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Hello to all,

Gosh I sure missed you all and I was only gone for a day and a half!LOL It really killed me last night sitting around with no computer.LOL My classes went well! I guess I will find out how well when we start using the new computer system to input the payroll.

Gish you all were pretty busy. I just now got done read it all! Now to try and answer you all with one post.

- Wow that is tigeriffic news! It is about time things started going your way! I will be sending good thoughts that you will continue in the direction that you are going. Miss you girlfriend! :o(

Sally - Sorry I can't help you with the eye thing. I have never had problems with mine that I know of....knock on wood. Some of the others have and I am sure that someone will help you out here.

Sharyn - Gish I am sorry you are under the weather again. I am sending good thoughts your way also. Post when you can, love to hear from you all.

Sqeek - Ouch I bet that really hurt when the grandbaby did that to your ears. Heck mine hurt even when they aren't flaring when I bang them or bump them. Hard to get upset with such a little tike that doesn't know any better. How are kids doing? Are they still upset with you or have they come around? Hope they have come around and realized how sick you are.

Dawn - Sounds like this lady took lessons from the same one my dr.'s receptionist too hers. Makes you wonder about the dr. doesn't it? I know what you are going through and they should be more accommodating. Like someone else said you can report it to the state health commissioner. I have had to do this on one of my insurance companies and it works. They were able to cut through the red tape for me. Sending good thoughts that all will work out for hubby.

Sherry - Hope today was a great day for you! Happy Birthday even if I am almost late telling you. Did you get to spend time with Shirley? Tell her to give you a hug for me. Know I am thinking of you. It is always hard to have a loved one die but when it is your Mom you never seem to get over it. My Mom has been gone since 1988 and I still miss her.

Susiecue - You can vent anytime! Gosh it sounds like you are having a time of it for sure. I will be sending good thoughts that he sugar counts go down and soon. Know what you mean about feeling like they are taking all the things you like away from you. RP sure can be the pits! Being tire comes from having a suppressed immune system. Sleep is the way your body heals itself. I hate it when I get tired like that but it is best to listen to your body!

- Glad to hear that your sister made it through the surgery without any problems. I bet she is glad you are there with her. Sisters are so special that is for sure. Give sis a hug for me and tell her I am glad she is just as stubborn as me.LOL

At least we know it runs in the family!LOL

Heidi - So sorry to hear that your cat had to be put to sleep! Gish it is so hard to lose a pet. I get so attached to animals and it is like I am a magnet. I love animals so much and have sucker wrote on my forehead. I will be sending good thoughts your way that time will pass and the lose will get easier.

To everyone else that I might have missed know that I think of you all often. I sure missed you that is for sure. The minute I got home I had to go right to the computer and read all the posts. Take care all!

Lots of love


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