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Re: Sandy & all

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Mike is doing fine. He goes to the cardiologist again on Thursday. They don't know what caused the chest pains so they are sending him to his cardiologist and a PCP to have him rechecked. They have ruled out the heart or at least I think they have.

For those of you that don't know me or Mike very well.... Mike just had his 50th birthday in July. When he was 48 he had a heart attach that laid him up for a few months and then it was back to business as normal. He was very lucky then. The heart attach only damage about 2% of the very lower part of his heart. Right artery to the hear was 98% blocked when they placed a stent in it.

The tests he had done the other day show that there is normal flow through the heart and all the places that there could be problems or were problems in the past seem to be working normally.

I know shame on me for getting all upset last week. It is just so hard lately with all the stress and I wont go into that but this was like the straw that broke the camels back. Well it didn't but it set me back a day or two.

For those of you who have asked about my sister she is doing well. She is still alive! She is learning to cope with not having the mobility she use to. She has even mentioned getting a wheel chair to get herself around in. She is getting tired of being homeward bound that is for sure.

Thanks for all you kind words, thoughts and prayers! Don't know what I would do with out all you!

Lots of love


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