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8-31-02 Morning All

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Morning All

Well today is over and I am glad it is. It sure hasn't been our month that is for sure. Again I am behind on my mail but will try to get it all read today and caught up for now that is.

I will try to only post once with all my catching up so that it doesn't look like I have gone crazy with posting.LOL

Chuck - Great to hear that you went to the Dr. and he gave you meds for depression. Yes it will get better and at least you have an end in sight now. Keep us posted on how you are doing please.

Squeek - Great news about your Sister. Gosh you have two at the same time to worry about. If there is anything I can do let me know. I am always here for you.

Hope the remicade worked yesterday. I used to do the same thing with meds. Could take something awhile and then it was like my body built up immunities towards it. I guess I finally out grew it because now am able to stay on Imuran for a LONG time.

Mike went to the cardiologist and they were very pleased at how well Mike is doing. Found nothing wrong but want him to go to a PCP for follow up. Cardiologist recommended a couple so will be calling to set up appt. with one. Wish us luck on finding a good one.

Marilyn - So glad to hear that Rambo is doing better. What a relief for you I am sure. Maybe those Lemon bars did the trick!LOL Sounds like you are having as strange of weather as we are. No lightning just heat here. Yesterday wasn't too bad but the day or two before was really the pits. I hate the heat!

Gish now I see you have baked a peach cobbler. Yummy! You are all making me hungry with your baking. Nope haven't put me in the mood to do the same yet.LOL Too Hot!

Oh my goodness...peanut butter pie too! I guess you are going to hear about this one from that Heidi girl! She hates peanut butter in any shape or form!LOL

Sharon - My thoughts are with you and Billy. Gish I know what you mean about losing your mother to cancer. It is the pits. I lost mine to same in 1988. Nasty disease but since then they have at least come a long way. Please post us and let us know how things are going. You are now in the hurry and wait mode which is always the hardest part.

Heidi - You are going to have to get after that Don. He is not suppose to worry our Heidi! When is he suppose to get into see another Dr. for his swollen neck/shoulder. Sending good thoughts and prayers that his swelling goes down soon so you wont worry so. Thanks so much for all you do for us. I love the angels are among us! If I could be there to eat the cakes you bake... I would be there in a minute. Gish I don't know what is wrong with your family! They don't know a good thing when they have it! Don't be too hard on Marilyn!LOL Just keep your fingers crossed that Don don't see the recipe. :o)

Susiecue - Sorry to hear that you are having a time of it. Maybe the 7.5 metho will help. I will be hard for you not to do anything with the move coming up but try! Please! Sending good thoughts and prayers that the foot dr. will figure something out.

Jean - Wow it is good to see a post from you. Sorry to hear that you have had such a time of it with servers. Hope the lung specialist finds out what is causing you all the problems. Okay Papa....how is that little grandbaby doing? Does she still have you twisted around her finger? :o) I bet she is growing like a weed!

Sally - You got it right about the meds and stuff. Too bad that our health care didn't cost so much. We had to take out a second mortgage the last time that I got sick. I even had health insurance then. You did very well with communicating how I feel about the cost so I wont run my fingers off too! :o) Have a great weekend!

Nina - Hope you have a great weekend! It is going to take me awhile to get used to your new email name!LOL Enjoy the peace and quiet for me too...PLEASE!

Well I have to close right now but if I missed you know that I think of you all often! Take care and have a great weekend!

Lots of love


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