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Hard times

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i'm a lurker hardly ever saying anything, but needour group and its been a blessing to me.i would like to ask a favor of all of you right now, and it's for your prayers. 2weeks ago i fell and broke my wrist making it hard for me to do much of anything. the doctor won;t let me use my fingers on that hand at all. i saw my rheumatologist on thursday and he told me he wants to add an nsaid to my other meds as soon as my wrist heals because new evidence shows nsaids hinder bones from healing i have severe osteoporosis so we are going to try actonel for that and see if i get bad reflux again. later that day my husband lost his job. it wasn.t his fault the company he worked for is not doing well and his boss framed him for something that happened rather then the guy who was resposible because she is very fond of him. that same night we found out my husbands favorite aunt died.she was my favorite too. right now we are trying to absorb it all. my husband is 60yrs old and it makes it hard to get a job we have very little money saved and will have to sell our home and everything if he doesn't get a job soon. bieng a nurse i could get one quickly but til this wrist heals ican do nothing. my rheumy thinks i should apply for social security disability but i have to get a job as soon as i can and can't wait for that. i had a job but due to illness the doctor i worked for closed his practice. he was so good about letting me work just one day a week because i flared if i worked more than that.idon't know if i can even handle a full time job but i will just have to if my husband can't get one. we only have health insurance til the end of the month so i don't know how we will be able to afford all my meds.i guess we can apply for cobra but how long it lasts and how we will pay for it is another thing. all i can do is sit and think and pray and cry alot these days. i know that God answers prayers so i'm asking you all to pray for us that my husband can get a job right away. please don't call me as we aren't answering the phone because creditors are calling. of course all the stress makes the rp worse too and doesn't help the fibro either.i know many of you don't know me but i would really really appreciate your prayers for us. thankyou so very much, sue park

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