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Heidi, your trip sounds wonderful. You should feel guilty for not taking us

with you. LOL What are we going to do without you for so long/???????

:(((((( I'm already sad and miss you. I'm sure Mrs. Nosey will find a way

to keep up. LOL

Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Talk to you soon.


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Hallo Folks !!!!

Na wie gehts es den ??? Yup, still practicing

my German here. LOL See Doris this group does understand German very well already.

Heck the always seam to understand me. LOL

So keep on writing you doing great. Yes I do hope to see you very soon. Hope you + your Hubbie can make it with Werner + Gabi the 8 of August. I am looking forward to get to see you in Dachsbach.

Dear Sue our Prayers are with you girl. I know how hard of a time you are having right now.

But please don't give up hope. God does work in mysterious ways at times. And yes he does answers Prayers. Just remember we are here for you at any time you need us. Ok we love you and care so much about you and your family you are not alone in your dark hours.

we are beside you.

Dawn yup Fibro can be the pits at times let me tell you. But you also need to have a MRI to make sure you don't have another problem too. Please demand one. !!!! It is better to check it all out and be safe ratter then be sorry later on.

Squeak I am so happy to hear you are lowering your Prednison. It took Don a very

long time to come off the last 3 mg. Gee we thought he never would make it after all. but he finally did. He stayed on 3 mg. for several months before going to 2 and then to 1. He has been off now mm lets see since end of Jan I think. Doing ok. Only been on it once since then for about 4 days. So hang in there ok some times it takes a little longer for some.

how long was you on 80mg of Prednison ??? Gee wiz your Dr. sounds like he is nuts to take you off that fast.Plus to give you such a high dose of new meds wow. Now wonder you turned in to a sleeping Beauty.

Now to your Vacation plan .Yup know how you feel about that. I thought the same thing with Don. But we are going. The only thing I am hoping and Praying that no one that sits close to us had a Bath in stinking Perfume !!! that did Don in the last time he flew. Other then that he did fine. Going over there is a night flied so maybe he will sleep some. LOL Coming back be a little harder. But I will make him walk around ever so often.

Connie + Sharon Hope both of you have a speedy recovery and get to feeling great in no time again. Please you two DON"T over do it.

Take your time let your Family wait on you for a change. It does not hurt them. Honest !!!!

The want to help. If your in Pain call me I have the right Pain reliever right here. LOL It's Free too. No Dr. PX needed for it. LOL Just ask the folks that wear here in Okieland . LOL

Ok I hush for now Love you all.

Remember be Kind to your self and take your Medicine and Vitamins ON TIME like you should every day so you also can get the RP back in it's sleeping mood. OK.

The mean Okie here.

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