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Re: Prayers

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, I will be praying for all three of your

girls today. Nothing is worse than worrying about

your kids! It sounds as if you could use a few

prayers yourself!! What a plate-full you are dealing

with right now. I hope that everyone gets good news

today and tomorrow. I have my mother in law here, so

will try and post more a bit later. Love you, squeek

> Hi all, boy it always seems like I'm asking for a

> favor. Well, this time

> it's for my girls.

> the youngest (21) has been sick since Sat.

> She got so bad today we

> rushed her to the dr. (well Rich did) They thought

> she had meningitis. One

> dr wanted to do a spinal tap and one said no. They

> ended up giving her a

> really strong antibiotic shot and sending her home

> with one antibiotic pill,

> one pain pill and one decongestant. They took blood

> tests and then realized

> she was allergic to the shot. (Gee it was in her

> records.) When she got home

> she had vicodin for the pain pill and she is

> allergic to that too. So she

> went to just plain ibuprophen. Her fever was 102.

> She is to go back

> tomorrow at 11am.


> has to go to the dr tomorrow at 3pm to get

> the results of her MRI of

> her knee that was done 2 weeks ago. The dr said he

> would feel better giving

> her the results face to face, so that scared us a

> bit. Then at 4pm she goes

> to her GYn to find out how severe and what they are

> going to do about the pre

> cancerous cervical cells that have come back after a

> year.


> is going through some problems now too.

> I'm asking if you would

> think a few good thoughts for them and maybe say a

> little prayer. I'm just

> feeling weepy from the lowering of the pred. These

> mood swings just have to

> stop. LOL


> I'm down to 6mg still and filling in with

> ibuprophen. So far so good.


> Thanks again for all you do for me. I love you all

> dearly.


> hugs





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Hello everyone,

yes it is me, Bonita and i am quite somewhat very sad, i have a good friend of whom we have known since i was 5 years old. and we live 2 doors down. Her mother (Lupe) had a small boil which in many women have some fat from when we have children or just over weight and it never bothered her, but just these last few days the family went to Santa Cruz and she was fine, but when she came home she said she kinda didnt feel good so she figured maybe it was something she ate. but when it passed 2 days she noticed this boil, so she went to the Dr. on thursday, and that day they admitted her, because one of the boil wasnt ready to be taken out, and then she had her sugar levels at 400 (she is also diabetic) so the Dr. was concerned and wanted her just to be admitted so they can keep an eye on her and maybe they would have to clean the boil out.. But now it comes to, today, tuesday the 10th. and she has had 2 surgerys one once because the boil was growing inside her stomach and there was no place for the infection to spread so it made its own pocket and from there it was removed but now we find out today they removed her stomach (the whole stomach ) so now she has an open wound? i dont know i feel stir crazy, one minute she has a small boil which she knew but it was like on the outter skin it felt just like a small lump! but now it has turned into ganggreen?? and for the next 3 days they will be removing skin, the drs, say it is like this disease is eating her outer

skin, so now we sit and wait. her daughters, and the whole family and believe me there is many, we are doing a prayer chain. But i am at home keeping the kids in somewhat of normal.. (but how can anyone do normal when it is so close to the heart and soul) i am not sure, but anyway the drs are saying 50-50 chance of either way. If she handles this round she can probley last 3 weeks!!! so i dont know i think i am not making sense here or i am going round and round on my words. So, please add us with the many wonderful prayers and thoughts from you all, and believe me god does work wonders, so we pray together, and also as far as my family we are all fine, Gaby is doing good. I want to wish all the new members and the ones who started this wonderful family many prayers and warm thoughts are with you all.


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Bonita, I'm so sorry you are going through yet another hard time. Please

know that I will keep Lupe, her family and you all in my thoughts and


Please let us know how you are doing and if I can do anything for you,

remember i'm just a phone call and 20 minutes away.


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