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I'm back from Colorado

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Hi all,

I guess by now you've realized that I'm back from my trip to Colorado and, trust me, it was THE trip from HELL for me. On the way there, the transmission overheated, so we had to stop awhile for it to cool down. Which wasn't too bad, as we just used this time to eat, then got back in the car and traveled on. Well, THEN about 10 miles down the road the ac started pumping out hot air. Mind you, the temp OUTSIDE was 110 degrees. We drove on about 15 - 20 miles to a town that had "services" only to find that the ac compressor needed to be replaced. Didn't mean anything to me.....but it certainly caught my attention when they said it would cost $900.00. Well, we couldn't travel in that heat with two children, one adult, one old adult (me!) and one cat (that my daughter had gotten my granddaughter for her birthday) so I booked a motel and we stayed overnight as they said it would take 4 hours the following day to fix the a.c. (AFTER they got the parts.) After we unpacked at the motel, we decided to cool off in the pool and get rid of some of the stress in the hot tub. Coming out of the hot tub, I slipped on the tile steps and fell which immediately caused a HUGE bruise but not much pain. We left the following afternoon with an a.c. that worked GREAT. We got several miles down the road and the car started misbehaving again. The oil pressure gauge suddenly dropped and the "check gauges" light blinked on. Oh No! Another problem! So, I babied the vehicle into the nearest town where we were fortunate to find a lubricating type business. They checked it out and said I was totally out of oil. No apparent reason....no leaks, not burning oil. (Keep in mind that Roger, my husband, had had the oil changed before we left on our trip.) They filled it up and I bought a couple of extra quarts of oil in case it started losing oil again. The man suggested we check the oil regularly. Sure enough, the next time we stopped to gas up, we had to add another quart of oil. We made it on in to my son's house in Boulder Saturday and had to add additional oil. I don't think I will argue with Roger again when he wants to sell the Blazer. :-)

My granddaughter's birthday parties on Sunday were fine. She had two parties.... one for her little friends, and another one for her adult friends (mainly relatives.) Monday afternoon was spent in the Minor Emergency Center for my foot and leg.....which were black and blue and swollen from the fall I had taken Friday at the hot tub. No broken bones and no blood clots. Tuesday was uneventful (thank God) and late Wednesday evening we headed back home. Twelve hours and 5 quarts of oil later we were back in Tulsa. Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home.

I didn't get to meet Sue Parks like I wanted to, darnit! Sue, I will call you. I spent most of my time with my foot packed in ice, elevated and on pain meds. It is still badly bruised, much too much for the simple fall I took. The doctor thought surely I had broken some bones and couldn't understand why I bruised so badly.....from the place where I actually hit it on the tile, which was my shin, clear down to my toes including the front and back of my leg and top and bottom of my foot. Any ideas, you guys? I'm only on 4 mgs. of Pred. Not taking any aspirin, etc. It's still badly bruised over a week later.

Soooooo glad to be home, and think I just might get a new vehicle out of this deal. LOL

BTW, I received a card from Heidi and she said she's ready to come home. I imagine she misses her RP buddies. LOL


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