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Liz, thank you for all your encouragement. Yes, I find that the nurses in

the hospitals are more than willing to explain all of your meds. I really

questioned the shot in the stomach. LOL It still hurts. Must have really

hit a muscle. LOL

Yes I do remember my dr situation. Just proves if we never give up and keep

looking we will find the perfect ( or near perfect ) team. LOL I feel so

thankful for mine. I have to change insurances in Oct, so probably will have

to work something else out. I will cross that bridge when I get there.

I know you are going to Africa soon, but can't remember when. Please tell me

again. How long will you be gone this time.? Can't wait to hear the

stories. You just bring so much adventure into our lives. Thanks for

sharing all your great stories with us.

Gosh I miss you so. Let me tell everyone. Once you meet anyone in this

group, you will miss them so after your visit. I actually think it has been

harder since meeting you all in Okie land. But wouldn't have changed a

thing. Just a really close bond. You ALL must save those pennies. You can

never imagin all the love and caring that is in ONE room. AND all the

laughter. LOL

Well, I'm off to get some work done. Rich was snoring through his C pap

machine and once I'm awake, that is it for the day. So looks like I should

get something done. lOL

Have a great Sunday.



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Oh Liz boo hoo! I wish we all didn't live so far apart! I sure am looking forward to our next big RP get together that is for sure. I am planning on getting busy on it real soon! Heidi will be on my butt if I don't!LOL

Thanks for always being there and for the great advise! Sounds like some my Mom would give me!

Lots of love


Glenda, so glad that Phyllis is home and on the up andup.Sorry to hear that you are having some worries. Iunderstand entirely about the worrying more aboutother people, when it is yourself you know what ishappening and (most of the time) you feel more incontrol. One of the best pieces of advice I ever got was don'tworry about things you can't do anything about. It isa waste of energy. If worrying will spur you to dosomething, by all means worry; but if it can't affectthe outcome try and keep it under control. Mind youlike all these pieces of advice, it is easier saidthan done!!You take good care of yourself, Glenda, and I know youwill do everything necessary to get this problemsorted. Much love Liz

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  • 4 weeks later...
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hi lizz

welcome home. i always look forward to your post of your trip and your adventures. I can just see all of the elephants and lions. Now the snake that is another story, i am very phobic about snakes comes from my childhood and almost getting bit by one.

oh well, i happy your back with us safe and sound.


Cobb wrote: Hello everyone - we are back from Tanzania, earlierthan expected as usual because the boss was calledback to work. However it was a wonderful trip. Thehyena in the camp turned out not not to have babies aswas thought, but she had wire from a poacher's snarecaught round her mouth,and could not eat. The rangerswere called and they captured her, held her down witha forked stick and cut the wire. She did not struggleat all, when she was free she ran off into the bush.Ialso saw a snake (in the dining tent!) eating alizard!!! When we were out on game drives we saw the usuallions, hyena, giraffes, crocodiles, hippo, buffalo,wildebeeste, impala, 's gazelle, one family ofelephants crossing the road. Fortunately Lana, who isas scared as I am of elephants, would not let thedriver go too close!!! So they did not feelthreatened. We also saw a lion (male) who had lost aleg, the guide told us it happened when he was a cub,I don't know how, and the vet sedated him, amputatedthe damaged limb, and released him. he is always withhis brother who shares his kill with him. That ispretty unusual behaviour for lions!! we also saw amating couple, who we named Romeo and t, at thebeginning of their 5 day romance!! The people at the lodge were very nice and helpful, wealso were caught in the most spectacular thunderstorm- the trucks carry waterproof ponchos, so we did notget soaked. Our landrover got stuck in the mud thefirst night and we all had to get out - which is scarywhen you KNOW there are hunting lions about. We didhave men with large guns around, but....The worst thing was the tsetse flies which are aproblem in the Western Serengeti. Still I was notnearly as badly affected as everyone else, I assumebecause the prednisone damped down the reaction, I didget stung but did not have large itchy wheals likeeveryone else!! Its an ill wind that blows nobody anygood!!! We are all really sad to have left. In thelounge at the Lodge they had an old gramophone andseventy eights ( for the pred CD and tape generation)and we sat and played lovely old scratchy songs andhad tea and cakes before we went out on night drives.All good things come to and end, but the girls aretrying to persuade their father to go at the end ofthe summer again. I am pretty tired but is an OK kind of tired, nothingthat a couple of days rest won't cure. One of theguests fell and hurt his back, and had to behelicoptered out, much to the delight of the localswho had never seen a helicopter before, fortunately heis OK. Reem twisted her knee and did something, I amstill trying to persuade her to get it checked out.We will be leaving for California in a couple ofweeks, so we have that to look forward to. It's prettyhot here now.I hope and pray everyone is OK, please put me back onmail. Sorry to run on - I wish you all could havecome!!! Love Liz__________________________________________________

