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Hi ,

I wanted to call yesterday, but was afraid your ear

was still hurting too much to be on the phone. Gee, I

hope the pak helps you. I worry about you! Anyway,

it is always great to see you posting.

I saw my rheumy this morning, and it went about as I

predicted. He raised my pred again and he raised the

Remicade to the highest dose I can take. I'll begin

that larger dose on the 27th. He said the work I've

been doing should not have caused so much pain, or the

flares. Gee, everytime I get down to 5 on pred, he

pushes it back up. But, hey, I am just thankful that

I have a doctor who will give me pred!!!

You take care of yourself now, and I'll call in a day

or two and see how you are.

Love, squeek

--- nant8 wrote:

> Gosh I don't know where to begin. I am in a major

> flare right now

> and I don't know if it is the stress from my dads

> death last month

> and still dealing with all of that or if it is from

> the procedure I

> had last week. They shot some stuff in my neck to

> try and get the

> disc off the nerves and they sedated me in the

> operating room so no

> telling what else crawled inside my body. HAHA. But

> right now my

> right ear looks like Dumbos and is a deathly red and

> purple color

> and hurts like H-------------------l. Also my throat

> and chest are

> on fire and my breathing is getting harder. I am the

> same place I

> was in a year ago. I ended in ICU with this same

> symptoms on 1000 mg

> of pred drip. And that was right after I had my ear

> biopsy so I am

> thinking any type of procedure to your body must

> bring on flares. I

> am still on the cytoxan but no predisone. I called

> my Specialist on

> RP (YEA RIGHT!!) who is 2 hours away in Houston and

> I said I am on

> my way so you can see my red ear, he said just go to

> your Dr. and

> have him call me. Which I did and my Dr. here is

> scared to death of

> this and doesnt know what to do so the Houston Dr.

> said to give me a

> medro pak. I really dont think it will help but who

> knows. I told

> him I better not end up in the hospital again. I

> cant believe a year

> has passed since I have been diagnosed with this.


> WHEN YOU ARE HAVING FUN HAHHAHA I have been sick and

> house bound

> almost for a whole year.Oh well I guess I had

> nothing else better to

> do. I have been trying to read all the posts but

> right now my hand

> is still numb

> and hurting go figure and my eyes get blurry from

> still high sugars

> and now with my ears the left is crying also I can

> hardly talk on





> Since I cant breathe laying down I guess I will

> spend the night in

> my chair in front of this precious box.

> Oh well enough of my ranting , a quick hello to all

> the newbies and

> a Happy Birthday to everyone I have missed.Luv and

> hugs from Texas






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