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shopping trip

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Yup it's me again.Thanks all for the good wishes for our up coming trip. Sure wish I could take you all with me. I know I would have a heck of a lot more fun then. it is Don that is going to meet the rest of his Out laws. LOL Yup, he has never meet my oldest Sister or my almost twin Brother. LOL Ja my Brother and I are only 6 weeks apart in age. LOL War

was hell and my Dad was not shutting Blanks. LOL ( 2 different moms here. ) Well I bought Don some new Britches today and have to take the darn things back Monday. There to long !!!! Then I went to the mall to J.C. Penney's and bought some more cloth for the poor little guy. Yup the had all the under shirts and pants on sale there. Cant go to Germany with holly underwear now can we. LOL Dang all I can say he better stop a while and not loose any more weight.Getting him all new

stuff aint cheap. and everyone else hang in there it took Don a while after he got off the Prednison to start loosing the weight.

Heck he might will need the bigger size again when we get back .The way the all eat and Drink over there. LOL I don't think the have to many skinny Germans over there. LOL At least not in my Family. LOL I wont have to worry much about me since I cant eat much anyway because of my problems. Well I need to close for now about us here.

I do want to say a big "Herzlich Willkommen "

To Effo - Ethel I am so happy you found us.

Just sorry you also got the darn RP. But hey

now you will learn so much and soon you will know more then your Drs know. Just start asking all the ? you have and we help you all we can. Please know we are here for you not

just for your RP but for your whole being.

Yup if you going true a lot of stress and need to get rid of it spit it out right here we help with that too. The best way is talk about it,

it really helps. Heck we understand been there

and doing it. I don't know what I would do with out this Great group here because I do NOT handle RP real well at all. It is my Mr. Ornery that has it. But let me tell you it is the pits on me too. So see your Family is also invited to holler at us with anything the need.Ok I hush for now Please keep posting ok. Love you all

and YES remember do take your Medicine and Vitamins ON TIME like you should everyday

so you also can get this darn RP back in it's sleeping mood OK.

Mrs. Noisy

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