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Am glad you had such a lovely time there , hope you got some good pics to share.... Also, the snake thing, my mom would have been in 7th heaven. When my family moved out to Colorado they had to tell my mom not to go out and pick up the snakes as a lot of them were poisoness. Where she grew up in Iowa she would play with the field snakes. and at picnics we went too in colorado some people would bring there boa's; well she would have one wrapped around her arms and looped in the back of her and walk around. Least to say i will touch a garter snake, but that is it.... : ) Barbara aka bj Re: Liz hi lizz welcome home. i always look forward to your post of your trip and your adventures. I can just see all of the elephants and lions. Now the snake that is another story, i am very phobic about snakes comes from my childhood and almost getting bit by one. oh well, i happy your back with us safe and sound. dawn Cobb wrote: Hello everyone - we are back from Tanzania, earlierthan expected as usual because the boss was calledback to work. However it was a wonderful trip. Thehyena in the camp turned out not to have babies aswas thought, but she had wire from a poacher's snarecaught round her mouth, and could not eat. The rangerswere called and they captured her, held her down witha forked stick and cut the wire. She did not struggleat all, when she was free she ran off into the bush. Ialso saw a snake (in the dining tent!) eating alizard!!! When we were out on game drives we saw the usuallions, hyena, giraffes, crocodiles, hippo, buffalo,wildebeeste, impala, 's gazelle, one family ofelephants crossing the road. Fortunately Lana, who isas scared as I am of elephants, would not let thedriver go too close!!! So they did not feelthreatened. We also saw a lion (male) who had lost aleg, the guide told us it happened when he was a cub,I don't know how, and the vet sedated him, amputatedthe damaged limb, and released him. he is always withhis brother who shares his kill with him. That ispretty unusual behavior for lions!! we also saw amating couple, who we named Romeo and t, at thebeginning of their 5 day romance!! The people at the lodge were very nice and helpful, wealso were caught in the most spectacular thunderstorm- the trucks carry waterproof ponchos, so we did notget soaked. Our landrover got stuck in the mud thefirst night and we all had to get out - which is scarywhen you KNOW there are hunting lions about. We didhave men with large guns around, but....The worst thing was the tsetse flies which are aproblem in the Western Serengeti. Still I was notnearly as badly affected as everyone else, I assumebecause the Prednisone damped down the reaction, I didget stung but did not have large itchy wheals likeeveryone else!! Its an ill wind that blows nobody anygood!!! We are all really sad to have left. In thelounge at the Lodge they had an old gramophone andseventy eights ( for the pred CD and tape generation)and we sat and played lovely old scratchy songs andhad tea and cakes before we went out on night drives.All good things come to and end, but the girls aretrying to persuade their father to go at the end ofthe summer again. I am pretty tired but is an OK kind of tired, nothingthat a couple of days rest won't cure. One of theguests fell and hurt his back, and had to behelicoptered out, much to the delight of the localswho had never seen a helicopter before, fortunately heis OK. Reem twisted her knee and did something, I amstill trying to persuade her to get it checked out.We will be leaving for California in a couple ofweeks, so we have that to look forward to. It's prettyhot here now.I hope and pray everyone is OK, please put me back onmail. Sorry to run on - I wish you all could havecome!!! Love Liz__________________________________________________

