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Well heidi, you caught me , yes I need your pain meds, if it will get you to come and visit me, come on down. Dr. was not in till today, and it was so busy at work i didn't call, first day back to school for teachers. Sure hope the news from Germeney Gets better and happier, i know thats a big worrry for you.

Glenda: I sure am sending good thoughts and prayers and whatever else I can send you way. Here is a guardian angel to protect youand guide you. please take care

Lizz; thank you so much for your info, My arm seems like it catches in a certain spot, and it takes my breath away it hurts so bad, then i can't get it any higher. Sure makes it hard to put my hair up on top my head or even brush it properly.(I have long hair) I am sorry your flaring too, what is it the fall flare season, that seems to be when it hit me. I'm doing some better , well kind of, I can scratch my nose today with screaming, so I guess thats improvement. Please take care of yourself.

I heard from to day(TX) Believe it or not her arm in bothering her too. This must be the arm season too. She said to let you all know that she is doing pretty good, But right now its difficult for her to type, with her right arm like it is, she can't raise it high enough to put in on the keyboard to type. So send some good thoughts her way too.

I'm beginning to think I don't have a good joint in my body, lets just start up a business of lube jobs on the body, and grease and oil our joints till they work better and don't hurt. think that would help. How about one of those 10 minutes in and out places.

Well at least my ears aren't too bad right now, the redness in them sort of comes and goes. The worst is on the inside.

Now you listen to me, please take care of your self and don't over do on the stress or work end of it. We want you here a long long time. I'm so happy your on the road to recovery.

Hey Lu, hows life in ALA, interesting I bet. Hope your doing better since your Mayo visit.

Blue please keep up the post, i absolutely love to hear from you, its always interesting.

Marilyn, how your shoulder doing now, oh how about the eyes, twitiching yet.

Judy O. I don't hear much from you, is all ok with you??? I worry about those that don't post how they are.

Well if I have missed you its not intentinal, please forgive, I do care, but it would take forever to post to each 200 Plus of you.

love from West Vriginia


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