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Welcome Ethel

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Ethel, I'm so glad that you are feeling better. Prednisone does do wonders.

I hope this will be the last time you will have to use it. I had my first

flare and never had another one for over a year.

Thank you for telling us a little about yourself. Sounds like a wonderful

life. I bet Alaska is beautiful. Hope to visit one day.

Sounds like you have good doctors and are in good hands. At least they are

treating you and willing to send you to someone who knows about RP.

I live in a small town too and it is really hard to get good drs.

I hope the group has put your mind to rest that you aren't ready for the glue

factory yet. lOL

Sending lots of hugs up your way.

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Don't know if I am doing this right , but I did want to thank

you for your response. Yes, you did make me feel a lot better. I

guess I was just going around in a fog since the diagnosis.

I live in a town of 30,000, we do not have any specialists here, so

have been released to the family Dr. who can't see me for about 10

days. They did say that if they cannot do the proper follow up here

they will send me down south to someone who can. (that also made me

feel better) Was beginning to think I had been put out to pasture

and the next step was the glue factory!

I am doing a lot better now. The E.R. Dr. has me on 20 mg Prednisone

tapering off the dose in 8 days, and also Cephalexin 25 mg 4 times

daily. Have a dull sinus headache, but no problem with the ears now.

Well thanks for listening, and also thanks to the others that

responded to my call for help.



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Hi Ethel:

WElcome to the group.

I was dx with RP in September of 2001 when my ear flared although I had had symptoms for about a year. Of course blood work was all normal. I was put on pred 40 mg & was flare free by November. Then came the holidays & of course I overdid. My pred was increased to 80 & now I am finally down to 15 & on Metho. I am finally feeling almost human since last week. Of course I've had a lot of complications but hey what are you going to do.

Let me tell you from experience, when you are in a flare & exhausted, rest, rest, rest. I didn't want to believe I had RP so I contineud on my regular schedule & paid for it. Once I finally decided to listen to the folks on line & rest I felt better. The group has been my salvation many a time because I think they are the only ones who truly understand because they are also going through it. We may all have different symptoms but somewhere out there is someone who has some of the same ones you do.

So glad you found us. Take care & talk to you soon.


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Hi Suziecue: Nice to meet you, though I would have liked to under

different circumstances.

I am feeling so much better today, had quite a bit of company over

last night, and they lifted my spirits quite a bit. When you say

REST.....do you mean really rest? I got tired of resting yesterday

and decided to have some fun instead. Hope I haven't done

anything too wrong............Ethel, by the way my nickname is Effo

> Hi Ethel:


> WElcome to the group.


> I was dx with RP in September of 2001 when my ear flared although I

> had had symptoms for about a year. Of course blood work was all

> normal. I was put on pred 40 mg & was flare free by November. Then

> came the holidays & of course I overdid. My pred was increased to 80

> & now I am finally down to 15 & on Metho. I am finally feeling almost

> human since last week. Of course I've had a lot of complications but

> hey what are you going to do.


> Let me tell you from experience, when you are in a flare & exhausted,

> rest, rest, rest. I didn't want to believe I had RP so I contineud on

> my regular schedule & paid for it. Once I finally decided to listen

> to the folks on line & rest I felt better. The group has been my

> salvation many a time because I think they are the only ones who truly

> understand because they are also going through it. We may all have

> different symptoms but somewhere out there is someone who has some of

> the same ones you do.


> So glad you found us. Take care & talk to you soon.


> Susiecue


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