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Thanks for the information, Liz. I will keep that in

mind in case the nystatin doesn't work. My doctor was

a bit surprised that I have had no problems with all

the med's I am on up to now, then I have to turn up

with thrush. Hopefully the medication will do the

trick. Thanks again. Love, squeek

--- Cobb wrote:

> Squeek, thrush is a perennial problem for people

> taking pred, antibiotics, or with diabetes etc. I

> have found that taking a supplement of lactobacillus

> acidophulus, available from places like GNC, taken

> regularly can prevent the infections, or eating live

> yohurt on a regular basis. I have had doctors

> poohpooh the idea, but my current doctors agree.

> And

> certainly I have not had thrush (anywhere) for ages!


> I don't have too many stomach problems either. (I

> also take 150 Zantac on a regular basis also).


> I am not in general a great supporter of " natural "

> remedies, but some of them, if used as complementary

> therapy, rather than alternative can be helpful, but

> again you must check everytthing with your doctor.


> Take care, love Liz


> __________________________________________________


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Marilyn, I'm sorry you are going through this right now.. Sounds like you

need to see a dr. I worry about your blood sugar levels. I know nothing

about it, so I can't even put in my 2 cents (boy that's a first huh? )LOL

I'm sure there will be lots of imput from the group.



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--- marilynkayk wrote:

> Hi,


> I have a question about blood sugar levels. When I

> went for my

> blood draw back in March my glucose level was 170,

> but I hadn't

> fasted. The doctor flagged that on my blood work

> and the

> rheumatologist said I needed to discuss this high

> level with my

> PCP. Well, my PCP knows about it and has never said

> anything. In

> the mean time I started to check my blood sugar

> levels at home. My

> husband is diabetic. At home I would get about 95

> in the AM before

> eating. By afternoon after eating dinner, they are

> like 160-180.

> When I went in the other day for my 3 month blood

> draw I had been

> fasting and it was 98. I asked the nurse if my

> blood sugar levels

> should be going so high after eating and she said

> " no " . " If your

> pancreas is working right it should not go above 100

> after you eat. "

> Does this sound right, and should I be taking

> something for the high

> blood sugar levels? I have never had this problem

> before I started

> on the metho. It would be like 75 all the time.

> Thanks so much. Love, Marilyn K.



Marilyn, these sound to me as if you are diabetic,

although if these are values without medication you

may not need medication yet. Do remind your PCP about

it and ask if you need to do anything else about it.

I personally find mtx has a lowering effect on mine,

but only the day I take it. But these things are

progressive, and different meds do different things -

I find albuterol inhalers send mine up. You might ask

him to to a Hb1ac test which shows how you are doing

over a three month period. A fasting blood sugar

doesn't necessarily prove anything, a glucose

tolerance test shows more. What the nurse says is

true, if your system is working OK your levels should

remain between around 80 and 110. You don't want to

wait until it becomes a big problem. Good luck, love Liz


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Sounds like you are having a rough time of it right now. Hope the bursitis gets to feeling better and the shot really kicks in. Gish it isn't fun when you hurt like that!

Sending good thoughts and prayers your way too!

Lots of love


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  • 4 weeks later...
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You are such a sweet lady. Always there to encourage us! You are so right about the exercise. If I just sit around I get depressed. I have to get myself up and going. I find that the more active I stay the better off I am with RP too.

Glad that your rheumy visit went well. Sounds like you are doing all the right things. Gosh we wont know you when we see you again in Oregon. You will have to send us a picture so we can pick you out.LOL Just kidding. I will remember you always. We had so much fun in Okieland and I am sure that it will be just as much fun here too.

I have never seen so many people who had never met except on the internet hit it off so well. It was like we had all known each other forever. Like old friends getting together. I know I sure enjoyed each and everyone of you! :o) I am sure looking forward to the Reunion here in Oregon.

