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FW: Media Event with Secretary Sebelius to Highlight National Influenza Vaccination Week

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Contact: Karl


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Secretary Sebelius

Reminds Families

that H1N1 Vaccination Remains Critical

Media Event to Highlight National Influenza Vaccination Week


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 47 million

Americans came down with H1N1 influenza between April and mid-November 2009.

This virus caused more than 200,000 hospitalizations and is responsible for

about 10,000 deaths. Children and young adults were hit hardest and represent

the majority of deaths from H1N1. Experts continue to be concerned that the

H1N1 influenza virus may peak again in the future. With H1N1 vaccine

available across the country, public health officials are stressing the need

for continued vaccinations.


Campaign for Public Health Foundation, in partnership with the Congressional

Study Group on Public Health, the Department of Health and Human Services,

the CDC and others, will hold an important media event on Capitol Hill. Its

goal is to spread awareness of the vaccine's availability and stress the

ongoing importance of getting vaccinated. This event will encourage

continued vaccinations of children and young adults aged 6 months to 24

years, pregnant women and caregivers of infants less than 6 months old. The

following leaders, legislators and other notables are expected to attend:

The Honorable Kathleen Sebelius, U.S. Secretary

of Health and Human Services

The Congressional Study Group on

Public Health

Henry Lin, M.D., Families

Fighting Flu and a father whose 7-year-old died from the H1N1 virus

A. Strikas, M.D., medical

officer, National Vaccine Program Office, DHHS

B. , M.D., Professor and

Chair, Department of Pediatrics; town University Hospital

town University's Kids Mobile

Medical Care Unit will be on site, offering free H1N1 vaccinations

to children and families on a first-come, first-served basis,

from 11 a.m. - 12 p.m.


411 8th Street, SE at " The Family Room " 2nd Floor (near Eastern

Market Metro)

WHEN: Wednesday,

January 13, 2010 from 11:00 - 11:30 a.m.


the 13th, Family Flu Vaccination Day is part of National

Influenza Vaccination Week (NIVW). NIVW runs from January 10-16, 2010.

First launched in 2006, NIVW brings awareness of the risks of seasonal flu

and strives to foster greater use of flu vaccine after the holiday season

into January and beyond - a time of year that many do not realize is still

peak flu season. NIVW events are particularly important this year because of

the existence of seasonal and H1N1 influenza viruses. For a complete listing

of NIVW activities-and details on H1N1 and seasonal flu-visit www.flu.gov/getvaccinated.


more information, visit www.cphfoundation.org.

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