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getting to know you...

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TMAIL.COM; PRESX5@... Finally! New questions! Welcome to the next edition of getting to know your friends. What you're supposed to do is copy (not forward) this entire e-mail and paste it onto a new e-mail that you'll send. Change all of the answers so they apply to you. Then, send this to a whole bunch of people you know *INCLUDING* the person who sent it to you. The theory is that you'll learn a lot of little known facts about your friends. It's fun and easy. You might be surprised with some of the things you learn about people you 'think' you know....1. IF YOU COULD BUILD A HOUSE ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD IT BE?in the country with lots of land and trees 2. WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE ARTICLE OF CLOTHING? big baggy poet shirts 3. FAVORITE PHYSICAL FEATURE OF THE OPPOSITE SEX? love the butts... and the eyes, windows to the soul) 4. WHAT'S THE LAST CD THAT YOU BOUGHT?Faith Hill....Faith 5. WHERE'S YOUR FAVORITE PLACE TO BE? Home 6. WHERE'S YOUR LEAST FAVORITE PLACE TO BE? Funerals 7. WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE PLACE TO BE MASSAGED? neck and shoulders 8. WHAT'S MOST IMPORTANT, STRONG IN MIND OR STRONG IN BODY? got to be strong in mind.... after a while the body kinda goes a little... lol9.. WHAT TIME DO YOU WAKE UP IN THE MORNING? depends what is going on that day... I wake up at 6:00am take meds take kids to school and then come home and fall back to sleep..10. WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE KITCHEN APPLIANCE? My oven... I love to bake...11. WHAT MAKES YOU REALLY ANGRY? when life throws ya a curve ball.. and there is nothing you can do about it... plus ppl that think they know it all and wont shut up about it. and prejudices. 12. IF YOU COULD PLAY ANY INSTRUMENT, WHAT WOULD IT BE? ME<<< my kids have the music ability, Well, nough said l3. FAVORITE COLOR? blues 14. WHICH DO YOU PREFER, SPORTS CAR OR SUV? sports car 15. DO YOU BELIEVE IN AFTERLIFE? you betcha I do. IN heaven with Christ.. 16. FAVORITE CHILDREN'S BOOK? The little Golden Books and Clifford... 17. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SEASON? Autumn, Love all the colors, hate the allergies..18. WHAT'S YOUR LEAST FAVORITE HOUSEHOLD CHORE? cleaning the shower..19. IF YOU COULD HAVE ONE SUPER POWER, WHAT WOULD IT BE?to be able to "poof" myself anywhere I wanted to go quickly 20. IF YOU HAVE A TATTOO, WHAT IS IT? wasn't dumb enough to get one.. lol. .21. CAN YOU JUGGLE? Most ladies with a family can... we juggle our butts off..22. THE ONE PERSON FROM YOUR PAST YOU WISH YOU COULD GO BACK AND TALK WITH? besides my brother.. Has to be Lincoln and Kennedy (couldn't pick just one) 23. WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE DAY?Monday... kids go back to school.. lol24. WHAT'S IN THE TRUNK OF YOUR CAR! have a van there aint not trunk... but is a wheelchair 25. WHICH DO YOU PREFER, SUSHI OR HAMBURGER? where's the beef... don't like anything raw meat wise...26. FROM THE PEOPLE YOU EMAILED THIS TO, WHO'S MOST LIKELY TO RESPOND? who ever decided to do it and not delete it.. lol27. NAME THAT YOUR PARENTS WOULD HAVE NAMED YOU IF YOU HAD BEEN OF THE OPPOSITE SEX? 28. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FLOWER? I have two... Ice roses, and orchids

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