Take care and keep us posted on how you do with the pulmonologist today.

Lots of love


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--- Glenda McClennen wrote:

> Liz

> You are such a sweet lady. Always there to

> encourage us! You are so right about the exercise.

> If I just sit around I get depressed. I have to get

> myself up and going. I find that the more active I

> stay the better off I am with RP too.


> Glad that your rheumy visit went well. Sounds like

> you are doing all the right things. Gosh we wont

> know you when we see you again in Oregon. You will

> have to send us a picture so we can pick you out.LOL

> Just kidding. I will remember you always. We had

> so much fun in Okieland and I am sure that it will

> be just as much fun here too.


> I have never seen so many people who had never met

> except on the internet hit it off so well. It was

> like we had all known each other forever. Like old

> friends getting together. I know I sure enjoyed

> each and everyone of you! :o) I am sure looking

> forward to the Reunion here in Oregon.


> Take care and keep us posted on how you do with the

> pulmonologist today.

> Lots of love

> Glenda


> Glenda, you are so right about the 'old friends'. I

can't wait for Oregon, and hopefully we will meet lots

of our 'new' friends.

Well, the pulmonologist was so pleased with me.

'Thrilled' was the word he used. My breathing is sooo

much better than when I first saw him. He also

remembered that I was having a really hard time with

the arthritis and my ear was flaring. It was he who

recommended me to see Dr Hallegua, my rheumy, for

which I am eternally grateful!!

When I first saw the pulmonologist I was taking

Ventolin 4 times a day, and Becloforte (which is a

strong steroid inhaler), 250mcg, and I was taking two

puffs four times a day, and I STILL couldn't breathe

properly, I used to wake up gasping in the night,

which was very scarey. Now I don't take any inhalers,

the 5mg pred seems to take care of it. (Well, and the

metho and the plaquenil, LOL) I have not had to go to

an emergency room for over four years!!!

ALSO (bragging a little here) I got up at 6.00 am

because Milla wanted to go out, and thought, while I

am up I will do a few minutes on the treadmill. I did

half an hour and this is before breakfast!!!!!

I was taking 3 glucophage a day, now down to 2 and no

glyburide. I don't suppose this will last forever,

but I am enjoying it while I may!!!! I really am

counting my blessings as I have been so lucky.

Take care everyone. Love Liz


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So glad that the pulmonologist found you were doing so well! As they say you have come along way baby! Gish now I am dating myself!LOL Keep up the good work! Sounds like you were really lucky to find this dr. when you did!

You aren't bragging! You are just celebrating your good fortune. I would be too! It isn't everyday you get good news like this. Keep up the good work!

Too bad all doctors weren't like yours.

Lots of love


Well, the pulmonologist was so pleased with me.'Thrilled' was the word he used. My breathing is sooomuch better than when I first saw him. He alsoremembered that I was having a really hard time withthe arthritis and my ear was flaring. It was he whorecommended me to see Dr Hallegua, my rheumy, forwhich I am eternally grateful!!ALSO (bragging a little here) I got up at 6.00 ambecause Milla wanted to go out, and thought, while Iam up I will do a few minutes on the treadmill. I didhalf an hour and this is before breakfast!!!!!I was taking 3 glucophage a day, now down to 2 and noglyburide. I don't suppose this will last forever,but I am enjoying it while I may!!!! I really amcounting my blessings as I have been so lucky.Take care everyone. Love Liz

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  • 2 weeks later...

Gosh I am so sorry Liz. How many times I have set here and wished I could

take your guys Pain away from you.

Dang RP anyway. Gosh how I hade this RP. Are you sure you want the RP

medicine ?? LOL I guess I can

bring it by your House on my way to Claudi's house.

LOL Get well soon ok. Will keep you in our prayers.

