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Re: Mayo Clinic?

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My experience at the Mayo Clinic was such a favorable one that I'm happy to

share it with you. I was sent to see the pseudocyst specialist, a

Pancreatologist by the name of Dr. Lange, upon the

recommendation of my GI doctor from Savannah. My doctor was a collegue

of Dr. Lange at the Mayo Clinic during their Mayo training in Rochester, Minn.,

many years ago.

The reason for my appointment was to review and discuss whether there

were any surgical or drainage options for me in regard to the two pancreatic

pseudocysts that I've had for the last four years. These pseudocysts have

periodically reduced in size, only to increase during times of severe


but they have not resolved on their own, as many pseudocysts do. Since one

of them keeps increasing to a hazardous size of over 6 cm., my doctor and I

are often concerned about the risks of it rupturing. I was told by a surgeon a

few years ago that due to the abnormal anatomical positioning of my

pancreas and the positions of the pseudocysts, that conventional drainage

procedures would not be possible because access to the pseudocysts is too

resticted. I was also told that surgical removal would be too risky, for much

the same reasons.

Because of this, my gastroenterologist has chosen to monitor the status of the

pseudocysts by ultrasound or ct-scan every three months, and not try any

more invasive procedures. He wanted me to have the benefit of a second

opinion by a specialist whose primary medical practice concentrated in

pancreatic pseudocysts only, so he referred me to the Mayo Clinic in Jax,

which is only a 2 1/2 drive from my home.

Once the appointment was made, my husband and I drove down to

ville. The entire process of registration and the actual appointment

on the first day was handled promptly and very efficiently by the Mayo staff,

with very brief waits at registration and in the gastroenterology department on

the 4th floor. I found Dr. Lange to be very warm and personable, yet highly

knowledgeable and experienced in every aspect of pancreatitis and

pseudocysts. He examined me first and spoke to me at length, and then

asked my husband to come in with us, so he could speak with both of us. I

had brought along all my records, as well as 16 ct-scans that had been taken

during the past three years, which the doctor had reviewed briefly before

speaking with me a second time. My doctor had sent all my current records to

Dr. Lange previous to my arrival, for him to review before I got there.

I had questions concerning my current treatment, as well as questions about

the safety of me remaining on narcotic analgesics for the remainder of my life.

At that time, I was using a 75 mg. duragesic patch every 48 hours, and taking

10-20 mgs. of oxycodone for breakthrough pain. He reassured me by saying

that I would suffer no ill effects if I had to remain on these narcotics for as


as they were necessary, forever, if need be.

It was Dr. Lange's determination that any surgery performed to try to remove

the pseudocysts would only endanger my present comfort levels, and could

very well be a serious risk to my health and my life. His opinion on drainage

also concurred with that of the surgeon who had treated me earlier. It was his

feeling that the course of treatment that my local GI was taking me was the

best that could be done for someone with my individual circumstances, and

the only change he recommended was that only ct-scans be used to monitor

my pseudocysts every 6 months, not ultrasounds, as they, he felt, were not

definitive enough. Additionally, the ct-scans could also detect any future

cancer, where the ultrasounds can't.

Dr. Lange also wanted to have several different types of bloodwork done on

me, and another ct-scan for his personal review before I left. He said that if

anything was detected that merited additional follow up at the Clinic, he would

have it scheduled for me. The ct-scan and bloodwork was done the following

day, precisely at the scheduled times, with only a 15 minute wait beforehand,

which was common for all patients at the Clinic. Dr. Lange called my doctor a

few days after my appointment, and within a week of that, he sent a complete

accounting of the appointment and his findings and recommendations to my


Each member of the staff at the facility were curteous, upbeat and very

pleasant to talk to. No questions were left unanswered, and I was asked to

call back at any time if I thought of anything else that hadn't been discussed

and explained thoroughly. I wouldn't hesitate to return there at any time, and

if it were every necessary for any surgery to be done relating to my

pancreatitis, or anything else, for that matter, that's the place that I'd

prefer to

have it done.

Since my experiences at the ville Clinic differ so greatly from those

I've heard of patients that went to the Clinic in Rochester, Minn., I thought it

was best to explain that apparently each Clinic is different. Although they are

all " supposed " to be operating under the same philosophy, with the same

standards, it appears that the Arizona and ville Clinics have collected

the cream of the crop out of the whole operation.

If there's anything else you wanted to know, please write again.

With love, hope and prayers,


Heidi H. Griffeth

South Carolina Rep.

SE Regional Rep., PAI

Note: All comments or advice are based on my personal experiences or

opinion only, and should never be substituted for the consultation and

recommendations of your physician or other medical professionals.

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