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Glad you got done with the dentist and didn't have any cavities.

That's great. Sorry about your leg. Maybe you and I should have an

all night session on the computer. LOL. I also got a mega dose of

pred. in my shoulder today. First time in my life I've ever had

that done. I've had pred. shots before, but never into a joint.

Sadly, it didn't do a thing for the pain and movement of my arm. My

son has had lots of them in his hand and elbow and he said I should

have gotten immediate relief. Is that true??? The doctor says the

shoulder is frozen, and that it's probably a tear in the rotor

cuff. Wants an MRI done down here in the valley and he will arrange

for me to have the surgery done by a specialist in Spokane if that's

what it is. If it isn't a tear then he wants PT for 20 sessions.

YA,SURE!!!!! The way it is now I would need a whole bunch of pain

meds first. He feels the RP meds; metho and pred., are working OK

and doesn't want to change any of them. Says not to worry about the

3 mgs of pred. and just stay on it.

You must have had one heck of a time with the doctor over .

Let me know how much bail money I might have to come up with. LOL

I can sure understand your frustration with the doctors over that.

They can be such " butt heads " sometimes. Fortunately, I have a

wonderful rheumatologist, but a butt head for a PCP. That's the

reason I didn't go see him about my shoulder. He wouldn't have done

a thing. No way would I want any of these doctors down here

operating on me anyway.

Now the good news. Alan and I went and had a great lunch after

seeing the doctor. Came home after that. Too stinken hot to do

anything else. Plus, Alan turned the wrong way on a one way street

with a cop sitting right there and we had what seemed like a zillion

cars coming right at us with their horns honking.

Last time I looked it was 106 here. If that sounds cool to you,

come for a visit. Would be glad to finally meet you.

Liz, thank you so much for all the information you sent about your

shoulder surgery. Helps to know that there might be some relief

from this pain, down the road. Humm, do you suppose I could put

this off for 2 years like you did? By then maybe we would have

universal health care in this country and I wouldn't have to worry

about the bill. LOL. My insurance is the worst there is. I may have

to find a job.

Take care. , hope you get a good nights sleep and Liz, hope

the new stretching exercises do wonderful things for you.

Didn't mean to write a book here. Sorry, I get long winded

sometimes. Love, Marilyn

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