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Re: My physical -Shingles

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Hi Susiecue,

Those red blisters can be shingles and you don't need to have pain with them to begin with. That is how mine started and once the blisters started to go away that is when the pain came with a vengence. If you had chickpox you can get shingles, I did. If you catch it quick and take some pills it isn't so bad I guess, someone told me.I wish you alot of luck and find out soon and get it treated.

I am so glad you sold your home and that's a big piece af stress gone once it is closed. I got my home moved after getting out of rehab which was 4 weeks and I had the shingles already, the whole inside of my right arm. I did way too much and I paid dearly at the time and no pain med. What a bumer.

I guess things come around but it is one heck of a road and it is one I don't want to travel it again, abut I have. You pray it will soon end and you wait for ever, before it does more things go wrong and you wonder WHY?? I know there are people worst of then us and at that point you really don't care, I didn't. I guess we have to keep dragging that ball and chain around til it falls off I guess. LOL Just keep your head up and say I think I can, ITHINK I CAN!! I guess if a train can do it we can. LOL

You take care and your family will help and besides, before you know it will be a thing of the past. My thoughts and prayers are there for you.

Love ya


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