Love you very much




> On Saturday evening I had the most awful shooting pain

> in my face and head. I thought it might, even

> probably was, rp related; but I didn't want to take

> extra pred and mess up my blood sugars if not

> neccessary. I struggled through the night with a

> couple of Aleve, which didn't seem to make a dent,

> then tried celebred in the morning, no relief. So I

> went to the ER at Cedars Sinai, they were very nice,

> thought it was trigeminal neuralgia(said it was common

> in people with rheumatic diseases) gave me a shot of

> morphine and some neurontin. He said it would come

> back, but I had to build up the dose of neurontin, and

> to call my doc asap. Well the morphine did give

> almost total relief. However when it wore off I was

> crying non stop, and the girls dragged me back to the

> er. Saw a different doc, admitted he didn't know much

> about rp, but was quite happy to give me another

> morphine shot and some vicodin, to get me through

> monday morning and call Dr Hallegua.


> When I saw him the next morning (how's that for good

> service?) he said my right ear canal was swollen

> closed (and by this time my face was swollen too, but

> I also had some nasty green post nasal drip so he put

> me on Biaxin for 10 days, and upped my pred to 20 for

> 10 days then to reduce pred by 2 1/2 per week.

> Honestly, the pain was like someone hitting me on the

> cheek with a hammer approx every 15 secs!!! It has

> now reduced a lot and is livable with. I don't feel

> great, but I do feel much better, thank the Lord!!


> Sharon, if that is the sort of face pain you are

> having - I have even GREATER sympathy for you - how is

> it going? Love Liz


> __________________________________________________


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You have every right to feel smug! You are right

about everything being less painful on higher doses of

pred. I'm down to 5 mg and hating it! All my joints

and my ears are protesting! Take care and hope today

is a wonderful day for you. Love, squeek

--- Cobb wrote:

> Thanks Squeek, I have just walked on the treadmill

> for

> 30 mins, so feel very smug. Of course everything is

> less painful on a higher dose of pred!!!! Love Liz


> __________________________________________________


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--- Sharon King wrote:

> You have every right to feel smug! You are right

> about everything being less painful on higher doses

> of

> pred. I'm down to 5 mg and hating it! All my

> joints

> and my ears are protesting! Take care and hope

> today

> is a wonderful day for you. Love, squeek

> --- Cobb wrote:> >

Thank you Squeek - AND my voice is back today. This

is cause for celebration, except of course for the

people who think I talk too much.LOL. You have a

great day too. Liz

> >

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--- marilynkayk wrote:

> Hi,


> Sorry to hear your doggy won't eat it's new food.

> Maybe just try

> mixing it a little at a time till you can go 1/2 and

> 1/2.

> I thought things had settled down here now but poor

> old Rambo is

> losing his balance today and almost falls over so

> must get

> him to the vet this AM, ASAP. He is my 17 year old

> Persian and

> has been the best little (13 pounds) cat there ever

> was. He's my

> best friend and I just hope it isn't serious. He's

> drinking,

> pooping and peeing, eating a little. Just can't

> walk without

> falling over. Any idea what it could be?? Just

> started last night.

> More later. Love, Marilyn



Yes, Marilyn, that is what I am doing. Last night

at about 10 pm she did eat some of the biscuits in

desperation, so I am more hopeful that we can do it!

I hope Rambo is OK, could be an ear infection, or

other ear problem. Dogs and cats get a lot of the

same sort of problems as humans. My trainer's dog has

an autoimmune condition and she spent a fortune trying

to stabilise it. One of our security people's wife is

a vet, and they have a diabetic cat which they inject

with insulin daily!! Cat is doing pretty well!! Going

back to Rambo though, 17 is a pretty good age for a

cat so I expect it is something age related. Let us

know. Love Liz


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  • 2 weeks later...

Liz, I'm so sorry you had to be treated that way. Makes you wonder sometimes

what censors peoples mouths. I'm glad Dan's post helped a bit. He always

has a way of brightening up a day. He and Joan are two special people.

I hope today is a much better day for you. You know we are here for you

always. I just can't imagin ANYONE saying something nasty to YOU!!

