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I did it, I did it, I did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe it is over.

You guys were right, It was a snap. I'd have it again tomorrow if I needed

to. I am already home, and have been shopping, driving, etc.. Staples are

gone. Just a little bruising around one site, but NO PAIN NOW OR EVER!


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Hey ,

Bob here. Its now tuesday, I had it Friday and it was a breeze! Discharged

Saturday, and cruising the town on Sunday. Went to clinic today, staples out,

and fully released.

I can't believe I did it! Thank for all your help and support.


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  • 1 year later...
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Just call and ask your doctor what he thinks. I have

prednisone induced high blood pressure, but take

medication to control that. I am one of the lucky

ones who has never been on really high doses of

prednisone, thereby minimizing the the damage that it

can cause. I started on 20 mg., but along with that

my doctor started me immediately on other prednisone

sparing drugs. Good luck on getting this flare

stopped. Are you seeing a rheumatologist?

Take care, squeek

--- Estes wrote:

> , , anyone,


> Based on advice to get this flare stopped before it

> does further damage I was thinking about calling my

> DR

> about Prednizone this morning. However, I checked my

> BP and it was 165/105 with pulse rate 51. Also my

> sugar was 295. Now I wonder if I should even ask

> about

> Prednizone. Ya'll got any thoughts?


> Bob Estes



> __________________________________________________


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  • 2 weeks later...
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I was diagnosed on the basis of my symptoms...the

McAdam Standard...and my clinical response to

prednisone. Have never had a biopsy and the doctor

has never felt one was necessary. What he has

observed has been enough. Take care! I believe my dx

came about 6 years after the beginning of this

disease. squeek

--- Estes wrote:


> This is Bob and I have been quietly reading the

> postings since my EENT told me that my biopsy was

> NEGATIVE so I didn't have RP.


> I am confused about something. I read somewhere

> that

> there was no conclusive test for diagnoising RP. If

> they can't say when it is positive how can they say

> when it is negative?


> When the Doc said the biopsy was NEGATIVE I asked

> him

> what that meant? He said simply that it means you

> don't have RP.


> Does this sound right to you guys? Thanks, Bob


> __________________________________________________


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Bob, Gosh I'm so sorry about your problems. I would insist on something to

start working on the RP. Have you tired a stronger Anti inflamatory? I know

when I first flared I was on Vioxx until that stopped working. I sure hope

you get some relief soon. We all know how painful a flare is. No one thinks

an ear can cause so much problems.

Please let us know what you find out.

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My GP has some problems with Pred for me. I am

diabetic and I have a heart problem. Last year they

put a stent in to open a 100% blockage in my left

artery inside my heart. I am on meds that keep my rate

at 50 and my BP 130/80. My BS has been about 300

since tis RP stuff began. I am seeing GP next Wed and

Rhumy July 24. If I don't get adicted to COD before

then I'll be OK. IBP works pretty good most of the

time to make the pain tolerable

Take care, Bob

--- RCColloran@... wrote:

> Bob, it sure sounds like you need some pred or

> something to stop that flare.

> Please don't wait too long. You should not be

> suffering.





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As I said I am scheduled to see the Docs soon so let's

wait to see what they come up with. Thanks, Bob

--- marilynkayk wrote:

> Hi Bob,


> Welcome to the group. I have never had a biospy of

> my ear and I

> definitely have RP, based on all of the symptoms

> that I had. Joint

> pain and swelling, left ear red, swollen and

> EXTREMELY painful, nose

> red and sore, and vasculitis. The lobe of my ear

> has never been

> affected though. Only the stiff outer part.

> They did do a biopsy of the vasculitis on my leg and

> all they said

> was that it was vasculitis.

> My understanding is that there is no conclusive test

> for RP. The

> diagnosis is based on the exam at the time of a

> flare up. There are

> other diseases though where the ear can be affected,

> but I don't

> remember what they are. Can look it up if you want

> me to.

> Marilyn





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In a message dated 07/15/2002 6:59:38 AM Central Daylight Time, Rpolychondritis writes:


It is not the upper, outer part of the ear. Although

the rim of the ear is very tender, the center of the

pain is just above the lobe. The lobe is not envolved

at all but just above it there is severe swelling and

pain. The back of the ear is very tender from just

above the lobe to the base of the cartiledge.

Sometimes it feels like my glasses are putting

pressure there even when my glasses are not on.


Has your Rheumy ever seen RP? I say get a second opinion from another Rheumy. And keep in mind, your ear doesn't have to be involved for a diagnosis of RP.

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