. Shame on me!!!

Took Rambo back to the vet this AM for his recheck and he's doing

much better. The vet is convinced this was all a bad ear

infection. Time will tell. He's still on the antibiotic and I am

tapering his prednisone now. Noticed he has been eating more than

usual and that has to be the pred; he's also really grumpy. Bite my

finger this AM when I had poked that darn pill down for the 4th time.

Had quite a storm here this AM. Lots and lots of rain, thunder and

lightening. Made me feel like I was back in the mid west again. We

so rarely ever get thunder and lightening here so it was quite a big


Take care and I hope you have a good weekend.

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