I love ya bunches and am sending lots of hugs

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In a message dated 9/4/02 9:22:57 AM Pacific Daylight Time, heidi@...


<< Retail Therarpy " ??

Gee i never heart of that. Love >>

Yes you have Heidi.... " Shopping " " LOL



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In a message dated 9/4/02 9:06:00 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

dmorgan26347@... writes:






Oh Dawn, I could too. Maybe tomorrow at Stanford I could look around a bit

while I do my walking exercise at the mall. LOL


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--- RCColloran@... wrote:

> Liz, I'm so sorry you had to be treated that way.

> Makes you wonder sometimes

> what censors peoples mouths. I'm glad Dan's post

> helped a bit. He always

> has a way of brightening up a day. He and Joan are

> two special people.


> I hope today is a much better day for you. You know

> we are here for you

> always. I just can't imagin ANYONE saying something

> nasty to YOU!!


> I love ya bunches and am sending lots of hugs




Thank you very much , your hugs are very well

received!!! I am off to see my rheumy, Dr Hallegua,

to get a follow up on the now disappearing flare, and

get all my meds for the next three months. I usually

feel better for seeing him, too.

When we are at the end of the summer here everyones

nerves get frayed, we are like a very large family,

and we all now how horrible families can be sometimes!

I have a theory that people take it out more on the

people close to them. This is just a case of that, I


I went and did some 'retail therapy' last night, now I

feel guilty because I spent money 'unnecessarily'. I

don't know why I feel guilty, it's my money, i earn

it. I am not in debt, butI can hear my mother's voice

saying 'you don't really NEED that!!! LOL

I think I need to follow some of my own advice, I have

not been exercising enough, when I get back I will go

for a walk! Then, groannnnn, I have to start packing.

We are probably leaving in a few days for Paris.

Isn't email great though, even when I am not in US I

can be in daily touch with you guys, which I TRULY

APPRECIATE. Thanks for all your support. Love Liz


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Hi, ok I got a ? please. Ja I know I am a blond.LOL But what is "Retail Therarpy " ??

Gee i never heart of that. Love

Heidi the nosey one

Re: Liz

LIZZ I LOVE YOUR IDEA OF "RETAIL THEARPY" GOOD IDEA. I COULD USE SOME OF THAT KIND OF THEARPY DAWN Cobb wrote: --- RCColloran@... wrote:> Liz, I'm so sorry you had to be treated that way. > Makes you wonder sometimes > what censors peoples mouths. I'm glad Dan's post> helped a bit. He always > has a way of brightening up a day. He and Joan are> two special people. > > I hope today is a much better day for you. You know> we are here for you > always. I just can't imagin ANYONE saying something> nasty to YOU!! > > I love ya bunches and am sending lots of hugs> > > Thank you very much , your hugs are very wellreceived!!! I am off to see my rheumy, Dr Hallegua,to get a follow up on the now disappearing flare, andget all my meds for the next three months. I usuallyfeel better for seeing him, too.When we are at the end of the summer here everyonesnerves get frayed, we are like a very large family,and we all now how horrible families can be sometimes!I have a theory that people take it out more on thepeople close to them. This is just a case of that, Ithink. I went and did some 'retail therapy' last night, now Ifeel guilty because I spent money 'unnecessarily'. Idon't know why I feel guilty, it's my money, i earnit. I am not in debt, butI can hear my mother's voicesaying 'you don't really NEED that!!! LOLI think I need to follow some of my own advice, I havenot been exercising enough, when I get back I will gofor a walk! Then, groannnnn, I have to start packing.We are probably leaving in a few days for Paris.Isn't email great though, even when I am not in US Ican be in daily touch with you guys, which I TRULYAPPRECIATE. Thanks for all your support. Love Liz__________________________________________________

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Hi Liz gosh I cant believe someone was mean to you, you are such a Angel . Wish I could come out there before you fly away again and

give you a big HUG. Wishing you a much better day. Love


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