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I'm sitting here drinking coffee and wondering where to start.

I've been reading and planning to write you from my heart.

After days and days of saving, the digest clips build up.

So I'll just write to all of you. Think I'll need another cup!

Starting from now going to then...I do things backwords!


#1 (2719)

I take 900 mg of Neurontin daily (300 mg x 3) It had helped some

of the pain. It's an interesting med developed for epilepsy I


I found a pile of stuff about it at: CFS/FMS/MCS/Lyme Information

Page (home.tampabay.rr.com/lymecfs/index.html)

You wrote:

" ...Oh... for all of you who haven't been to the Foundation site in a

while, Roy has really been working on it and it looks great. It isn't

done yet, but check it out. www.polychondritis.org Thank you

Roy!!!!! "

From blue:

I haven't. He has. It does! I did. Thank you Roy!!!!


#2 (2714) From blue to: Heidi

I was a little nosey myself!

RP ain't going to put me on the shelf!

Went on the site.

It was a delight.

I read the brochure.

Now I am sure.

I stand with you guys.

I ain't telling lies!


#3 (2713)

Message: 16

Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2002 12:50:39 EDT

From: RCColloran@...

Subject: Re:

In a message dated 9/5/02 9:44:12 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

sisterslk@... writes:

<< and that is because that test is lousy for measuring

inflammation! >>Squeek,

" ...mine said the same thing and he runs a sed rate along with a

C reactive protein. Says it's much more reliable, but still not fool

proof. "

From blue:

Mine too. 16 months ago, SED was way down. C reactive was

up! Sent me back to PCP with same dx as last rheumy in `95 =

Fibro. No more tests. No more appointments. Added (as a

sleep-aid) Desipramine back to my meds. End of case!


#4 (2712) To LU from blue

Message: 14

Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2002 22:53:14 EDT

From: Lu1953@...

Subject: Re: Digest Number 2711/ Sandy

Hi sandy,

I had you on my mind and was just fixing to post to ask how you

were, you must have known :).


Lu to you

I was just fixing

To do some mixing

When I thought of you!

Over there trying

I'm not lying...

To make Sandy feel good too!

When I read your post

I thought you were the most...

Southern gal on the block.

I'm here posting

With a little bit of boasting

We come from mighty good stock!


I consider myself a southern gal too! Partly... sort of. I have

" migrated south " four times: Tennessee 75-77; Texas, most

recently 98-99; and Mississippi twice, 82-83 and 88-90. But

actually, I was " hatched and trained to fly " in the Dairy State.

Anyway that's what they called Wisconsin before the

Packers/Cheese Heads/and Bret Farb.(sp?)

You football folks may remember Farb was quarterback all four

years of his college career at the University of Southern

Mississippi. My husband likes to brag about his times in the

press box watching the star as starting quarterback when Farb

was a " true freshman. " Larry was on management staff for Food

Service when I was a student (way older than average!) at USM.

I never could bring myself to see Farb play! You know, being so

close to a rising star can be intimidating! Somehow Bret and I

had to go our separate ways. I just lost interest in sports

altogether (and with it the sumu wrestling scholarship I was

striving to earn) Later, I transferred to Oregon State University.

You know what Farb did!

It seems so strange that Farb is in my home state. He is a real

southern boy. I think his middle name should be Buba!

I do digress! I said all that to say... I still say " I'm fixing to! " (blue is

fix'en to! it rhymes!)

P.S. Just caught up with the posts. Lu! you're in the hospital! I

wondered why I'd been thinking about you today! 8:}


#5 (2709)

Message: 6

Subject: NANCY don't know where to begin

Among other interesting things wrote:

" ... They shot some stuff in my neck to try and get the disc off the

nerves and they sedated me in the operating room so no telling

what else crawled inside my body. HAHA... "

From blue:

This sounds like something from the X-files! How close are you

to Roswell NM?

I'd like to suggest we all try 's New cRaP Therapy!




I just can't get over that one! I feel a poem coming on!

screams at everyone

Look down the road

And she will come...

Hollering loud as she can do

She'll yell at me

She'll yell at you!

blue is not blue anymore

Nan's got me rolling

On the floor!

Message: 6

Subject: Theresa I can relate


" ...my brother who hadn't seen me since I lost all my hair from

the cytoxan started yelling at me for faking an illness... exactly

what kind of disease did I THINK I had.

From blue:

What is this? Why do some of these people who should be so

much a part of us, hurt us so? Pleople will tell you to " turn the

other cheek " But after that... there are no directions! I suggest

KICK _ _ _!


" ... When people hear that I have been sick and on a

chemo drug, they expect to see this poor frail looking thing.

Instead here comes roll polly with a big silly looking grin on her

face. "

blue says:

Forget the " roll polly " Keep the grin!


#6 (2707) &

Message: 19

Date: Tue, 3 Sep 2002 12:41:55 EDT

From: RCColloran@...

Subject: Re:

wrote this to

" ...I still have friends and relatives that give me a hard time about

my looks. I was always a stick, they complained because I was

too thin and looked anorexic. Now they tell me how " puffy " I

look. I like to think of myself as " fluffy " !!

" Last year at this time, we were at Heidi's house for our first get

together. You know what??? We all felt at ease and like we had

known each other for ever. We knew each other from the inside

and not from looks. You are beautiful inside as well as outside

and don't let anyone ever tell you any different. "

From blue

To your brother and her mother

You think she's puffy

She says she's fluffy

I know she's just OK!

We felt at ease

Happy as you please

We were friends right away!

There's more beauty can't you see?

When you look at her and me

Than you see in your mirror everyday!




bad blue! bad bad blue!

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