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Hi all, I just wanted to post a few lines and let you know that I'm doing

really well. Well, they say I am. lOL I feel so lucky to have come through

all of this so well.

I just wanted to pass on a little info that the surgeon told me. He said

that my heart valve was nothing like he had seen with a regular valve

problem. The whole valve and the aortic ring were REALLY inflammed. He felt

sure in his mind it was the RP alone that made the valve defective.

I have had Aortic insuffientcy since 1995 and no one knew why. I did not

have my firts RP flare until 1998. This shows me that RP is a silent

disease. I might have never had an ear flare or red nose and would never

have know about RP.

Just be sure that if you do happen to have any heart problems show up that

you get them checked out ASAP. I feel so lucky that I was in good shape

going into the operation and that is one reason I came out so well. My

cardiologist was following with echos every 3-6 months, but I seemed to go

down hill fast with an enlarged heart and fluid around it. So please, don't

let any dr tell you to WAIT!!

Anyway, the other reason I've done do well is all the good, possitive

thoughts and prayers that were sent my way. I just don't know what I would

do with out you all.

It is suppose to be 105 here today so I guess that 2 mile walk is out of the

question. Yeah right! LOL I'm just glad I can climb the stairs at night to

get into my new bed. lol

will be having another blood test today for the coumadin. hope they can find

a vein somewhere. lOL once that is under control, it will be one less thing

to worry about.

Oh......Dawn, I'll let you worry about that okay??? LOL Thanks to you and

Squeek for doing all the wonderful nagging, whinning and worrying. What a

great job you are all doing. AND I feel much better for it. LOL

Know I love and miss you all and will be back full time just as soon as I



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My Dear , It's really good to see you posting. I am so glad that your doctor brought this to your attention--about the valve being inflamed and how he made you understand everything. I think you are having a great recovery.

My Rheumy also thinks that my open heart surgery could have been from the RP although I had no idea I had it at that time. They removed a benign tumor from the inside of my heart but he did explain to me how RP could have contributed to this tumor. With all the cells wrapped around each other I guess there was cartlidge involved to make it the size of an orange.

Like you said, , it is very important to get checked out. I think echocardiograms are the best to dx heart problems.

Thanks for bringing this up. You are one special person.

Love, Sharon

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