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Well its me again ! Its seems I am always apologizing for not being

on here regular but it is always something. I bring my dad home

tomorrow from the cardiac rehab so I am trying to cram all the last

details in. Everyone thinks I am crazy but he has nowhere else to go.

I told him we will lay in bed together and sing " RP RP go away come

back another day " when I dont feel good.Which the way I feel we will

be doing alot of singing HAHAHA

I went to Houston this week to my neurologist because I have been

having bad pain in my right arm,shoulder,hand and neck.My arms feel

like they are weak and I have numbness in my right hand and pain .

Figure that one out. haha After he examined me he had me go back the

next day for an MRI and emg test. He isnt sure if its RP related or a

disc in my neck or I am just falling apart.

Right now I am having a bad throat ache and chest but I guess until I

end up back in ICU they wont do anything for it. I see the rheummy

next week so hopefully I can last till then.I am still on the cytoxan

and I cant figure out how the medicine that caused my hair to fall

out is allowing it to grow without changing anything. But the gray is

coming in faster. Oh well I guess its better than bald!

I have missed so much and I am just plain nosey rosey because I want

to know whats going on with everyone.

Okay Glenda how is your sister doing?

when is your operation?

Has Liz had another fantastic trip that I missed?

Squeek, Sharon, Dawn, , Lu and everyone I hope you are all

having pain free days right now.

I saw where another one of our family members has passed away and I

was deeply saddend.

I know I have missed everyone and I could ask questions all day long

about each of you but I will end this one and talk to all of you soon.


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  • 3 years later...
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I'm so sad to hear that you have a chest infection on top of

everything else. I hope the IV antibotics clear it up soon! Does

this mean you're at home with an IV or still in the hospital? Your

surgeon sounds like a really sweet, encouraging guy. And from what I

have heard, you do sound like a pretty cool cucumber despite all

you've been through. It does stink to have surgery again this

soon...but if it makes you feel better than I'm sure it will be worth

it :o)

Keep us posted...and I'm giving you the warmest, biggest hug possible :o)


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I was gutted with the chest infection too as I had worked myself up for surgery,

but I totally agree with him not wanting to go ahead with the surgery while I

have the chest infection. I am in hospital having the IV line.

My surgeon is a very sweet, caring guy and he is very encouraging too along with

his team who have been great.

I'm just glad that they're sorting everything out now and not playing the

waiting game.


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so another week in the hospital, huh? that's a bummer! do you have

stuff to read? did you read the new harry potter? sooooo good!!!

i've become mildly obsessed :o) let me know if you would like to chat

or play games (on line of course) or something to pass the time. i'm

supposed to be working...but i could always take time out to entertain

a surgery buddy :o)

as for me...the surgeon said he didn't see a fistula...and that the

incision line looks to be healing pretty well. he did say that little

pieces of bone from the graft site do come out at times - as long as

it is not a ton it's nothing to worry about. oh - and i shouldn't

blow my nose still (i must admit...a couple of weeks ago i was

cheating on that one before the little bone pieces came out). he said

if i have to, to close one side and blow a little...and it's best in

the shower since everything is so moist.

anyway, he was pretty positive that the bone graft and fistula closing

worked just fine...which made me smile :o) my ears and nose are still

a bit stuffy - i don't know what that's from. i asked about taking

sudafed...and he said that it could constrict blood flow to the graft

site and probably wasn't a good idea - once in a while if i must but

definately not every day.

so...when you're not worrying about surgery or work...what else do you

like to do? i'd love to hear what makes my surgery buddy tick :o)



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yes another week in hospital until the surgery and we will go from there. I have

plenty of stuff to read including the new harry potter book that i have been

meaning to read. It would be great to chat on MSN or something my msn addy is


Great news about your fistula! I was told yesterday that they won't be able to

repair the fistula for another 4 months at least oh well it was worth a try! i

have trouble hearing since the surgery but i am long over due a visit with my

ENT since my ear surgery so we will see.

Apart from worrying about the surgery and working I like to listen to music, go

out with friends, clubbing and shopping!!! I sure can't wait to get back to

things! Especially going out clubbing lol! Though I do need some new clothes now

since I have lost soo much weight since the surgery.


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I sure am very bored being stuck in this place yet again! I have been bored for

the past few weeks. Also my family tell me that I can be very moody BUT WHAT DO



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