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Hi everyone

I saw 's post and several others regarding the pain we all have. Although our pain may be different in one way or another I dare say there isn't one of us that hasn't been or still is in pain.

For me my pain began over 20 years ago. As many of you have read and heard I am one of the many thousand of women who were implanted with silicone breast implants. I have suffered many years from them to a point where I felt if they were not removed I would have removed them myself. Finally three years ago they were removed leaving me very deformed which I have no trouble living with. With the removal some of the major pain lighten, however many of the other problems I was having didn't or even worsened.

It was a very difficult road since most of my doctor visits were dead end roads to why I was hurting so badly. I was treated like a hypochondriac, treated like it was all in my mind. Therefore 6 years ago when I had one of the major signs of RP I did not go to a doctor because I felt they would think I was nuts or it was all in my mind. That was 6 years ago...6 years of my life where who knows what damage to my body has been done. Yet during all of those years and the years in the past I taught myself to accept pain, to hide pain and to live with it.

Unfortunately I have finally reached my tolerance point in coping with it and now that I have finally found doctors who "know" what is wrong with me I can be myself. I still try and hide the times when the pain is overwhelming. With the help of a light pain killer it helps me to cope with it and continue to work at my job. The real trial was trying to make these people I have worked with for almost 6 years understand what RP is and what can happen to a person. Because I have hidden my pain and illness it has made it difficult to see beyond. Most understand, several don't, but with the help of my doctor and his letter to them they are now starting to understand that I am sick. I still work 55 hours a week...something that I am going to have to cut back on because it is taking a toll on me. All I ever wanted was for my boss and co-workers to understand that I may aper fine, but I'm not and when I am not myself or I may need to take a day off it's because I am sick. I am a strong woman and I too hate for my family to see me at my worse, but they do understand and love me.

I have found if a person keeps the faith and is determined to fight RP or anything other health problem it helps. For me to keep busy, work and not be allow to sit idle I can handle pain and be productive. Take that away from me and I feel I would die. I have to much to live for to give up...I love life...and I want to live it to the fullest.

I have found that all of the women in this support group are as strong if not stronger than me. The do take that one day at a time and they have such a wonderful outlook on life. I hope to be a part of them and hopefully help others as they have helped me.



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